
Bahrain, Kuwait, Middle East, Saudi Arabia


NOVANEWS   Arabian Gulf countries are working to establish a center to monitor nuclear radiation for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)'s use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and to avoid radiation, according to Saudi News Agency on Saturday.The plan was announced by GCC Secretary-General Dr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani at the opening ceremony of the third annual regional seminar on the fight against weapons of mass destruction, Organized by the Saudi Ministry of Defense in Riyadh in cooperation with the U.S. Central Command.GCC countries seek to achieve five key strategic goals in this aspect: including protection of the GCC against all regional and international threats, achievement of economic growth, maintenance of a high level of human development, improvement of mana...
Jordan, Kuwait

Zionist puppet's Jordanian Special Forces Brought Into Kuwait To Quell Demonstrations

NOVANEWS Musallam al-Barrak said: 3,500 Jordanian Gendarmerie arrived in Kuwait. “In a statement to France 24 television , raised former MP Musallam al-Barrak is a serious issue related to the presence of 3,500 gendarmes element within Jordanian special forces in Kuwait, which exist to prevent opposition rallies and demonstrations to modify the decree franchise system.“ Is Jordan’s secret militia assisting Zionist regime in Kuwait in mass pro-democracy crackdown? Zionist puppet King of Jordan might be struggling to quell opposition in his own Kingdom but that hasn’t stopped those in power from meddling in Kuwait’s affairs, according to recent leaks from Saudi Arabia’s infamous whistle-blowing tweep.@Mujtahidd has taken a break from spilling Saudi secrets  to expose explosive d...
Arabic, Kuwait

تصعيد للخطاب وتلبد فى الأجواء السياسية فى الكويت من معارضة مجلس أمة 2012

Posted by: Siba Bizri Arabic Shoah Editor in Chief اليوم السابع تعيش الكويت حالة من التصعيد، من قبل المعارضة فى مجلس الأمة، (البرلمان) 2012 المبطل، وتلبدت الأجواء السياسية بشكل كبير، وتعقدت مع ارتفاع سقف المعارضة، لتغيير القانون الانتخابى وتقليص عدد الأصوات، ووسط حضور جماهيرى، ووجود أمنى كثيف، نفذت كتلة الأغلبية البرلمانية، أول إجراءات المواجهة السياسية والميدانية ضد توجه السلطة، إلى تغيير النظام الانتخابى، عبر رفعها سقف الخطاب السياسى، بشكل غير مسبوق وبلا حدود، والتواجد خارج حدود الديوانية، بعد فشل رجال الأمن فى محاولات إقناع الحضور بالبقاء، ضمن حدود أسوار المنزل. وشهدت ندوة "للأمة كلمة"، التى أقيمت مساء أمس فى ديوان أحد النواب، توجيه خطاب مباشر لأمير الكويت، برفض العبث فى النظام الانتخابى، وتغيير آلية التصويت، وإعلان عدم السماح بالتفرد بالقرار، ومحاولات الانقلاب على الدستور. وأفادت مصاد...

Kuwait: Don’t Deny Right to Freedom of Expression

NOVANEWS Stateless Bidun Ordered Not to Hold Demonstrations MORE COVERAGE: More Human Rights Watch reporting on Kuwait This is a shameful effort to curb the rights to peaceful expression and assembly of Kuwait’s Bidun. These universal rights belong to everyone, regardless of whether they are considered citizens or are fighting to gain citizenship. Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch (Beirut) – A government order to Bidun residents, a group the government considers “illegal residents,” not to organize demonstrations denies their rights and should be revoked, Human Rights Watch said today. The Interior Ministry issued a statement on January 11, 2012, saying that it will “absolutely not allow the brothers who are illegal residents to organize a...

Kuwait: Stateless ‘Bidun’ Denied Rights

NOVANEWS Fifty Years of Waiting, but Government Offers Only Handouts During February and March 2011, hundreds of stateless Bidun took to the streets in Kuwait to demand government action on their claims for citizenship, as well as access to other rights. For 50 years, Kuwait has dawdled in reviewing Bidun citizenship claims, while creating a straightjacket of regulations that leave them in poverty and extreme uncertainty. Kuwait has every resource it needs to solve this problem, but chooses to stall instead.   Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch (Kuwait City) - Kuwait has not made good on its decades of promises to address citizenship claims for more than 106,000 stateless Bidun residents, Human Rights Watch said in a rep...

Kuwaiti woman supports s*x-slavery for women

NOVANEWS by American Bedu Salwa Al Mutairi, a Kuwaiti political activist, relates in this video how on a recent visit to Maccah, religious scholars told her that having women turned into  sex-slaves is a good thing. They also cited parts of  Islamic scripture to her which support the enslavement of women for the purpose of sex. Apparently she has taken it hook, line, and sinker, and is now calling for a new law allowing sex-slaves for men so hat they can have halal sex besides their wife (/wives) and therefore saving good Muslim men from zina and fornication. According to Al Mutairi a good source  for the Muslim sex-slaves would be women from countries like Chechnya. When women are captured in a situation of war they could then be sold to ”dealers” in Kuwait. She has no problem with ensla...
Kuwait, USA

Kuwait American Proxy Regime

NOVANEWS     Kuwait, A Quantico Brig And Now Fort Leavenworth. modernityblog Tags: ACLU, Assange, Bradley Manning, Censorship, extradition, Fort Leavenworth, Gitmo,Julian Assange, P.J. Crowley, PJ Crowley, Quantico, State Department, Sweden, US involvement, Wikileaks | Categories:Uncategorized | URL: The captivity of Bradley Manning does no favours for America, his treatment has been harsh, petty and unnecessary. I had not appreciated that Manning was held in Kuwait for two months before his move to the US, and it is fairly clear that the regime at Quantico was used to make him lose his marbles, Kim Zetter has more: "Manning’s treatment during his detention has been the subject of intense criticism. The ACLU called his treatment “gratuitou...