South Africa

South Africa

Popular democratic power is the way to challenge inequality

NOVANEWS Abahlali Thapelo Mohapi The most important task in the struggle for a more equal society is to build the power of impoverished people through building democratic popular organisations. It is through these organisations that the people can challenge the state and capital. [This talk was presented at a forum entitled, ‘Fighting Inequality – Talks on How to Change the World’, 23 November 2016, Oslo, Norway.] Greetings to all. I am Thapelo Mohapi the current elected General Secretary of the movement Abahlali baseMjondolo. I would like to begin by thanking our friends at Norwegian People's Aid for the invitation to participate in this discussion. Abahlali baseMjondolo is a democratic movement of shack dwellers and other impoverished and marginal...
South Africa

South Africa’s junk credit rating was avoided, but at the cost of junk analysis

NOVANEWS Punch NG Patrick Bond Major investors were hoping Zuma would fall, but the ruling ANC turned to well-tested strategies to yet again protect him. And although credit rating agencies had offered pessimistic commentary on Zuma’s reign in their most recent statements, they did not downgrade South Africa to junk status. But the whip remains poised above the country’s head, awaiting next June’s ratings. Standard&Poors (S&P) gave South Africa a fearful few hours of anticipation last Friday, just after dust from the political windstorm of the prior week settled. The agency downgraded the government’s securities that are denominated in the local currency (the Rand) although it refrained from the feared junk status on international securities. It wa...