Saudi Arabia

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi FM calls for Palestinian state in UN speech
Palestine Affairs, Saudi Arabia, ZIO-NAZI

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi FM calls for Palestinian state in UN speech

The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi foreign minister addressed the UN General Assembly on 24 September in a speech calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state and a “just, comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue” while criticizing the Nazi entity for its ongoing illegal building of Jewish settlements in the Nazi occupied West Bank. Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan’s comments come as Saudi Arabia and The Nazi entity appeared to make progress in negotiations to normalize relations. “Security in the Middle East region requires the acceleration of … a just, comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue; the solution must be based on resolutions in the international arena and must bring about a peace that allows [the] Palestinian people to have an inde...
Nazi FM: Deal with Saudi “Within Reach”
Saudi Arabia, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi FM: Deal with Saudi “Within Reach”

Nazi Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that a normalization deal between the Zionist entity and Saudi Arabia was “within reach.” In an interview with Kan on Wednesday, the Nazi FM “estimated” that more countries were going to normalize relations with the Nazi occupation regime. “I estimate that the normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia will be joined by additional Muslim countries, mainly Sunni in Africa and Asia, with the exception of the extreme countries,” Cohen told the Zionist broadcaster. “Saudi Arabia has an interest no less than Israel in promoting economic and technological cooperation with Israel,” the Nazi foreign minister added, as quoted by i24NEWS. The communication with Zionist media came after Cohen met with dozens of diplomats on the sidelines of the...
Saudi Zio-Wahabi regime pulls out of Zionist normalization talks
Saudi Arabia, ZIO-NAZI

Saudi Zio-Wahabi regime pulls out of Zionist normalization talks

Saudi Arabia pulls out of Israel normalization talks The Cradle | According to a 17 September report by Saudi media, the kingdom has told Washington that it aims to withdraw from US-sponsored efforts for normalization with Israel due to an Israeli reluctance to make concessions towards the Palestinians.  “Saudi Arabia has informed the American administration to stop any discussions related to normalization with Israel,” the London-based, Saudi-owned Elaph newspaper cited an official from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying.  The outlet cites an official from the prime minister’s office as saying that the actions of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and their insistence on ...
Human Rights and the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime
Saudi Arabia, USA

Human Rights and the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime

Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia BY KATHY KELLY The Bombing of a Neighborhood in Yemen, December 28, 2017. Photo: Aida Fallace. The Saudis picked us up from the detention center in Daer and put us in a minibus going back to the Yemen border. When they released us, they created a kind of chaos; they screamed at us to “get out of the car and get away.” … this is when they started to fire mortars – to keep us into the mountain line, they fired the mortar from left and right. When we were one kilometer away, … We were resting together after running a lot…and that’s when they fired mortars on our group. Directly at us. There were 20 in our group and only ten survived. Some of the mortars hit the rocks and then the [fragments of the] rock hit us… They ...
Who wants to keep Yemen divided, and who is trying to unify it?
Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Who wants to keep Yemen divided, and who is trying to unify it?

Posted by: John Phoenix Amid growing resistance to the Saudis in the occupied south, the question of separation is once again raising its head in Yemen. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Attempts to keep the country divided have nothing to do with national aspirations and everything to do with imperialist control. They must be opposed by socialists and anti-imperialists. As of July 2023, protesters have been taking to the streets in Aden, the de facto capital of the Saudi/UAE coalition-occupied southern portion of war-torn Yemen. Amidst a blistering summer heatwave, they are only receiving six hours of electricity a day; this in a region where there is no shortage of natural resources for fuel. Additionally, the economy is i...
The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Ethiopian Migrant Killings
Africa, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Ethiopian Migrant Killings

Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings BY BINOY KAMPMARK A topographic map of Yemen. Photograph Source: Carport – CC BY-SA 3.0 We know what the regime is like.  Starving a country, bombing its hospitals and strafing its schools has been minor fare for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The population of Yemen has found this out to their colossal cost.  Add to this the killing of dissident journalists, the enthusiastic employment of capital punishment, and an assortment of other merry brutalities, the House of Saud comes across as a fine specimen of barbaric endeavour. At least, as many of their supporters will say, they like international sporting events, and are willing to throw money at, if not completely purchase, full eve...
Saudi Zio-Wahhabi border guards kill hundreds of Ethiopian migrants
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi border guards kill hundreds of Ethiopian migrants

Saudi guards on the border with Yemen (File pic) Saudi border guards fired "like rain" on Ethiopian migrants trying to cross into the Gulf kingdom from Yemen, killing hundreds since last year, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said in a new report. The allegations, described as "unfounded" by a Saudi government source, point to a significant escalation of abuses along the perilous route from the Horn of Africa to Saudi Arabia, where hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians live and work. One 20-year-old woman from Ethiopia's Oromia region, interviewed by HRW, said Saudi border guards opened fire on a group of migrants they had just released from custody. "They fired on us like rain. When I remember, I cry," she said. "I saw a guy calling for help, he lost both his legs. He was scream...
Saudi Arabia’s oil exports fall to 21-month low  
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s oil exports fall to 21-month low  

Crude shipments plunged below 7 million barrels per day in June, data has revealed ©  Getty Images / Mlenny Shipments of crude oil from Saudi Zio-Wahhabi entity have slumped to their lowest level in almost two years, the latest data by the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) revealed on Wednesday. Saudi Zio-Wahhabi oil exports totaled 6.80 million barrels per day (bpd) in June, representing a decrease of 124,000 bpd compared to May, data compiled by JODI showed. Crude supplies from the world’s top oil exporter plunged below 7 million bpd for the first time this year as the kingdom along with several other major OPEC+ producers opted for a collective output cut of 1.6 million bpd in May. Saudi Zio-Wahhabi oil product stockpiles dropped by 1.64 million b...
Houthi Rebels Threaten Renewed War Against Yemen Government
Saudi Arabia, Yemen

Houthi Rebels Threaten Renewed War Against Yemen Government

The Houthi militia in Yemen threatened to resume fighting against the government forces and the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi led coalition. 11 Homes Destroyed by Fire in Displaced Yemeni Camp Mohamed Al-Atifi, the defense chief of the Houthi rebel militia, accused the coalition of "deception and dishonesty" during ongoing peace talks with the rebels, declaring that the group is preparing for new actions to expel coalition forces from Yemen and seize control of all territory. The recent military parades and maneuvers conducted by the Houthis were not mere shows of force but rather a signal of their readiness for a new round of warfare, he warned. The fresh threats came as Al-Atifi visited Houthi frontline positions in Yemen's southwestern province of Taiz, where the rebel gr...
Zionist Biden Attacks the Nazi regime
Saudi Arabia, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Zionist Biden Attacks the Nazi regime

US President Zionist Joe Biden. (Photo: White House Website) US President Joe Biden has accused political extremists in PM Naziyahu’s regime of contributing to the rising tensions in the West Bank. Netanyahu’s cabinet has “some of the most extreme members” to lead Israel’s government dating all the way back to Golda Meir’s administration in 1969, Zionist Biden said in a CNN interview aired on Sunday. The US president dodged a question on when he will invite Naziyahu for a White House visit, saying, “Bibi, I think, is trying to work through how he can work through his existing problems in terms of his coalition.” Biden argued that some of Nazi’s cabinet ministers have essentially said, “We can settle anywhere we want. They (the Palestinians) have no right to be h...