
Xi claimed US tried to provoke Beijing into Taiwan attack
C.I.A, China, USA

Xi claimed US tried to provoke Beijing into Taiwan attack

RT Xi Jinping has said that the US tried to provoke the Chinese military into attacking Taiwan but that Beijing did not take the bait, the Financial Times reported on Saturday, citing sources. According to people allegedly familiar with the matter, Xi made the remarks during a private meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023. The Chinese president also reportedly relayed concerns about Washington’s alleged attempts to trick Beijing into invading the self-governed island to his officials. Beijing considers Taiwan to be sovereign Chinese territory under its One-China policy. The island has been self-governing since 1949 when nationalists fled the mainland with US help after losing the Chinese Civil War to the communists. F...
China Intercepts Dutch Chopper Near Shanghai, Lambasts Netherlands for Provocation

China Intercepts Dutch Chopper Near Shanghai, Lambasts Netherlands for Provocation

Posted by: John Phoenix By Sergey Lebedev – Sputnik People’s Liberation Army fighter jets escorted a Dutch helicopter that violated Chinese airspace under the auspice of a UN mission. Beijing warned the Netherlands to avoid such incidents in the future. The Dutch military has created a dangerous situation in the East China Sea after using a UN mission as a cover, Chinese Ministry of Defense representative Zhang Xiaogang has said. He added that Beijing urges the Netherlands to limit any activities of their armed forces in the region and vowed decisive counter-measures in response to provocations near China’s territory. The statement came in response to Amsterdam saying that one People’s Liberation Army helicopter and two fighter jets had approached a helicopter ass...
Axis Of War: The Japan-Korea-US Alliance
China, USA

Axis Of War: The Japan-Korea-US Alliance

BY SIMONE CHUN Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain Peter Kuzinick, director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, has described the US as “the most war-making country” in the world. Case in point is the newly-minted Japan-US-Korea alliance (JAKUS), which is being lauded as a historic step toward peace and stability by the Biden administration, but in fact fuels the rising danger of war in the Asia-Pacific as part of Washington’s relentless quest for a US-led unipolar world. On August 18, the first Japan-Korea-US (JAKUS) trilateral summit took place at Camp David amid the deployment of US nuclear assets to the Korean Peninsula, with the ostensible pretext of “enhancing deterrence and cooperation” against North Korea and China. Presid...
From Bad to Worse: Tariffs on Chinese Green Tech Cause Massive Treasuries Dump

From Bad to Worse: Tariffs on Chinese Green Tech Cause Massive Treasuries Dump

BY EVE OTTENBERG Photo by zhang kaiyv So, after egregious theft of foreign reserves and promiscuous abuse of sanctions, Joe “Not the Climate President” Biden slapped huge tariffs on Chinese green tech and guess what? Beijing turned around May 18 and dumped $53 billion-worth of U.S. Treasuries for gold. Are alarm bells going off in federal financial centers and huge efforts underway to reverse this by any ingratiating means possible, because China holds another $700 billion-worth of USTs? No, they are not. China is the U.S.’s second biggest creditor after Japan and now the Biden incompetents have so thoroughly pissed off Beijing that they’re ditching our debt. If China disposes of the whole $700 billion, other nations follow suit and the foreign market for USTs begins t...
Yellen’s visit to Beijing: penny lectures from economic ignoramuses
China, USA

Yellen’s visit to Beijing: penny lectures from economic ignoramuses

Posted by: John Phoenix The USA is outraged to find it no longer calls all the shots on its much-promoted world market. Proletarian writers It turns out that the imperialists are only in favour of a free market if that ‘freedom’ is rigged in their favour. The sight of the USA of all countries complaining about ’unfair competition’ has all the absurdity of a Monthy Python sketch. With the USA’s national debt topping an eye-watering $31tn, inflation running rampant and the accelerating deindustrialisation of the economy, treasury secretary Janet Yellen clearly has her work cut out. But instead of facing up to the reality of the situation at home, Yellen used the occasion of her week-long April visit to Beijing to lecture her hosts on how best to run their ...
Whistleblower exposes Donald Trump’s secret plot against China
China, USA

Whistleblower exposes Donald Trump’s secret plot against China

 By: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. In a bombshell revelation, a former US official, shrouded in anonymity, has blown the lid off a clandestine operation orchestrated by then-US President Donald Trump. According to a report by Reuters on March 14, 2024, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was purportedly greenlit to engage in covert activities targeting Chinese social media platforms. The objective: to sway public opinion within China against its government. This disclosure,...
Trump ordered CIA operation against China
C.I.A, China, USA

Trump ordered CIA operation against China

The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported US President Donald Trump meets China's President Xi Jinping in Beijing on November 9, 2017 © AFP / Fred Dufour Former US President Donald Trump authorized a secret CIA influence campaign aimed at smearing the Chinese government and turning public opinion against its leaders, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing ex-officials with knowledge of the operation. According to the report, the CIA formed a team of operatives in 2019 who used fake internet identities to spread “negative narratives” about President Xi Jinping’s government and leak “disparaging intelligence” to foreign news outlets. Among the narratives spread by the CIA on Chines...
Still Treading on the Precipice: The U.S. and China at Year’s End
China, USA

Still Treading on the Precipice: The U.S. and China at Year’s End

BY MICHAEL KLARE Photograph Source: President of the United States – Public Domain This hasn’t exactly been a year of good news when it comes to our war-torn, beleaguered planet, but on November 15th, U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping took one small step back from the precipice. Until they talked in a mansion near San Francisco, it seemed as if their countries were locked in a downward spiral of taunts and provocations that might, many experts feared, result in a full-blown crisis, even a war — even, god save us all, the world’s first nuclear war. Thanks to that encounter, though, such dangers appear to have receded. Still, the looming question facing both countries is whether that retreat from disaster — what the Chinese are now calling the “San Francisc...
War Fever: Why China Should Prepare for the Worst

War Fever: Why China Should Prepare for the Worst

By Mike Whitney Global Research, Washington is positioning its assets at chokepoints across Central Asia to block critical rail corridors that link Beijing to Europe. It’s part of a US plan to isolate China from western markets following an outbreak of hostilities in Taiwan. The destruction of Nordstream is the key to understanding how Washington plans to deal with China. The pipeline effectively erased the geographic borders between Russia and Germany creating a de facto free trade zone that spanned the continents and increased the prosperity of both trading partners. The arrangement anticipated a much larger commons area that would extend from “Lisbon to Vladivostok”, in fact, that was Vladimir Putin’s explicit goal. Washington saw this as a t...
Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism?
China, Germany, Japan, ZIO-NAZI

Will China’s Rise be as Problematic as the Rise of Germany and Japan? What About Jewish Supremacist Power and the Problems of White Submissivism?

https://youtu.be/sQqQSQFtSo0 JUNG-FREUD  Share to Gab Some geopolitical strategists fear that China’s rise in the 21st century will mirror the dramatic rises of Germany and Japan in the late 19th century that came to plague the first half of the 20th century, though for reasons not entirely their own. Perhaps, it’s a misplaced fear. Such assurance may seem counterintuitive because China is so much bigger and more populous than Germany or Japan. Paradoxically, however, China might be less dangerous than Japan and Germany precisely because it is the bigger nation. Being huge in landmass and population, China is more likely to be satisfied with what it has. China surely seeks to expand trade around the world but doesn’t need to conquer or control other nations to be a great po...