

In Jordan, Some Threats Against a Foreign Journalist Are Realized

NOVANEWS After the Arab Spring, media restrictions tighten in ways unprecedented in Randa Habib’s 24 years as Agence France-Press bureau chief in Amman, and her life is threatened because of what she reports. By Randa Habib My fate to become a journalist in Jordan was sealed in the 1970's when I was a second-year political science student at the French-run St. Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon. I was freelancing for a Lebanese magazine when I had the opportunity to interview the late King Hussein and also met with the Jordanian man who would become my husband. In 1980 I joined Agence France-Presse (AFP) and seven years later became bureau chief in Amman, Jordan. The road has been bumpy ever since, given that my instincts push me toward the news, ignoring the restraints imposed on the Jo...

People move to cut Jordan’s ties to IsraHell

NOVANEWS Here's a remarkable piece on the MSNBC news site. Israel was evacuating its embassy in Jordan on Wednesday in advance of a demonstration promoted on Facebook under a banner "No Zionist embassy on Jordanian territory," The Jerusalem Post reported without citing sources. Security forces in Jordan were preparing for the protest, which was scheduled to take place Thursday at the embassy in Amman, Israel's Ynet news reported. Armored vehicles and security officers were stationed at the building, according to the website. The move comes days after the Israeli Embassy in Cairo was ransacked by hundreds of protesters, forcing the the ambassador to flee the country. Story: Israeli PM condemns embassy attack in Cairo Elsewhere in Amman, demonstrators demanded the closing of the U.S...

Jordanian protesters demand closing of US Embassy

NOVANEWS Associated Press AMMAN, Jordan — Demonstrators have demanded the closing of the U.S. Embassy in Jordan over Wikileaks cables suggesting covert U.S. plans to turn Jordan into a home for Palestinians. It was a rare anti-American demonstration in Jordan, a close ally of the U.S. The 70 activists burned American and Zionist flags in a noisy protest opposite the embassy in Amman on Wednesday. They chanted, “The people want the Americans out.” Roughly half of the country’s 6 million population is of Palestinian origin. With Palestinian-Zionist peace talks stalled, some Jordanians fear Israel may try to deport Palestinians to Jordan. This week Zionist puppet King Abdullah II spoke out strongly against using Jordan as a substitute for a Palestinian state, a concept favored by ...

Hashemite monarchy Zionist Servants

NOVANEWS It seems that the Hashemite monarchy gave an early warning to Zio-Nazi regime  about an impending attack.   Will Queen YouTube tweet on th «يديعوت أحرونوت»: الأردن حذرت إسرائيل من «حادث إيلات» قبل الهجوم بدقائق أحمد بلال تصوير أ.ف.ب قال الموقع الإلكتروني لصحيفة «يديعوت أحرونوت» إن الأردن أبلغت قوات الأمن الإسرائيلية عن «خلية تخطط لتنفيذ عمليات ضد إسرائيل»، قبل دقائق من الهجوم على حافلتي الركاب الإسرائيليتين، الخميس، ونقلت الصحيفة عن مصادرها إن الأجهزة الأمنية الإسرائيلية كانت لديها تحذيرات جادة تفيد بوقوع هجوم محتمل في هذه المنطقة بالتحديد. وأشار الموقع الإلكتروني لصحيفة «يديعوت أحرونوت» إلى أن الأجهزة الأمنية بدأت تحقيقاً في إطلاق النار على حافلتي الركاب في إيلات القريبة من الحدود المصرية، الخميس، وقال الموقع إن التقديرات الأولية تشير ...

It Is Time to Listen To King Hussein

NOVANEWS King Hussein was betrayed by both Israel and the US, as Israel continued “colonizing the occupied territory, and the Palestinians were left without a state.” by James M. Wall This betrayal was the price Hussein paid “to find out that the Israelis preferred land to peace and that the Americans didn’t care which of the two the Israelis chose.” From time to time, just as the Middle East political cauldron reaches one of its major boiling points, the New York Times‘ Thomas Friedman sits down to write an open letter to the leaders of a particular Middle Eastern state, offering sage advice on what action Friedman thinks the leader should take. Thus far, I have resisted following the Friedman letter-writing format. But the time has come for me to do my own version of Friedman speaking t...