Dear organisers,
Today PSC and the TUC are proud to launch the Ban Settlement Goods Campaign, which aims to take Israeli settlement produce and goods off the shelves of Britain ’s shops.
 We have produced an online campaign toolkit to help everyone who shares our aim to get involved. In the toolkit, you’ll find a comprehensive briefing on settlements, their impact on the Palestinians of the West Bank and information on Britain ’s connection with these illegal entities.
You’ll also find ways of taking practical action, including model letters to send to your MP, MEP and local supermarket if you find it selling settlement goods. There are also suggestions of how to use modern methods of communication, such as Facebook and Twitter, to take your campaign further, a media strategy to get the message out to the wider world, and information on organising consumer action.
Trade unions across the country are also getting involved in the campaign, lobbying the government, putting pressure on supermarkets, and asking their members to boycott settlement goods.
 Together, PSC and the TUC can really make a difference. We urge you to get in touch with your local trades union council and work with them on this vital campaign. Get all your branch members and supporters involved too, and we can turn this into one of our biggest campaigns of the year.
 United, we can stop stolen goods from stolen lands ending up on our shelves. Take action now!
 In solidarity,

Dear Friend,
In the 43rd year of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the repression of its people is worse than ever.
This must end. The Palestinians have a right to live with dignity, free from occupation.
To coincide with the call for a Global Day of Action on 30 March 2010, made by the Palestinian Boycott National Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign is pleased to launch a campaign in partnership with the TUC which aims to end the sale of settlement produce in Britain.
The British government has recognised that the settlements are illegal and an obstacle to peace. Yet produce from Palestine’s stolen land — fruits, herbs, beauty products, DIY tools — are being sold in our supermarkets and shops, helping to economically sustain the settlements and strengthening the occupation.
Take action using our campaign tool-kit. Inside you’ll find:

All available at:

Together, we can send a clear message that the international community is serious — Israel’s illegal occupation must end, and it must abide by international law.
In solidarity,
Designed by Mulberry Design

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