
50 Years Of Unhinged, Televised Presidential Warmongering
C.I.A, USA, Vietnam

50 Years Of Unhinged, Televised Presidential Warmongering

by Jim Bovard  Fifty years ago, President Richard Nixon popped up on national television on a Thursday night to proudly announce that he invaded Cambodia. At that time, Nixon was selling himself as a peacemaker, promising to withdraw U.S. troops from the Vietnam War. But after the sixth time that Nixon watched the movie “Patton,” he was overwhelmed by martial fervor and could not resist sending U.S. troops crashing into another nation. Presidents had announced military action prior to Nixon’s Cambodia surprise but there was a surreal element to Nixon’s declaration that helped launch a new era of presidential grandstanding. Ever since then, presidents have routinely gone on television to announce foreign attacks that almost always provoke widespread applause—at least in...
A Letter From Viet Nam on the Occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the End of the War

A Letter From Viet Nam on the Occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the End of the War

by MARK ASHWILL Photograph Source: Abbie Rowe, National Park Service – John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum – Public Domain Dear Fellow Citizens, I am reaching out to you as current official friends and former enemies of Vietnam because I want you to know the truth about what could have been, an alternative and viable path of history that both countries could have trod together for mutual benefit and a more peaceful world. One milestone that inspired me to write to you at this auspicious moment is the 45th anniversary of the end of what you call the “Vietnam War” and what the Vietnamese logically know as the American War because it was a war that the US fought on Vietnamese soil. Tragically, but not surprisingly, based on your history and foreign policy ...
Health, Vietnam

Why has no one in Vietnam died from Coronavirus?

By Tina Ngo Vietnamese flag. Photo: Ecow / CC0 As the U.S. government’s incompetence is put on full display by the COVID-19 crisis, many are rightfully looking to other countries around the world for an alternative to the disastrous profit-first approach of the Trump administration. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has stood out as one such example of how to effectively respond to the pandemic. Vietnam, which shares a border with China and is about 1,200 miles from where the outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, has overcome steep odds in the global fight against COVID-19. As of April 6, the Vietnamese government has reported 245 confirmed cases with 95 recoveries and no fatalities. The country’s response to the outbreak has received international recognition, including from...
USA, Vietnam


SEYMOUR HERSH RECALLS HOW THE STORY BROKE On this day in 1968, the My Lai Massacre Took place. The original official report which appeared on the front page of the New York Times said it was a combat engagement that left 120 Vietcong dead. In reality over 500 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in cold blood. 18 months later Seymour Hersh received an anonymous tip and the public finally learned the truth. The mainstream news media had zero interest in his research. Only a small, independent publication was willing to cover the story. A little know part of the story is that it was an America helicopter commander who after stumbling on the massacre stopped it by ordering his men to train their weapons on the troops w...

Vietnam War Started 55 Years Ago: Neoliberalism and “The Vietnam Model”. Who Won the Vietnam War?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Fifty five years ago, March 8 1965 marks the commencement of the Vietnam war. April 1975 marks the official end of the Vietnam War.  Yet today, almost 44 year later Vietnam is an impoverished country.  The Hanoi government is a US proxy regime. Vietnam has become a new cheap labor frontier of the global economy. Neoliberalism prevails. In a bitter irony, Vietnam which was a victim of US war crimes has become a staunch military ally of the US under Washington’s  “Pivot to Asia” which threatens China.  And now The Trump administration has been pressuring North Korea to adopt the “Vietnam Model” as a prerequisite to “normalization” and the lifting of economic sanctions. The Vietnam Model is not a Solution fo...
Afghanistan, USA, Vietnam

Why the Afghanistan Papers Are an Eerie Reminder of Vietnam

by VIJAY PRASHAD Photograph Source: Jayel Aheram – CC BY 2.0 Noam Chomsky recently celebrated his 91st birthday. As an homage to Noam, I spent the day with one of his lesser-known books—The Backroom Boys (1973). The book is made up of two spectacular essays, the first a close reading of the Pentagon Papers. To read this book alongside the trove of documents released by the U.S. government as part of its own internal study on the ongoing U.S. war on Afghanistan is telling. Both the Pentagon Papers on Vietnam and the recent Washington Post disclosures on Afghanistan show that the U.S. government lied to its citizenry about a war that could never be won. If you substitute the word “Afghanistan” for the word “Vietnam,” you could read Noam’s essays from 1973 and imag...

Vietnam is sentencing corrupt bankers to death, by firing squad

By: Patrick Winn Duong Chi Dung (C-front), 56, former chairman of Vinalines, and his accomplices listen to the verdict at a local People's Court in Hanoi on December 16, 2013. Two top executives were sentenced to death for embezzlement as authorities try to allay rising public anger over corruption. Three corrupt bankers have also recently the death sentence. BANGKOK — For the most part, American bankers whose rash pursuit of profit brought on the 2008 global financial collapse didn’t get indicted. They got bonuses. Odds are that scandal would have played out differently in Vietnam, another nation struggling with misbehaving bankers. The authoritarian Southeast Asian state doesn’t just send unscrupulous financiers to jail. Sometimes, it sends them to death row. Amid a sweepin...
USA, Vietnam

Robert McNamara’s Infamous “Project 100,000” and the Vietnam War. A Premeditated Crime against Humanity

By Larry Romanoff Global Research, In the very long list of shocking and abominable atrocities committed by the US, there is one that stands out as especially obscene for the appalling and hypocritical inhumanity of US Government leaders. This was “Project 100,000”, a US military program enacted by then Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to recruit 100,000 new soldiers per year during a time of great public opposition to the Vietnam war, and which was promoted as part of President Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’. In McNamara’s own words, it was “a program to salvage the poverty-scarred youth of our society”, to give them two years of military service, then insert them into “a lifetime of productive activity in American civilian society”.He further stated,.“Poverty in America...
USA, Vietnam

Message to the American People, December 23, 1966- Ho Chi Min

On the occasion of the New Year, I would like to convey to the American people cordial wishes for peace and happiness. The Vietnamese and American peoples should have lived in peace and friendship. But the U.S. Government has brazenly sent over 400,000 troops along with thousands of aircraft and hundreds of Warships to wage aggression on Vietnam. Night and day it has used napalm bombs, toxic gas, fragmentation bombs and other modern weapons to massacre our people, not sparing even old persons, women and children, it has burnt down or destroyed villages and towns and perpetrated extremely savage crimes. Of late, U.S. aircraft have repeatedly bombed Hanoi, our beloved capital. It is because of the criminal war unleashed by the U.S. Government that hundreds of thousands of young...
USA, Vietnam

Why Does Trump Like Communist Vietnam? Because It’s Capitalist

NOVANEWS By Mark Karlin Global Research Before Donald Trump’s February summit with Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam, The Washington Post ran an article headlined, “The US wants North Korea to follow the ‘miracle’ of Vietnam’s path.” “In light of the once-unimaginable prosperity and partnership we have with Vietnam today, I have a message for Chairman Kim Jong Un: President Trump believes your country can replicate this path,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, as quoted in The Post article. In 2019, the evolution of Vietnam toward capitalism, praised by the Trump administration, is not without irony. A ruinous and brutal U.S. war against North Vietnam and its Viet Cong supporters in the south ended with the U.S. withdrawal of military troops in 1973, followed by a complete end to t...