
Jordan Condemns Nazi Escalation In Al-Aqsa
Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Jordan Condemns Nazi Escalation In Al-Aqsa

Deifallah al-Fayez, the spokesperson of the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, strongly denounced the Nazi violations and escalation in the Al-Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Nazi occupied Jerusalem. Al-Fayez stated that these violations against the holy site are seriously escalating, and constitute direct breaches of International Law, and requested the Nazi to respect the sanctity of Al-Aqsa and the status quo. He added that the Nazi is obligated by International Law and all related agreements to respect the civilian population and the holy sites, and called on Tel Aviv, as the occupying power, to respect the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to end its ongoing provocations and violations. Al-Fayez also said that by allowing hundreds of Nazi JEWISH colonialist settlers, accompanied by the Nazi s...
Jordan Valley: Nazi forces demolish water pond
Jordan, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Jordan Valley: Nazi forces demolish water pond

Nazi forces today demolished a water pond near Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley, according to sources. Moataz Bsharat, an activist, told WAFA that the Nazi forces escorted a bulldozer to the village, where the heavy machinery tore down the 250-cubic-meter pond, which was used for agricultural purposes and belonged to Samer Sawaftah. The pool was a donation from the Ministry of Agriculture. Meanwhile, Israeli forces seized a caravan, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. Coordinator of the Popular Anti-Wall and Settlement Committees, Rateb Al-Jabour, stated that the Nazi forces seized a caravan used to serve as a physical and mental health clinic in the Zweidin area, east of Yatta. The clinic used to provide medical support and treatment to more than 1,200 resid...
Arab majorities overwhelmingly oppose any normalisation with the Nazi regime
Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Middle East, ZIO-NAZI

Arab majorities overwhelmingly oppose any normalisation with the Nazi regime

Arab majorities overwhelmingly oppose any normalisation with Israel A recent Arab opinion poll finds there is strong disapproval for any normalisation deal with Israel. An opinion poll conducted by Qatar-run Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS), has indicated that large majorities across the Arab world have disapproved of any normalisation process with Israel.  Most recently, the UAE-Bahrain normalisation deal with Israel has angered a large number of ordinary Arabs across the world, triggering protests in Palestine and several other countries.  Many analysts have long argued that the Arab autocrat states’ recognition of Israel from Egypt and Jordan, to most recently, the UAE and Bahrain, represents a tiny minority of the Middle Easte...
أسرار واعترافات.. «الدرك الأردنيّ في قبضة منامة بوست»
Bahrain, Human Rights, Jordan

أسرار واعترافات.. «الدرك الأردنيّ في قبضة منامة بوست»

منامة بوست (خاص): تفتح «منامة بوست» ملفًّا كاملًا عن الكمّ الهائل من الانتهاكات والجرائم المرتكبة ضدّ الإنسانيّة، من قبل العناصر الأمنيّة بقيادة وزير الداخليّة، وبالأخص قوّات الدرك الأردنيّ منامة بوست (خاص): تفتح «منامة بوست» ملفًّا كاملًا عن الكمّ الهائل من الانتهاكات والجرائم المرتكبة ضدّ الإنسانيّة، من قبل العناصر الأمنيّة بقيادة وزير الداخليّة، وبالأخص قوّات الدرك الأردنيّ المتعاونة معه، «وبشهادة شاهد من أهله»، وتكشف وقائع وحقائق دامغة عن حجم التورّط الأردنيّ في قمع الشعب البحرينيّ المطالب بالكرامة والحريّة في ثورته السلميّة، وتضعها بين أيدي الرأي العام والشعب البحرينيّ، آخذة على نفسها عهدًا بأن توجّه لحاكم البحرين حمد بن عيسى آل خليفة، ووزير الداخليّة راشد بن عبدالله آل خليفة وكلّ جلاوزتهم ومن يساندهم من المرتزقة وبشكلٍ مباشر، صفعاتٍ متتاليةٍ لفضح كلّ المؤامرات والدسائس التي ت...
Jordanian King ‘Blames Israel for Provoking Palestinians’
Gaza, Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Jordanian King ‘Blames Israel for Provoking Palestinians’

By Steven Sahiounie Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** The King of Jordan, Abdallah II, spoke with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and said that the repeated Israeli actions and provocations against the Palestinian people have led to the current escalations.  The royal court wrote on Twitter on Monday that Israeli actions are pushing the region towards more tension. Jordan and Israel have a peace treaty signed between them and successfully lasting for 27 years.  King Abdullah II said that there is no alternative...
Zionist puppet Bin Salman backed Nazi plot to overthrow Jordan king
Jordan, Saudi Arabia

Zionist puppet Bin Salman backed Nazi plot to overthrow Jordan king

Bin Salman backed Israeli plot to overthrow Jordan king: Report By VT Editors  Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reportedly backed an Israeli “scheme” to overthrow Jordanian King Abdullah II in exchange for the guardianship of al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied Old City of Jerusalem al-Quds. Press TV: Lebanon’s Al Akhbar newspaper, quoting a Jordanian security official, said in a report on Tuesday that the coup attempt against King Abdullah II was a “scheme” involving Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. The Beirut-based daily said the Saudi crown prince had agreed to support the Israeli plot in return for the transfer of the guardianship over the holy sites in the occupied Jerusalem al-Quds from Jordan to Saudi Arabia. According t...
Jordan condemns Israeli violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque
Human Rights, Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Jordan condemns Israeli violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque

AMMAN, Wednesday, April 14, 2021 (WAFA) – The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today condemned the ongoing Israeli violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, the latest of which was yesterday’s occupation police breaking into the Islamic Museum and going on the roof to cut the wires to the external loudspeakers of the Mosque in the western side, as well as harassing Waqf staff who are Jordanian government employees. The official spokesman for the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, Dhaifallah al-Fayez, said in a statement that the actions of the Israeli police are unacceptable, condemned and reprehensible, and represent a provocation to the feelings of Muslims and a violation of the sanctity of the Mosque and the legal and historical status quo. ...
Analysis: “Palestinians to pay the price of normalization in the Gulf”
Bahrain, Egypt, Gaza, Human Rights, Jordan, Middle East, Morocco, ZIO-NAZI

Analysis: “Palestinians to pay the price of normalization in the Gulf”

By Hamdullah Baycar for Anadolu Agency As the relationship between the Persian Gulf riparian Arab countries and Israel grew closer by the day, this momentum, led by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), first developed into a reality of normalization, with the parties involved gradually coming to anticipate the establishment of an alliance between them. The UAE became the first Arab country to switch to a visa-free travel regime with Israel. Acting on the maxim “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, Israel and the UAE have positioned themselves in the same ranks in the new regional order, establishing Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood as common enemies. So, how did we get from the UAE of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who did not hesitate to suspend oil sales to countries s...
Zionist Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat
Jordan, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Zionist Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat

“A haunting reminder to all mankind of man’s inexplicable cruelty towards his fellow man.” ~King Hussein of Jordan More than any other Arab state, Jordan’s past, present and future are inextricably linked to the question of Palestine. Jordan’s emergence is an outcome of British imperialism, which imposed the infamous Balfour Declaration and the Zionist settler-colonial project on the indigenous population of Palestine and the region.  “ORIGIN OF TWO COUNTRIES They say Churchill said: “Jordan was an idea I had one spring at about four-thirty in the afternoon.” The fact is that during the month of March 1921, in just three days, British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill and his forty advisers drew a new map for the Middle East. ...
Nazi Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat
Jordan, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat

Israel Annexation Plan: Jordan’s Existential Threat Jordan is being forced to confront a new reality with alarming cartographic and demographic consequences By Emile Badarin More than any other Arab state, Jordan’s past, present and future are inextricably linked to the question of Palestine. Jordan’s emergence is an outcome of British imperialism, which imposed the infamous Balfour Declaration and the Zionist settler-colonial project on the indigenous population of Palestine and the region.  Settler-colonialism is the essence of the question of Palestine. All else is derivative. Jordan emerged out of this historical reality, and therefore, its present and future will always be subject to it. The founder of present-day Jordan, Emir Abdullah bin A...