
Middle East, Qatar

“Forget Terrorism”: The Real Reason Behind the Qatar Crisis Is Natural Gas

NOVANEWS By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge   According to the official narrative, the reason for the latest Gulf crisis in which a coalition of Saudi-led states cut off diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar, is because – to everyone’s “stunned amazement” – Qatar was funding terrorists, and after Trump’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia in which he urged a crackdown on financial support of terrorism, and also following the FT’s report that Qatar has directly provided $1 billion in funding to Iran and al-Qaeda spinoffs, Saudi Arabia finally had had enough of its “rogue” neighbor, which in recent years had made ideologically unacceptable overtures toward both Shia Iran and Russia. However, as often happens, the official narrative is traditionally a convenient smokescreen from the real unde...
Middle East, Qatar

Five Things You Need to Know About What’s Going on with Qatar

NOVANEWS A new Cold War in the desert. By Adam Garrie The Duran   It’s not every day that two states with similar societies and international alignments break into an open cold war, but this is what is happen between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Here’s what you need to know. 1. Black Gold Meets Cold War In The Desert   Qatar and Saudi Arabia are neighbours and the similarities do not end there. Both are heavily reliant on energy exports in order to fund their lavish domestic economies.  Both practice similar forms of Salafist Islam and both countries have been the traditional enemies of secular Arab states, notably Syria. Both countries are sponsors of terrorism including of al-Qaeda and ISIS at various times. View image on Twitter WikiLeaks ✔@wikileaks Hillary Clint...
Qatar, Russia

Russia And Qatar: Back Channel Diplomacy Over Syria

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko Two of the world’s seemingly most unlikely partners, Russia and Qatar, have been moving closer to one another over the past year in spite of their polar opposite views towards the War on Syria. It’s well known among the global public how Moscow supports the democratically elected and legitimate leadership of President Assad, while Doha has been behind Al Nusra and countless other “moderate rebel opposition” (terrorist) groups since day one, though the time appears to be coming where both state sponsors are making inroads towards reaching a fabled so-called “political solution”.  Russia has made it abundantly clear on many occasions that the War on Syria can only be wrapped up with a political, not military, solution, which therefore infers some sort of...

Qatar calls into question its sincerity in pushing World Cup-driven reform

NOVANEWS By James M. Dorsey For much of the last six years since winning the hosting rights of the 2022 World Cup, Qatar appeared to be taking a slow and torturous path towards some degree of reform. Yet, in an increasingly conservative world in which human rights are put on the back burner, fears among rights and trade union activists that lofty Qatari promises of labour reform and some degree of greater liberalism may not be much more than just lofty undertakings appear to be gaining steam. To be sure, the controversial awarding of the hosting rights has contributed to more open discussion in Qatar of hitherto taboo subjects, including the rights of workers who constitute the vast majority of the population of the tiny, energy-rich Gulf state; the definition of Qatari identity; what r...
Middle East, Qatar

Suspected Bribe by Saudi Arabia and Qatar Paid to Bill Clinton While Hillary Was Secretary of State

NOVANEWS By Eric Zuesse Global Research   BACKGROUND A Reuters report, November 4th, contains the available information regarding the million-dollar payment, which was made in 2011, when the active effort began to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in Syria. This previously unreported payment, which was intended to go through the Clinton Foundation, was made by Qatar, which, along with Saudi Arabia, are the main sources of funding to the jihadists who are trying to overthrow and replace Assad, the man who is blocking those two countries from building oil and gas pipelines through Syria into Europe. Both Qatar and Saudi Arabia are owned by their country’s royal family, who also own the world’s largest oil and gas reserves, and those royals want to pipeline their oil and gas into Europe a...
Middle East, Qatar, Saudi Arabia

Murder in the name of Allah, funded by Zio-Wahhabi’s Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

NOVANEWS Murder in the name of Allah, funded by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait Nureddin Sabir, Editor, Redress Information & Analysis, writes: Syria has been destroyed and its people dispossessed by the Muslim Brotherhood and its malignant prodigies, courtesy of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Turkey. One of these murderous prodigies is Al-Nusra Front (Partisans Front), which has long been affiliated to Al-Qaeda. Recently, with the blessing of Al-Qaeda’s leader, Ayman Zawahiri, it supposedly “ended” its ties to Al-Qaeda and changed its name to Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (Front for the Conquest of Syria). This is a ploy intended to increase its appeal within Syria and the West, and facilitate its formal inclusion in what Western government deceptively call “Syria’s moderate opposition”. ...