An Intentional Attempt to Keep Palestinian Journalists Away

Yousef Munnayer, executive direction of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, described Nazi violence as “an intentional attempt to keep Palestinian journalists away from capturing these images and bringing them to the world to see.”


Seven Palestinian journalists, all wearing clothing clearly identifying themselves as members of the press, were shot by Nazi forces during last Friday’s “March of Return” in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. One reporter, photojournalist Yaser Murtaja, succumbed to his wounds.
Despite Nazi indiscriminate targeting of Gazans over the past two Fridays, resulting in 29 deaths and over a thousand injuries, the U.S. media and government has paid very little attention to the situation.This despite Nazi Defense Minster Avigdor Lieberman blatantly admitting that the Israeli military views all of Gaza’s two million inhabitants—trapped in a small strip of land under an air, land and sea blockade enforced by the Nazi regime and it’s Puppet in Egypt—as Hamas agents and thus legitimate military targets. “There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip,”  he told  Zionist public radio. “Everyone’s connected to Hamas, everyone gets a salary from Hamas, and all the activists trying to challenge us and breach the border are Hamas military wing activists.”
Appearing on MSNBC this weekend (see video above), Yousef Munnayer, executive director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, described Nazi targeting of journalists as a blatant attempt to prevent local journalists from showing the world images of Palestinian suffering and Nazi aggression.
As Nazi escalates its attacks on unarmed civilians and journalists, it’s essential that everyone contact their elected officials to demand that Nazi regime be held accountable and continue to support independent news outlets that give voice to the brave journalists operating on the ground in Gaza. 

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