
Armenia, Human Rights, Turkey

“There is not a single Armenian left in the villages”

By VT Editors  What Moscow knew about the actions of the Turkish authorities April 24 is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide. The events in the Ottoman Empire, which began in 1915, still cause a lot of controversy and controversy. Therefore, the first published description of the tragedy and its results, made by a diplomat in northeastern Turkey, deserves special attention. Moreover, they represented Soviet Russia, which became an ally of the Kemalist government. From the statistical essays on the Trapezond vilayet of the representative of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR in Trapezond (Trebizond, Trabzon) K.N.Yusta, March 8, 1922. (Yust prepared information about the situation in the region for the “Bullet...
Day of the Drone
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Syria, Turkey, USA

Day of the Drone

BY CONN HALLINAN Photograph Source: Debra Sweet – CC BY 2.0 In the aftermath of the recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, drone warfare is being touted as the latest breakthrough in military technology, a “magic bullet” that makes armored vehicles obsolete, defeats sophisticated anti-aircraft systems, and rout entrenched infantry. While there is some truth in the hype, one needs to be especially wary of military “game changers,” since there is always a seller at the end of the pitch. In his examination of the two major books on drones–Christian Brose’s “The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare,” and Michael Boyle’s “The Drone Age”–military analyst Andrew Cockburn points out that the victims of drones...
Armenia, Azerbaijan

Nagorno-Karabakh War is over. What now? Azerbaijani and Armenian forces halt their operations and keep the positions that they currently control. The sides also agreed on exchange of prisoners of war.By South Front -November 10, 20203780 …from Russian peacekeepers are deploying to Nagorno-Karabakh after a permanent ceasefire was established in the region at 00:00 local time on November 10. 1,970 troops, 90 armored personnel carriers and 380 units of other equipment are set to be deployed in the region. The core of the peacekeeping contingent will be units of the 15th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade. According to the statement signed by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir P...
Armenia, Azerbaijan

Armenian Defense Collapsed In Central Nagorno-Karabakh. Shusha Is In Hands Of Azerbaijan

By South Front The Armenian defense in the central part of the Nagorno-Karabakh region is in a deep crisis. Intense clashes in the areas of Martuni and Shusha were ongoing for the entire last week. Nonetheless, on the evening of November 7, Azerbaijani units were able to achieve notable progress in the battle for this key Armenian stronghold by reaching its northeastern countryside and disrupting the road link between Shusha and Stepanakert. Some Azerbaijani units even entered the town itself. On the morning of November 8, clashes there continued and, in the afternoon, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani forces had captured the town. Pro-Azerbaijani sources immediately declared that at least 800 Armenia...
Artsarkh accuses the Nazi regime of complicity in preparing genocide
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Politics, ZIO-NAZI

Artsarkh accuses the Nazi regime of complicity in preparing genocide

On 11 October 2020, the president of the self-proclaimed Artsakh Republic, Arayik Harutyunyan (photo), accused the Jewish Nazi regime of having actively participated in the “4-day war”in 2016 and of being involved, with full knowledge of the facts, in the one being carried out in 2020. According to him, the suicidal intent of Turkey and Azerbaijan is incontrovertible as regards the systematic mass murder perpetrated by the populations of those two states in 1894-95 and again in 1915-23 against non-Muslims and the Armenian Orthodox community, in particular. The Nazi regime supplied arms to Azerbaijan three days before the outbreak of hostilities, with another delivery taking place three days after the start of the war [1]. At present, Nazi officers are instructing the Azerbaijani ar...
Nazi High Court rejects motion to ban arms sales to Azerbaijan
Armenia, Azerbaijan, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi High Court rejects motion to ban arms sales to Azerbaijan

By: John Phoenix Although the radar returns recorded by Flight24 reveal that two Azerbaijani military transport aircraft landed in Israel to load up cargo just before and just after the attack on Artsakh, the Israeli High Court considered that this did not prove that Israeli weapons were being used today against the Armenians [1]. While Amnesty International has testified that the Azerbaijani army deploys Nazi drones against Armenian civilians, the Nazi High Court decided that this did not prove they had been intentionally sold for that purpose. In fact, Nazi drones were already being displayed at Azerbaijani military parades as early as 2015. Judge Yosef Elron, therefore, dismissed the petition which had been submitted to the High Court [2], making it impossible for ei...
Will Artsakh (Karabagh) be the tomb of Erdoğan ?
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey

Will Artsakh (Karabagh) be the tomb of Erdoğan ?

by Thierry Meyssan The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict certainly had its origins in the dissolution of the USSR, but it was revived by the will of the Turkish president. It is unlikely that he took this initiative without first referring it to Washington. This is also what President Saddam Hussein did before invading Kuwait, falling by ambition into the trap set for him and causing his downfall. On his Twitter account, President Erdoğan wrote on the day of the outbreak of hostilities: " - During the phone calls we had today, a wise and resolute stance, the "one nation, two states" approach, once again testifies, as I mentioned to Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, that Turkey will continue to strengthen its cooperation with its Azerbaijani brothers. - As we call on the Ar...
Armenia, Azerbaijan

Armenian-Azerbaijani War – One Month After

By South Front  After a month of war, the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc continues to keep the initiative in the conflict, exploiting its advantage in air power, artillery, military equipment and manpower. The coming days are likely to show whether Ankara and Baku are able to deliver a devastating blow to Armenian forces in Karabakh in the nearest future or not. If Armenian forces repel the attack on Lachin, a vital supply route from Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, they will win the opportunity to survive till the moment when the ‘international community’ finally takes some real steps to pressure Turkey and Azerbaijan enough to force them to stop the ongoing advance. If this does not happen, the outcome of the war seems to be predetermined. Meanwhile, Azerbaijani forces continue their a...
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey

Neo-Ottoman Nights of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

By South Front  Turkish Sultan-in-Chief Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come up with a justification for the deployment of Syrian militants to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone to support the war against Armenia. According to him, at least 2,000 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) are supporting Armenian forces there. During the meeting with the ruling Justice and Development Party parliamentary group, Erdogan claimed that during the phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he allegedly told him that Turkish authorities, “have identified, through intelligence sources, that there are some 2,000 PKK terrorists fighting for Armenia at the moment for $600. Mr. President said he was not aware of that.” “I have told Putin ...
Evidence emerges of Azeri soldiers executing Armenian POWs
Armenia, Azerbaijan

Evidence emerges of Azeri soldiers executing Armenian POWs

Video footage on social media shows Azeri troops capturing and executing two Armenian prisoners of war Servicemen dispose of unexploded munitions in Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh, October 12, 2020. (Source: Sergei Bobylev/TASS via Reuters Connect) Editor’s note: This piece contains descriptions of graphic imagery. On the morning of October 15, 2020, video footage from the village of Hadrut in Nagorno-Karabakh emerged of Azeri soldiers capturing and later executing two Armenian soldiers. Mistreatment and murder of prisoners of war is prohibited under the Third Geneva Convention and is considered a war crime. The evidence came in the form of two videos, one depicting the capture of two men in Armenian uniforms –one elderly, and one of more common fighting age — in the...