
Africa, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe: President Robert Mugabe told to resign from office in 24 hours after being stripped of party leadership

NOVANEWS The ruling ZANU-PF party stripped Mugabe of his party powers while issuing him an ultimatum to vacate the office of President within 24 hours. by: ADAM GARRIE Embattled Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has been formally removed from his leadership of the ZANU-PF party which before its merger with rival Zimbabwe African People’s Union in 1987, he helped to lead during the period of UDI Rhodesia, as the Zimbabwe African National Union. Later, he was told by ZANU-PF that if he did not relinquish the Presidency in 24 hours, his safety could not be guaranteed. This represents a seismic blow to  Mugabe whose leadership of ZANU-PF was seen as all but permanent in the eyes of many Zimbabweans and international observers. Additionally, Mugabe’s wife Grace has been expelled from t...
Africa, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe: Domestic Rivalries, US-China Competition Underlie Political Crisis

NOVANEWS The political turmoil in Zimbabwe is a product of both domestic factional rivalries and broader international political intrigue. Don’t let the corporate media impose its usual superficial narrative on the events in Zimbabwe; as with all things Africa, there’s so much more than meets the eye. by Eric Draitser NEW YORK (Analysis) — On November 14, 2017 military forces in Zimbabwe took control of the streets, sequestered President Robert Mugabe in his residence, and publicly announced that the kinda sorta but not really coup was merely a clean-up operation intended to “target criminals.” While the claim does have some merit – Zimbabwe’s government, like those of nearly all nations in Africa and the Global South, grapples with endemic corruption – it remains difficult to ...
Africa, Zimbabwe

Preliminary notes on the apparent coup in Zimbabwe

NOVANEWS By Eugene Puryear While the exact details are still unclear, and the situation still unfolding with several conflicting reports, it is clear that a coup is now underway in Zimbabwe. The army has taken over the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), blocked access to parliament and placed President Robert Mugabe under house arrest. The coup appears to have been planned well ahead of time with one source telling the Guardian newspaper that for several months negotiations have been ongoing between the army and various opposition figures in preparation for it. Currently the military leaders are claiming that President Mugabe is still officially the president, and that the apparent house arrest is “for his own safety.” Coup leaders have stated they are purely targeting “criminals...
Africa, Zimbabwe

Civil society organizations ask Mugabe to step down

NOVANEWS Zimbabwe CSOs joint statement on the military take over Zimbabwe CSOs More than a hundred civil society organizations have urged Robert Mugabe to resign as president of Zimbabwe following military intervention in the country’s politics. The organizations have also asked the military to ensure restoration of the constitutional order and an inclusive process to resolve Zimbabwe’s political and socio-economic problems. We the undersigned civil society organisations guided by the Constitution express our concern over the political developments in Zimbabwe, today Wednesday 15 November 2017. We call for the peaceful and constitutional resolution of the situation and the immediate return of Constitutional order and democracy in Zimbabwe. As civil society we rei...
Africa, Zimbabwe

IN PICTURES: Likely players in post-coup Zimbabwe unity government

NOVANEWS Zimbabwe's army appears to be pushing for a quick and bloodless end to 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe's 37 years in power, to be replaced by a national unity government headed by his former deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa. According to political sources in Harare, Mugabe - now under house arrest in his lavish Harare home - was resisting pressure to stand down voluntarily. Assuming he does, the following are likely to be key players in the expected settlement, according to political sources in Zimbabwe and South Africa and several years of Zimbabwean intelligence documents seen by Reuters: Emmerson Mnagagwa.  Image: Twitter/@hinamundi EMMERSON MNANGAGWA (LIKELY PRESIDENT) A lifelong Mugabe aide and 1970s liberation war veteran known as "The Crocodile", Mn...

Britain urges no violence in Zimbabwe

NOVANEWS Britain on Wednesday expressed cautious optimism after the military took control of Zimbabwe, but warned against any transition "from one unelected tyrant to the next". "The situation is still fluid, and we would urge restraint on all sides because we want to see and we would call for an avoidance of violence," Prime Minister Theresa May told MPs. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson urged caution in predicting the future of President Robert Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence from Britain in 1980. "Hopes have been disappointed so many times. But there is hope, there is a real chance now that things will change in Zimbabwe," he said. "But it's by no means a foregone conclusion. Everybody will have to work hard together to achieve that. "Nobody wants ...