
Did Qatar Offer to Fund Displacement of Gaza’s Refugees?
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Qatar, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Did Qatar Offer to Fund Displacement of Gaza’s Refugees?

A screen shot of the WSJ article, displayed by popular Egyptian blogger, Lofty Zakaria. (Photo: Lofty Zakaria YouTube, image grab) Some Arab media and influencers, like Abdel Bari Atwan and Lotfy Zakaria, among others, have accused Qatar of being involved in an American scheme to displace 1.5 million Palestinians from Gaza into the Sinai desert. They claim that Egypt has strongly rejected the proposal, provided by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, although intense pressures are still being put on Egypt, especially as Cairo is struggling under an immense and growing economic crisis.  But where do these claims come from? The main reference behind this claim is an article published by the WSJ, which wrote on October 15 that, “Egypt is coming under int...
Qatar at the crossroads?

Qatar at the crossroads?

Can US pressure force Qatar to sever its economic ties to Iran and Russia? Proletarian writers Economic and political relations between Tehran and Doha have been steadily growing since June 2017, when Iran offered full support to Qatar when it was blockaded by Saudi Arabia and several other GCC feifdoms. In February 2022, the two countries held a high-level summit at which their leaders agreed ‘to seriously increase cooperation in the fields of economy, energy, infrastructure, trade, investment, food security, health, and culture’. At what point does a country cross the line from being ‘protected’ to being occupied? This is a question which many Qataris must be asking themselves as they witness the supposed US ‘protector’ of Qatar’s security flood their country with military...
Take the money, Qatargate MEP Eva Kaili told her father
Europe, Qatar

Take the money, Qatargate MEP Eva Kaili told her father

The Greek politician’s lawyer insists Eva Kaili is innocent as European Parliament corruption probe continues. Eva Kaili's father was arrested on December 9 in the Brussels Sofitel hotel with a suitcase full of cash | EPA-EFE/Jalal Morchidi BY NEKTARIA STAMOULI ATHENS — Greek MEP Eva Kaili has admitted that she asked her father to take money from her home, her lawyer in Athens said on Tuesday, adding that despite this he is convinced of her innocence. Kaili is at the center of a spiraling investigation into alleged corruption by Qatar, which has rocked the European Parliament and triggered deep soul-searching in the corridors of power in Brussels. She was arrested by Belgian police in a series of raids that found, among other things, €150,000 at her own apartment. ...
FIFA Needs to Act to Kick Out Apartheid

FIFA Needs to Act to Kick Out Apartheid

Ahmad Daraghma, 23, was killed by Israeli forces in Nablus. (Photo: via Social Media) By Jonathan Kuttab During the World Cup 2022, players and fans in Qatar, and people all over the world took a strong stand for Palestine. Social media was buzzing, and mainstream media from around the world reported about Palestine flags being raised. Israeli media who flooded Qatar to bask in their newfound “acceptance” of normalization with the Arab world were shocked to find that the people of the Arab world did not share that view. In fact, the recent World Cup showed the world at large is not at all reconciled to Israeli apartheid or enamored with the recent Abrahamic Accords. On December 22, the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) shared that “While the rest of the World st...
Al Jazeera Sues Nazi Forces at the International Criminal Court
Human Rights, Media, Qatar, ZIO-NAZI

Al Jazeera Sues Nazi Forces at the International Criminal Court

Al Jazeera Sues Israeli Forces at the International Criminal Court The lawsuit comes after an investigation that Al Jazeera says uncovers new evidence in the death of Shireen Abu Akleh.By Julia Conley , COMMONDREAMSPublishedDecember 6, 2022 Palestinians take part in a demonstration following the death of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Gaza City on May 15, 2022. Following an investigation that Al Jazeera said uncovered new evidence regarding the fatal shooting of Palestinian-America journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in May, the international news network said Tuesday that it has filed a lawsuit against Israeli military forces at the International Criminal Court. “Al Jazeera’s legal team has conducted a full and de...
Qatar suspected of influencing MEPs with “substantial sums of money” or “significant gifts” 
Europe, Greece, Qatar

Qatar suspected of influencing MEPs with “substantial sums of money” or “significant gifts” 

Posted by: John Phoenix Hurricane in the European Parliament: Arrested the Greek VP and an Italian MEP in the Shady “Soros List” On the cover image George Soros, former Italian MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri and EU Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili by Carlo Domenico Cristofori VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Those who were arrested by the Belgian judiciary in the context of a corruption investigation involving the European Union and, in all probability, Qatar are not just politicians of low profile. The Soccer World Cup is now taking place over there and therefore, perhaps, it is not yet the political moment to officially mention the alleged involvement of the Arab nation in this ugly legal case. Belgium’s Federal Judicial Police (PJF) have suspected “a G...
Qatar World Cup: Very Suspicious Flu among Many Soccers. Air Conditioning or SARS-2 Aerosol as in Wuhan Military Games?

Qatar World Cup: Very Suspicious Flu among Many Soccers. Air Conditioning or SARS-2 Aerosol as in Wuhan Military Games?

 By: Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio “In those days John the Baptist appeared to preach in the desert of Judea, saying: ‘Repent, because the Kingdom of Heaven is near!’He is the one who was announced by the prophet Isaiah when he said: “The voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare the way of the Lord, straighten his paths!”»Gospel according to Matthew (3, 1-3) – Holy Bible EPIDEMIC FLU BUT ANTI-COVID TESTS ARE NOT DONE In the cover image, the Brazilian soccer Antony and a SARS-Cov-2 molecule that authoritative scientists believe was built in the laboratory in a China-USA affair by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO In 59 investigations about the laboratory-built SARS-Cov-2 we have highlighted without a shadow of a doubt the conspirac...
Qatar Doesn’t Have Enough Genders to Host a World Cup… After One Love Armband a new rule: No Soccer without Sodomy!

Qatar Doesn’t Have Enough Genders to Host a World Cup… After One Love Armband a new rule: No Soccer without Sodomy!

FIFA has launched a new captain’s armband on the eve of the World Cup, with a group of nations including England and Wales already intending to wear their own anti-discrimination version. Captains of nine European nations, including England’s Harry Kane and Wales’ Gareth Bale, will wear the OneLove armbands in Qatar, a country which criminalises same-sex relationships. The OneLove armbands will be used to promote diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination, in Qatar – where same-sex relationships and the promotion of same-sex relationships are criminalised.  https://www.gospanews.net/en/2022/06/04/orban-saves-the-patriarch-of-moscow-from-the-lgbt-lobbys-revenge-hungary-stops-eu-sanctions-on-kirill-who-blamed-gay-pride-in-kiev/embed/#?secret=lPlaw6Mib1#?secret=ZEamYyyiNB...
Al Jazeera English under Zio-Nazi infiltration
Media, Middle East, Qatar, ZIO-NAZI

Al Jazeera English under Zio-Nazi infiltration

By Freedom Research [Note: underline of quotes in articles below have been added by Radio Islam for emphasis.]When Al Jazeera English was launched many people had expectations that at last there would be an English language media outlet that wasn´t just a mouthpiece of the Jewish agenda. But lo - were they wrong. Just a quick check on the opinionmakers employed by this "Arab" TV channel's Internet pages gives an astounding high percentage of people of the Jewish mafia, delivering their analysis and perspectives on how to interpret the world. A world very much affected by the actions of their Jewish co-mafiosi in world Economics, US/French/British/Russian politics, and so forth...           Left Column...
How the Nazi regime won over the Zionist Arabs?
Bahrain, Kuwait, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, ZIO-NAZI

How the Nazi regime won over the Zionist Arabs?

A man takes a selfie in front of the Tel Aviv Municipality on Rabin Square, which was lit up with the flag of United Arab Emirates after U.S. President Donald Trump announced the normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE, on August 13, 2020. (Oren Ziv) Bibi’s digital warriors take on Arabia: How Israel won over the Gulf states Israel has been using a web of social media accounts to produce a more favorable image among Arabs in the Gulf. With the UAE agreement, it seems these efforts are bearing fruit. By Katie Wachsberger  On August 13, Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed a historic deal to normalize relations between the two countries. Under the agreement, which was brokered by U.S. President Donald Trump, Israel will suspend its annexation of pa...