
Ilham Aliyev addressed the people of Azerbaijan

Ilham Aliyev addressed the people of Azerbaijan

by Ilham Aliyev VOLTAIRE NETWORK | BAKU (AZERBAIJAN ) | 27 SEPTEMBER 2020 This morning Armenia’s armed forced fired on our residential areas and our military positions, from several directions, using various types of weaponry, including heavy artillery. As a result of the enemy fire, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population and our servicemen. May Allah rest our martyrs in peace! Shedding of their blood will not go unpunished. Azerbaijan’s army is currently firing on the enemy’s military positions, and as a result of these strikes, enemy’s heavy military hardware has been eliminated extensively. It is another manifestation of Armenian fascism. Armenia’s military provocations against Azerbaijan have become regular of late. In July, our servicemen and a civilian w...
4 000 jihadists in Nagorno-Karabakh
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey

4 000 jihadists in Nagorno-Karabakh

DEUTSCHESPAÑOLFRANÇAISITALIANOPORTUGUÊSTÜRKÇE According to Armenia’s Ambassador to Moscow, Vardan Toganyan, ahead of the clashes Turkey deployed 4,000 jihadists from northern Syria to Azerbaijan, where they received training before attacking Nagorno-Karabakh. Since the beginning of the year, Turkey has been drawing on its reserve of Syria-based jihadists to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, against the Tobruk-Benghazi Assembly.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, USA

Even Americans are afraid of America

By Gordon Duff, Police form a line on H Street as demonstrators gather to protest the death of George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, near the White House in Washington. Floyd died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, …with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow, …and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a research institution for the study of the countries and cultures of Asia and North Africa. [ Editor’s Note: Gordon goes on a deep dive today into his personal archives. You are going to learn a lot more about him, how his value system was formed in the crucible of the post war Detriot suburbs. There were the poisoned factories that where killing mach...
Armenia, Azerbaijan, C.I.A, Turkey, USA

As war goes on, Armenia asks Trump if he gave Turkey F 16s to aid Erdogan’s New Holocaust

By VT Editors  RT/Moscow: Armenia’s prime minister wants clarification from the US about the sale of F-16s to Turkey, claiming the advanced jets are bombing civilians amid the ‘existential’ battle with Azerbaijan over the contested Nagorno-Karabakh.– Turkey and Azerbaijan strongly denied the claims, but the rebuttals have not prevented Armenia from raising the issue of Ankara’s perceived involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh fighting with its major NATO ally, the United States. Last Thursday, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a telephone conversation with US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, the New York Times reported on Monday. Washington “needs to explain whether it gave those F-16s [to Turkey] to bomb peaceful villages and peaceful populat...
Iran’s Baku embassy condemns attacks on civilians, nonmilitary sites in Karabakh war
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran

Iran’s Baku embassy condemns attacks on civilians, nonmilitary sites in Karabakh war

Rouhani - "Our region cannot afford another war" …from PressTV, Tehran [ Editor’s Note: Iran seems to have taken the point position in calling for Russia and Turkey to join in to stop the war, despite the evidence of Turkey having been involved in the planning and execution. There are no oil or other economic resources in the disputed area, and Baku has a vastly higher GNP per citizen. Its claims to take over lands based on former wars of conquest, particularly WWI during the days of warlord countries scheming tirelessly at ways to expand their power, are baseless. Azerbaijan historically was not even a country. Armenia has not been one of these aggressors, as a former victim of Turkey’s genocide. We have seen no reparation efforts whatsoever for Turkey’s terrible c...
Baku blinks first – Aliyev calls for ceasefire with Armenia
Armenia, Azerbaijan

Baku blinks first – Aliyev calls for ceasefire with Armenia

Now we will have to wait and see if this ceasefire comes to fruition, or if it was used as a stalling tactic by Aliyev By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor  Azerbaijan’s President says he will agree to ceasefire if Armenia vows to withdraw troops from Karabakh …from Sputnik News, Moscow Netanyahu with Azerbaijani President Aliyev (file photo) [ Editor’s Note: I had my fingers crossed that this fruitless effort by the megalomaniac in Baku would cause him to come to his senses; that there was no military conquest solution, and that he was pissing away his military losses for no gain whatsoever. On the contrary, his silly claim, “we have been waiting for thirty years” for people who have lived on the land for all that time and longer to hand it over to Baku, were a poor...