

US imperialism & Libya

NOVANEWS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO 'US imperialism will push them into Libya's war'     crescentandcross  Categories: Uncategorized | URL:   watch?v=1fFy6nBonfs&feature=player_embedded#at=177

Libya: Noose Tightens

NOVANEWS     CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO Airstrikes in Libya did not take place - Russian military   crescentandcross  Categories: Uncategorized | URL: watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TncgsS0FDWg

No to No Fly Zones in Libya

NOVANEWS   The primary reason for opposition to the war is its cost to us. A second cause is the feeling that the cost to its victims is too great. At first glance, this reaction seems to be at a higher moral level, than the first, but this is questionable. The principle that we should retract our claws when the victim bleeds too much is hardly an elevated one. What about opposition to the war on the grounds that we have no right to stabilize or restructure Vietnamese society, or to carry out experiments with "material and human resources control" that delight the "pacification theorist"? Such opposition is slight, and in the political arena virtually nonexistent. The pragmatic and responsible student of contemporary affairs does not descend to such emotionalism. Apparently 200 Arab NGO...

Ex-Pats & The Refugees of Libya

NOVANEWS modernityblog  Tags: Ex-pats, expats, Libya, Refugees, revolt, UN, UNHCR | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: Whilst ordinary Libyans are murdered in the streets most Western expats have been repatriated from Libya and a few are held up within their compounds, but what we shouldn't forget is the real refugees from this revolt, workers from the developed world. Libya was a temporary home for workers from around the world and whereas Western governments have made some effort, even dispatching naval ships, that hasn't always been possible for countries from the developed world. Their workers, their citizens, are left to defend themselves, many have made it to Tunisia and are living off of the charity of the Tunisians or Libyans. But that isn't good...

Is Barack Obama About To Order The U.S. Military To Invade Libya?

As insane as it might sound, the United States may soon be getting involved in another war in the Middle East.  According to White House spokesman Jay Carney, "no options" have been taken off the table when it comes to the situation in Libya.  By saying that "all options" are being considered, that is basically a way for the Obama administration to threaten Gadhafi without actually coming right out and threatening him.  In recent days, news reports have been appearing all over the mainstream media hyping the possibility that we may have to take military action in Libya.  This would not be happening if the White House did not want it to happen.  The truth is that Barack Obama is apparently seriously considering U.S. military action in Libya.  At first that would probably consist of air st...
Africa, Libya


NOVANEWS   MORAL AUTHORITY COMES FROM MORAL ACTS …A CHANCE TO REDEEM OUR SACRED HONOR By Gordon Duff The brutality in Libya can’t be allowed to continue.  Colonel Gaddafi, through his sweetheart deals with oil companies and his “good friends” like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, has managed to remain in power for over 40 years.  America has prepared to topple his rule a dozen times, each time he has maneuvered, bribed and cajoled, each time he has managed to survive. Now he is murdering his own people by the thousand.  He is doing so because he has no place to go in exile.  Nobody will have him.  He is fighting for his life like a caged animal. When Saddam slaughtered the Kurds, Bush Sr. stood silent, called back our aircraft and watched. We are now doing the same, talking sanct...