Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan cabinet renews support for Palestinians, calls for war crimes proceedings against Nazi entity
Pakistan & Kashmir, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Pakistan cabinet renews support for Palestinians, calls for war crimes proceedings against Nazi entity

Posted by: John Phoenix Pakistan’s federal cabinet in a meeting with Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in the chair, on Wednesday, adopted a resolution reiterating support for the Palestinians, condemning the Nazi entity acts of barbarity and called for initiation of war crimes proceedings. Addressing the meeting, the prime minister said Israel’s continuing barbaric acts in Palestine had been unprecedented in the human history as it was targeting the innocent citizens including children and women in Gaza and other Palestinian areas. The prime minister said that during Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and SCO plus summits in Astana, he had raised a strong voice for the rights of the oppressed people of Palestine. He called for a just solution of the Palestin...
Pakistan to ban Imran Khan’s party and file treason charges against ex-PM
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan to ban Imran Khan’s party and file treason charges against ex-PM

Posted by: John Phoenix VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Pakistan is planning to ban former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s political party and move the country’s top court to press treason charges against him, the information minister s...
Pakistani province set to ban all social media
Media, Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistani province set to ban all social media

Posted by: John Phoenix Authorities in Punjab have proposed blocking YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for six days FILE PHOTO: Muslim devotees offer special morning prayers to start the Eid al-Fitr festival, which marks the end of their holy fasting month of Ramadan, at the historic Badshahi Mosque in Lahore on April 10, 2024. ©  Arif ALI / AFP Pakistan’s largest province, Punjab, is planning to ban all social media platforms for six days, citing security concerns, during religious processions starting next week, its Interior Ministry has announced. The Punjab government of Maryam Nawaz recommended on Thursday the banning of all social media including YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, from July 13 to 18 to “control ha...
Banished from Pakistan: Islamabad Moves on Afghan Refugees
Afghanistan, Pakistan & Kashmir

Banished from Pakistan: Islamabad Moves on Afghan Refugees

BY BINOY KAMPMARK Photograph Source: Paul Keller – CC BY 2.0 Across the globe, refugees, always treated as the pox of public policy, continue to feature in news reports describing anguish, despair and persistent persecution.  If they are not facing barbed wire barriers in Europe, they are being conveyed, where possible, to third countries to be processed in lengthy fashion.  Policy makers fiddle and cook the legal record to justify such measures, finding fault with instruments of international protection such as the United Nations Refugee Convention of 1951. A very dramatic example of roughing up and violence is taking place against Afghans in Pakistan, a country that, despite having a lengthy association with hosting refugees, has yet to ratify the p...
Imran Khan is exactly what the US hates in a Pakistani politician: principled
Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

Imran Khan is exactly what the US hates in a Pakistani politician: principled

Peter Oborne Lack of condemnation from the US over Khan's politically motivated imprisonment only confirms Washington's long history of preferring dictators pliable to its interests Lawyers in support of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan denounce his arrest during a protest outside the high court in Lahore, on 7 August 2023 (AFP). Last week, the Russian dissident Alexei Navalny was sentenced to 19 years in a penal colony - accused of financing "extremism" and "rehabilitating the Nazi ideology". Quite rightly, the United States and Britain instantly denounced the move, with the US State Department describing the conviction as "an unjust conclusion to an unjust trial". Britain's Foreign Secretary J...
Imran Khan: India drawing inspiration from ‘Israel’ in Kashmir
Pakistan & Kashmir

Imran Khan: India drawing inspiration from ‘Israel’ in Kashmir

Pakistani prime minister tells MEE threat of conflict over disputed territory is the world’s most dangerous ‘nuclear flashpoint’ Imran Khan speaking to MEE in Islamabad last week (MEE/Huthifa Fayyad) By Peter Oborne and David Hearst India enjoys the same kind of impunity within the international community over its attempts to change the demographic balance of Kashmir that Israel has in the occupied Palestinian territories, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has told Middle East Eye. He accused his counterpart Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, of copying Israel’s playbook by allowing settlers to acquire land in the disputed territory, which has been claimed - and fought over - by both Pakistan and India since 1947. 'Once two nuclear armed countries get into th...
Pakistan political crisis: Why Imran Khan’s enemies want him out
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan political crisis: Why Imran Khan’s enemies want him out

Peter Oborne The prime minister has been vulnerable to attack - both domestically and externally - since coming to power in 2018 Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan watches Pakistan's Air Force fighter jets perform during the Pakistan Day parade in Islamabad on 23 March, 2022 (AFP). Prime Minister Imran Khan’s decision to dissolve the Pakistani parliament to head off a vote of no-confidence has been greeted by global shock and bemusement. That bemusement is misplaced. I’ve covered Pakistani politics over two decades. As a long-term student (and admirer) of the country, I can state with confidence that the real shock is not that Pakistan has been struck by political crisis; it’s that it has taken so long. Khan's honesty makes him fundamentally unsuited to the...
Imran Khan is exactly what the US hates in a Pakistani politician: principled
Pakistan & Kashmir

Imran Khan is exactly what the US hates in a Pakistani politician: principled

Peter Oborne Lack of condemnation from the US over Khan's politically motivated imprisonment only confirms Washington's long history of preferring dictators pliable to its interests Lawyers in support of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan denounce his arrest during a protest outside the high court in Lahore, on 7 August 2023 (AFP). Last week, the Russian dissident Alexei Navalny was sentenced to 19 years in a penal colony - accused of financing "extremism" and "rehabilitating the Nazi ideology". Quite rightly, the United States and Britain instantly denounced the move, with the US State Department describing the conviction as "an unjust conclusion to an unjust trial". Britain's Foreign Secretary J...
Muzzling the Media: Witch-hunting Against The Kashmir Walla
India, Media, Pakistan & Kashmir

Muzzling the Media: Witch-hunting Against The Kashmir Walla

FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailTelegram On August 20, the website and social media handles of The Kashmir Walla, a Kashmir based media platform were restricted in India by the government without any notice. Soon after, the organisation was asked to vacate its office in Srinagar by the landlord. Earlier in February 2022, the editor-in-chief of the organisation, Fahad Shah was arrested by the police and charged under draconian UAPA and PSA. Sajad Gul, who worked as trainee reporter at The Kashmir Walla is also behind bars under PSA. The pattern clearly reflects the attempts by the central government to intimidate and harass independent journalists and press in Kashmir to muzzle the truth.
Kashmir Reaction to Imran Khan’s Jail Sentence, Politics Ban
Pakistan & Kashmir

Kashmir Reaction to Imran Khan’s Jail Sentence, Politics Ban

JUNAID KATHJU  Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan visits earthquake victims at a hospital in Mirpur in Kashmir on Sept. 30, 2019. Many Kashmiris believed Khan was their best bet in negotiating with India to find a solution to the Kashmir crisis. (PAKISTAN PRIME MINISTRY/HANDOUT/ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES). Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, October 2023, pp. 42-43 Special Report By Junaid Kathju THE ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in a corruption case has angered many in Indian-administered Kashmir. A resident of Srinagar’s Habba Kadal area, Ghulam Mohammad, 70, said he was in disbelief at seeing the turn of events in a country that claims Kashmir in its entirety and has been supporting a struggle for...