Pakistan & Kashmir

Ex-Indian foreign intel chief A.S. Dulat asks: Сan Modi bring cheer to Kashmir?
India, Pakistan & Kashmir

Ex-Indian foreign intel chief A.S. Dulat asks: Сan Modi bring cheer to Kashmir?

Islamic radicalization, alienation, hatred and a lack of faith in democracy haunt Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370 Amarjit Singh Dulat is a former head of the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency. After retirement, he was appointed adviser on Kashmir in the Prime Minister's Office and served there from January 2001 to May 2004. He authored several books, including “Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years”, published in 2015. Indian tourists pose on the shores of Dal lake after a heavy snowfall in Srinagar on January 6, 2021. TAUSEEF MUSTAFA / AFP Kashmir has been buzzing with tourists this summer, much more than ever since the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian constitution on August 5, 2019.  The area ...
Gaza: Nazi airstrikes kill 4 Palestinian children
Gaza, Human Rights, Pakistan & Kashmir, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: Nazi airstrikes kill 4 Palestinian children

From left to right, Hajar Khalil Salah Al-Bahtini, 4, Ali Tariq Ibrahim Izzuddin, 8, Mayar Tariq Ibrahim Izzuddin, 10, and Iman Alaa Atta Adas, 17, were killed on May 9 by Nazi airstrikes. From left to right, Hajar Khalil Salah Al-Bahtini, 4, Ali Tariq Ibrahim Izzuddin, 8, Mayar Tariq Ibrahim Izzuddin, 10, and Iman Alaa Atta Adas, 17, were killed By Nazi army on May 9 by Israeli airstrikes. (Photos: Courtesy of the children's families) Nazi forces launched airstrikes across the Gaza Strip last night, killing four Palestinian children. Nazi forces targeted several residential buildings in Palestinian neighborhoods throughout the Gaza Strip around 2 a.m. on May 9, killing 13 Palestinians, including four children, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children Internat...
The Pakistani Defense Minister Lied To Newsweek About The State Of Democracy In His Country
Pakistan & Kashmir

The Pakistani Defense Minister Lied To Newsweek About The State Of Democracy In His Country

BY ANDREW KORYBKO Newsweek published an extended interview with Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Saturday in which this official repeatedly returned to the state of democracy in his country. This de facto theme pervades the entire text since he continually referenced this fall’s elections as supposedly being the key to resolving Pakistan’s economic crisis. Asif insists that they’ll be free and fair without any meddling from his country’s military-intelligence structures, The Establishment, but this isn’t true at all. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan (IK) was deposed in April 2022’s post-modern coup precisely because The Establishment’s leading representative at the time, former Chief Of Army Staff Qamar Javed Bajwa, colluded with his domestic...
Kashmir: The Forgotten, Ongoing Tragedy
Pakistan & Kashmir

Kashmir: The Forgotten, Ongoing Tragedy

BY ROBERT FANTINA Photograph Source: US Central Intelligence Agency – Public Domain Currently, much of the world is focused on the Russian war with Ukraine, and occasionally notices the unprecedented civil unrest roiling the apartheid state of Israel. Talk of suffering in Ukraine and the threat to the only ‘democracy’ (which Israel is not and never has been) in the Middle East seems to emanate from the airwaves of most of the major, corporate-owned and operated media outlets that determine what is and isn’t ‘news’. Overlooked is the unfolding, ongoing horror being experienced by the people of Kashmir. In August of 2019, India changed its constitution, revoked the limited autonomy it had granted Kashmir, declared the country an ‘integral’ part of India, and began a savage r...
Pakistan: Imran Khan says the threat to his life is “real,”
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan: Imran Khan says the threat to his life is “real,”

Posted by: John Phoenix Imran Khan says the threat to his life is “real,” and that the current PM is “petrified” that he will return to power Imran Khan speaks at his residence in Lahore, Pakistan, March 15, 2023 ©  AFP / Aamir Qureshi Death threats will remain a constant part of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s life until he can return to power and hold his would-be killers accountable, he told Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi on Saturday. Khan told Rattansi that he has survived two attempts on his life in the last week – one which involved him being led into a “deathtrap” outside a court in Islamabad, and another in which agents of the state were to provoke police into opening fire on a crowd of Khan’s supporters before&nbs...
Pakistan & Kashmir

Flooded with Corruption: Pakistan’s Relief Effort

HASAN AGA A disheveled man stands in front of what used to be his home. (PHOTO BY HASAN AGA) Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, January/February 2023, pp. 44-46 Special Report By Hasan Aga AS THE MONSOON clouds congregated over Pakistan, people barely batted an eyelid. A country born out of conflict has grown accustomed to being tested in various ways and often without warning.  Pakistanis are enduring a plummeting economy, skyrocketing inflation and serious political upheaval with the popular Prime Minister Imran Khan having been ousted in a controversial move in April 2022. So when the skies turned grey and the clouds rained down mercilessly, the Pakistanis just took it in stride. But as the days went by and the rain failed to relent, the wate...
On Justice for Kashmir
Pakistan & Kashmir

On Justice for Kashmir

BY RICHARD FALK Photograph Source: Steve Evans – CC BY 2.0 Among the self-determination struggles of our time, Kashmir is at risk of being forgotten by most of the world (except for Pakistan), while its people continue to endure the harsh crimes of India’s intensifying military occupation that has already lasted 75 years. In 2019, the Hindu nationalist government of the BJP, headed by the notorious autocrat, Narendra Modi, unilaterally and arbitrarily abrogated the special status arrangements for the governance of Kashmir that had been incorporated in Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, and although often violated in spirit and substance, at least gave the people of Kashmir some measure of protection. 1947 was a momentous year for South Asia as British colonial rule ...
Pakistan’s devastating floods: A historical legacy
Pakistan & Kashmir

Pakistan’s devastating floods: A historical legacy

By: Tooba Syed More than thirty three million people were displaced in less than a month in Pakistan after the devastating monsoon floods hit the country. Pakistan experienced unusual rains in July and early August leading to inundation of one third of the country. The rainwater was accompanied by glacial melting and a flawed drainage system. The intervention in Pakistan’s waters began in the 19th century when the French and British engineers set out to take control of the unruly waters and people of British India. The world's largest canal irrigation system was built using the justification that it would irrigate “wasteland” and bring an end to famine. In reality, the canal colonisation was a means to increase revenue and to find an avenue for capital investment of London finan...
Destroying Pakistan to Make It Safe
Pakistan & Kashmir

Destroying Pakistan to Make It Safe

By Eric S. Margolis THE U.S. KEEPS kicking hornets’ nests around the globe and wondering why it continues getting stung. The latest example: Pakistan’s once beautiful Swat Valley has been turned into a battlefield. In May, Pakistan finally bowed to Washington’s angry demands to unleash its military against rebellious Pashtun tribesmen of the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP)—who are collectively mislabeled “Taliban” in the West. They are not the Afghan Taliban, but it’s convenient for the Western media and Pentagon to slap that label on them. The Obama administration had threatened to stop $1.2 billion annual cash payments to bankrupt Pakistan’s political and military leadership, and block $5.5 billion future aid, unless Islamabad sent its soldiers into Pakistan’s turbu...
Indirect colonialism: US role in Pakistan’s political crisis
Pakistan & Kashmir, USA

Indirect colonialism: US role in Pakistan’s political crisis

Pakistan is a victim of indirect colonialism by the United States, from the 1977 coup against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to the overthrow of Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2022. By: Abdul Jabbar Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan I am a scholar originally from Pakistan, and I have taught interdisciplinary studies (including political science) in the United States for nearly half a century, so I have been following the developments in Pakistan with great interest and concern, both from professional and personal points of view. For brevity and clarity, I am itemizing my impressions as follows: Did the U.S. government play a role in creating Pakistan’s current political crisis? From the reports available so far, it seems likely that the U.S. government colluded with Pakist...