Bolivia: Union Sectors Begin Dialogue Over Law No. 1386

Representatives of the government and the transport sector meet in Chuquisaca, Bolivia, Nov. 13, 2021.

The Law seeks to fight illicit profits and the financing of terrorism; however, trade unions consider it is an instrument to persecute the informal sector or allow arbitrarities.

In Bolivia, representatives from President Luis Arce’s government and trade union sectors set up a round table to discuss Law no. 1386, which seeks to establish a legal framework to combat illicit enrichment and terrorism. 

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Previously, Union sectors unleashed an indefinite strike in at least four cities in rejection of the law. They alleged that the new rule opens the possibility for using a discretionary strategy to persecute sectors such as the informal sector or arbitrarities from the Financial Investigations Unit (UIF).

Union Sector Confederation’s Executive Secretary Rodolfo Mancilla expressed that even though Law no. 1386 did not affect retailers, it had different points to criticize. 

Saturday’s meeting takes place in Cochabamba, where government representatives seek to reach agreements since the regulations to enforce the law have not yet been approved.

On Aug. 16, 2021, President Arce promulgated the law, which has been in force for almost three months.

The Government assures that this norm is a framework regulation seeking to define the Andean nation’s strategy to fight against illicit profits and the financing of terrorism.

“The government has the maximum amplitude to listen to the sectors, that has always been the tonic that we have given to our mandate, and we are a government that will govern by listening to the people,” Economy Minister Marcelo Montenegro said. 

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