
Twenty Years After George W. Bush’s Infamous ‘Mission Accomplished’ Claim
Iraq, USA

Twenty Years After George W. Bush’s Infamous ‘Mission Accomplished’ Claim

Members of the "The Iraq Campaign 2008" hold a large replica of the "Mission Accomplished" banner on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House in Washington, DC May 1, 2008, marking the fifth anniversary of President Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech after landing on board a US aircraft carrier, proclaiming the end of major combat operations in Iraq.  (Photo by PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP) (Photo by PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images) The disgraced former president's rhetorical victory lap that came before protracted bloodshed deserves all of its notoriety 20 years later. NORMAN SOLOMON Twenty years ago, President George W. Bush landed in a twin-engine Navy jet on an aircraft carrier, strode across the deck in a bulky flight suit and proceeded to give a televised vi...
Lessons and legacy of the two-million strong Iraq antiwar protest

Lessons and legacy of the two-million strong Iraq antiwar protest

Demonstrations are dead-end get-togethers without the leadership of a vanguard revolutionary party. Iraq, Occupy – where are you now? Joti Brar Subscribe to our  channel The biggest demonstration ever seen in the streets of Britain palpably failed to achieve its declared aim, or anything approaching it. The question no one seems to be asking is: why? The two-million-strong demonstration against the Iraq war 20 years ago today was not a success of the antiwar movement, but a symptom of its rottenness and failure. That demonstration’s total impotence was a clear sign ...
On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq
Iraq, USA

On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq

The 20th of March this year marked the 20th anniversary of the start of Anglo-American imperialism’s war against Iraq.  Although there was mass opposition to this war, most of the print and electronic media, including the BBC, whipped up jingoistic hysteria against Iraq and in favour of the war.  20 years on there is hardly anyone who can be found to speak in favour of it.  Respectable bourgeois newspapers have published articles, written by respectable bourgeois journalists, condemning this war.  We just take one such article as an example.  It appeared in the Sunday Times of 19 March 2023. Under the half misleading title ‘Ever noticed how much less stable the world is now than in 2003? Well, Blair’s to blame’, the author, Mr Rod Liddle, has,...
‘Normalising’ relationships with ‘Israel’ now carries the death penalty in Iraq

‘Normalising’ relationships with ‘Israel’ now carries the death penalty in Iraq

A new law may force Iraqi politicians to put their money where their mouth is on the question of Palestine solidarity and anti-imperialism. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr gather outside the Iraqi parliament as the bill banning normalisation with Israel is being passed. The new law cuts to the heart of anti-imperialism in the middle east, being perfectly designed to separate those who mean it when they talk of ‘solidarity’ with Palestine and those for whom such talk is merely a necessary lip service paid at election time. Since elections back in October 2021,&nbs...
On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq

On the 20th anniversary of imperialism’s predatory invasion of Iraq

The 20th of March this year marked the 20th anniversary of the start of Anglo-American imperialism’s war against Iraq.  Although there was mass opposition to this war, most of the print and electronic media, including the BBC, whipped up jingoistic hysteria against Iraq and in favour of the war.  20 years on there is hardly anyone who can be found to speak in favour of it.  Respectable bourgeois newspapers have published articles, written by respectable bourgeois journalists, condemning this war.  We just take one such article as an example.  It appeared in the Sunday Times of 19 March 2023. Under the half misleading title ‘Ever noticed how much less stable the world is now than in 2003? Well, Blair’s to blame’, the author, Mr Rod Liddle, has,...
Fyodor Lukyanov: 20 years after Bush declared “mission accomplished”
Iraq, USA

Fyodor Lukyanov: 20 years after Bush declared “mission accomplished”

Fyodor Lukyanov: 20 years after Bush declared ‘mission accomplished,’ it’s clear that Iraq was the graveyard of American ambition George W. Bush’s illegal invasion came at a time when the US was the only real global power, and high on its own self-confidence By Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion Club. FILE PHOTO: US Marines of Task Force Tarawa prepare their vehicles at Camp Shoup, near the Iraqi border, in Kuwait. ©  Joe Raedle / Getty Images Twenty years ago, in May 2003, then-US President George W. Bush landed on the deck of the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf...
American Dream, Global Nightmare: On the Origins of the Iraq War
Iraq, United Kingdom, USA

American Dream, Global Nightmare: On the Origins of the Iraq War

BY JEFFREY ST. CLAIR Sergeant Ivan Frederick sitting on an Iraqi detainee between two stretchers at Abu Ghraib prison. Whether or not we continue to enforce a universal conception of human rights at moments of outrage and incomprehension, precisely when we think that others have taken themselves out of the human community as we know it, is a test of our very humanity. – Judith Butler One of the problems with commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War is that the Iraq War didn’t start 20 years ago. It had been going on for more than a decade before Shock and Awe. First there was Pappy’s Bush’s invasion, followed by Bill Clinton bombing Iraq once every three days of his 8-year term and ratcheting down a sanctions regime that squeezed the life out of more than one m...
Still Spinning the Iraq War 20 Years Later
Iraq, United Kingdom, USA

Still Spinning the Iraq War 20 Years Later

BY MELVIN GOODMAN Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain ‘Don’t worry, it’s a slam dunk.” —CIA director George Tenet’s response to President Bush’s demand for intelligence on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction to provide to the American people, December 21, 2002. “The President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense would not assert as plainly and bluntly as they have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction if it was not true, and if they did not have a solid basis for saying it.” —Art Fleischer, White House press spokesman, December 4, 2002. “But for those who say that we haven’t found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they’re wrong, we found them.” —President George W. Bush, May 30, 2003. The U.S. rush to war ...
20 Years of Iraq Denialism: The New York Times Continues to Get it Wrong on U.S. Empire
Iraq, USA

20 Years of Iraq Denialism: The New York Times Continues to Get it Wrong on U.S. Empire

BY ANTHONY DIMAGGIO Image by Levi Meir Clancy. Marking the twentieth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, The New York Times ran a feature-length article titled, “20 Years On, a Question Lingers About Iraq: Why Did the U.S. Invade?” The piece acknowledges some harsh realities about the war, while dodging questions about its legality and the imperial motivations that fueled it. This is par for the course for the paper of record, which has a decades-long history of sidestepping damning questions about the war. To provide some context, I should say that I’ve probably done more empirical research on the ways in which we think and talk about Iraq and the “War on Terror” than any other scholar studying media, public opinion, and war (see here, here, and&nbs...
Criminals at Large: The Iraq War Twenty Years On
Iraq, United Kingdom, USA

Criminals at Large: The Iraq War Twenty Years On

BY BINOY KAMPMARK Photograph Source: The White House – Public Domain The arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for Russian President Vladimir Putin came at an opportune moment.  It was, if nothing else, a feeble distraction over the misdeeds and crimes of other leaders current and former. Russia, not being an ICC member country, does not acknowledge that court’s jurisdiction.  Nor, for that matter, does the United States, despite the evident chortling from US President Joe Biden. Twenty years on, former US President George W. Bush, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Australia’s own John Howard, the troika most to blame for not just the criminal invasion of a foreign country but the regional and global cataclysm consequential to it, remain a...