
Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL
C.I.A, Iran, Nicaragua

Iran/Contra pt. 3 WACL

   Beyond Iran Contra part 3: The Origins of the World Anti-Communist League  With a Special Thanks to @arrghshell of    On February 28 1986 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was gunned down in the streets while returning home with his wife after a movie. His killers were never brought to justice. Palme was a victim of the World Anti-Communist League or WACL. Palme had defied the American Empire one too many times. First he angered the empire by opposing the war in Vietnam enraging the Nixon administration by marching in solidarity with the North Vietnamese ambassador and in opposition to the genocidal war being waged on the people of Vietnam in the name of stopping the spread of communism. He further angered the empire by his friendly ties to Castro's...
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi Meets Members of Neturei Karat, a Pro-palestinian Jewish Anti-Zionist Organization

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi Meets Members of Neturei Karat, a Pro-palestinian Jewish Anti-Zionist Organization

US Mainstream Media Ignores Meeting By Timothy Alexander Guzman The US mainstream media chose to ignore a meeting that took place at the recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) gathering of world leaders between Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi and an Ultra-Orthodox organization of anti-Zionist Jews called Neturei Karta. The meeting was obviously not in any way newsworthy for any of the mainstream media networks based in the United States, but several Israeli media networks covered the story including The Jerusalem Post who published what Raisi had said in the meeting and that was that Iran has no issues with the Jewish people or its faith “I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here and this is a great thing,” said Raisi. ...
Iran: General Soleimani unmasked US, Israel; expanded authority of regional resistance

Iran: General Soleimani unmasked US, Israel; expanded authority of regional resistance

Martyr General Qassem Soleimani, former chief of IRGC's Quds Force. (File Photo) Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh says the resistance front has expanded its authority, power and its geography thanks to the sacrifices made by Iran’s late anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani. Nasirzadeh made the remarks on Tuesday ahead of fourth martyrdom anniversary of General Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) who was assassinated in a US drone strike in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on January 3, 2020. Pointing to the legendary commander’s role in the revival of the resistance front, Nasirzadeh said, “Martyr Soleimani expanded the geography of resistance at the reg...
Iran and the Western manufactured Hijab protests

Iran and the Western manufactured Hijab protests

Posted by: John Phoenix The Western media are harping on relentlessly about great anti-hijab protests happening all over Iran, with ever more violent repression being meted out to those protesting by a ‘vicious and violent regime’. The nail that they are trying to hang this deceitful web of lies on is the story of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman.  The known facts – of the sad death of this young woman – are as follows:  during a shopping trip to Tehran with her family, she had emerged from a metro station and entered Talaqani Park, where she was walking with three female and two male relatives, including her brother Ashkan. The group was approached by members of the ‘morality police’ who said she was in breach of the Islamic dress code. Two of the women were given war...
Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine
Iran, Palestine Affairs, Russia

Iran-Russia Set a Western Trap in Palestine

PEPE ESCOBAR  The Russia-Iran strategic partnership – with China in the wings – is laying an elaborate, Sun Tzu-tinged trap for the Hegemon in West Asia. Apart from Israel, there is no entity on the planet capable of switching the focus, in a flash, away from the west’s spectacular debacle in Ukraine. The warmongers in charge of US foreign policy, not exactly Bismarckian stalwarts, believe that if Project Ukraine is unattainable, Project Final Solution in Palestine could instead be a – ethnic cleansing – cakewalk. A more plausible scenario, though is that Iran-Russia – and the new “axis of evil” Russia-China-Iran – have all it takes to drag the Hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own, discombobulated flip-flapping to unbalance him and disorient...
Iranian forces take delivery of new ‘smart’ missil06

Iranian forces take delivery of new ‘smart’ missil06

Tehran’s navy has unveiled a new long-range weapon that can switch targets after being launched Iranian schoolgirls view missiles displayed at the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps aerospace park in Tehran. ©  Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto via Getty Images The Iranian navy has upgraded its firepower with the addition of domestically produced missiles that have a range of more than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and can be redirected to other targets after being launched. Navy chief Admiral Shahran Irani unveiled the new weapon on Sunday, calling it a “smart missile that can change targets mid-mission,” state-run media outlet IRNA reported. The so-called “Talaeiyeh” missile also can select a complex flight plan on the way to its target t...
A ‘terrorist onslaught’? This is why Netanyahu, Gallant blame Iran for West Bank violence
Iran, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

A ‘terrorist onslaught’? This is why Netanyahu, Gallant blame Iran for West Bank violence

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visit the site of the shooting where a settler was killed and another seriously injured in Hebron, occupied West Bank on August 21, 2023 [Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)/Handout/Anadolu Agency] by Dr Ramzy Baroud  Despite their complicated and often uneasy relationship, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, agree on one thing: Iran is behind Israel’s security problem.  The socio-economic polarization in Israel, the country’s political and judicial crises, the ongoing settlers’ pogroms in the West Bank, the repeated calls for religious war by Tel Aviv’s far-right ministers – all of these myriad problems are suddenly negligible. The...
Iran and Cuba call for a global coalition to protect Palestinian rights
Cuba, Iran

Iran and Cuba call for a global coalition to protect Palestinian rights

Cuba and Iran have also increased their bilateral cooperation to counter the effects of illegal unilateral measures imposed on them by the US. By: Peoples Dispatch Meeting between Cuban and Iranian heads of state Miguel Diaz-Canel and Ebrahim Raisi. Photo: Presidencia Cuba Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for the creation of a global coalition of countries to protect the rights of Palestinians on Monday, December 4. Both countries criticized the global community for failing to stop the Israeli genocide in Gaza.  Díaz-Canel was on a two-day state visit to Tehran. He arrived on Sunday night with a delegation in order to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of agriculture, health, science and technology, and energy se...
Protest in Iran: Historical and International Contexts

Protest in Iran: Historical and International Contexts

BY RICHARD FALK - DANIEL FALCONE Protests in Iran that have been taking place since September 16, 2022, as well as the Iranian response? Richard Falk: I am immediately reminded by these protests in Iran following Mahsa Amini’s arrest, detention, and death by the Iranian ‘morality police’ of the uprisings in Tunisia back in late 2010 that started after police abuses leading to the suicide of a vegetable street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, in a remote Tunisian city. The circumstances in these two instances, and nature of the abuse and the character of the regime were vastly different, but what unites these two events distant from one another in time and place is that single incidents involving a previously obscure individual sparked a massive reaction in the streets of the ...
This is How Nazi Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Iran, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

This is How Nazi Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran

Ambassador of Israeli Crimes: This is How Gilad Erdan Became a Defender of Women’s Rights in Iran BY RAMZY BAROUD Image by Cole Keister. A new trend is emerging in the Israeli hasbara discourse targeting Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims: women’s rights. The word ‘new’ is not exactly accurate. The misuse of the genuine struggle for women’s rights in the Arab and Muslim world is only new insofar as the increasing reliance on the tactic within the larger Israeli propaganda discourse. This was demonstrated in a most bizarre way during the speech of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on September 19, at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The story was orchestrated by Gilad Erdan, a mediocre Israeli diplomat and Tel Aviv’s UN Ambassa...