
Pro-Jewish lobby ousted ABC journalist, prompting staff to call for industrial action
Australia, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Pro-Jewish lobby ousted ABC journalist, prompting staff to call for industrial action

Posted by: John Phoenix Antoinette Lattouf, a former ABC journalist A pro-'Israel' lobby group has pushed for the ouster of an Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) journalist, prompting the news agency's staff to call for a strike. Award-winning Lebanese-Australian journalist Anotinette Lattouf was fired from ABC last month for sharing on Instagram a report about the Israeli regime forces' genocidal attack on the Palestinians trapped in the besieged Gaza Strip. “The ABC sacked broadcaster Antoinette Lattouf after a high-level and coordinated letter-writing campaign from pro-Israel lobbyists that directly targeted the corporation’s chair, Ita Buttrose, and managing director David Anderson,” daily Sydney Morning Herald found in an investigative report which includes “do...
Corrupt Australian firm busted as intelligence front

Corrupt Australian firm busted as intelligence front

KIT KLARENBERG Aussie intel cutout Omni Executive accused of leveraging ties to abusive units in Afghanistan to rake in massive contracts. The firm allegedly inked the no-bid deals while conducting warrantless domestic spying ops A whistleblower complaint obtained by The Grayzone alleges industrial scale corruption by three former SAS operatives linked to a private firm, which operates as a “front company…for deployable, offshore covert or clandestine intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance activities” on behalf of the Australian government. The document, submitted anonymously by an Australian Defence Force whistleblower with knowledge of the matter to Canberra’s National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), alleges that the three influential SAS veterans are implicated i...
An Australian Referendum: “Legalized Lawlessness”

An Australian Referendum: “Legalized Lawlessness”

BY JULIE WARK Photograph Source: Kgbo – CC BY-SA 4.0 Yes, it happened in this year of 2023, seventy-five years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. A referendum, which should never have been held, was held. The basic rights of Australia’s First People, about 3.8% of the population, were put to a national vote in a referendum where the non-Aboriginal 63+% would effectively decide whether they could have a “Voice”, a “Voice to Parliament” that would be protected by the Constitution and allow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be more involved in political decision-making by advising the government on policies and projects that affect their communities. Unlike other countries with similar settler colon...
Austria: A series of anti-aggression events

Austria: A series of anti-aggression events

"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitledto seize upon it without any scruples." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 By: John Phoenix The Austrian capital, Vienna, witnessed a series of events against the war of genocide launched by the Zionist enemy on the Gaza Strip, which were organized by Palestinian activists and those in solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people.Yesterday, Monday, in Vienna, a solidarity stand was witnessed in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza and their valiant resistance against the occupation. It witnessed the delivery of a group of speeches by Arab and Austrian activists and activists who carried political stances through these words, and the participants raised p...
Australian Senator Tells Government Time to Recognize Palestine
Australia, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Australian Senator Tells Government Time to Recognize Palestine

Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe. (Photo: Australian Greens, via Wikimedia Commons) Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe condemned “the violent occupation of Palestine, the brutality of the colonial power that is Israel, and their state-sanctioned murder of the Palestinians.” Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe has called on the Australian Government to recognize the sovereignty of the State of Palestine over the lands illegally occupied by Nazi army since 1967 and to call for the the Nazi regime to end the illegal occupation. “This government must recognize sovereignty abroad and at home, recognize the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over all the land taken since 1967, and must call for the Israeli government to end the illegal occupation,” said Thorpe in a speech before the A...
Austrian chancellor makes cash pledge

Austrian chancellor makes cash pledge

The right to use cash for payments should be enshrined in the Austrian constitution, Chancellor Karl Nehammer believes ©  Getty Images / Creativ Studio Heinemann The ability to use cash for payments instead of banking cards or digital currencies should become a constitutional right in Austria, Chancellor Karl Nehammer has said. The chancellor argued cash remains an extremely popular means of payment in Austria, and the country’s people should have a “right to cash.” “Pocket money for the child. The rainy day reserve at home. The money in the wallet just in case. In Austria alone, €47 billion is withdrawn from ATMs every year, and on average, every Austrian carries €102 in cash. Cash plays an important role in our everyday lives,” Nehammer said in a stat...
Australia, United Kingdom


The Australian High Court has ruled that correspondence between the Queen and the Governor-General of Australia, her viceroy in the former British colony, is no longer "personal" and the property of Buckingham Palace. Why does this matter? Secret letters written in 1975 by the Queen and her man in Canberra, Sir John Kerr, can now be released by the National Archives - if the Australian establishment allows it. On November 11, 1975, Kerr infamously sacked the reformist government of prime minister Gough Whitlam, and delivered Australia into the hands of the United States. Today, Australia is a vassal state bar none: its politics, intelligence agencies, military and much of its media are integrated into Washington's "sphere of dominance" and war plans. In Donald Trump's current pr...
Australian PM ‘frustrated’ over ongoing imprisonment of Assange
Australia, Human Rights, United Kingdom

Australian PM ‘frustrated’ over ongoing imprisonment of Assange

Anthony Albanese has opposed the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder, but refused to ask the US to release him Anthony Albanese speaks to the media after meeting British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at Downing Street in London, Britain, May, 5, 2023 ©  AP / Frank Augstein Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has declared that “there is nothing to be served” by keeping WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange behind bars. He claimed he is working behind the scenes with Washington to find a solution to the case, but described the process as “frustrating.” “This needs to be brought to a conclusion,” Albanese told Australia’s ABC broadcaster from London on Thursday. “It needs to be worked though. We’re working through diplomatic channels,...
The first Australian soldier has been charged over Afghanistan war crimes, but those ultimately responsible remain in command
Afghanistan, Australia, Human Rights

The first Australian soldier has been charged over Afghanistan war crimes, but those ultimately responsible remain in command

The murder allegation could be the start of a lengthy string of trials, which is unlikely to ever reach the top brass Graham Hryce is an Australian journalist and former media lawyer, whose work has been published in The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, the Sunday Mail, the Spectator and Quadrant. FILE PHOTO: Australian soldiers in Afghanistan, January 24, 2013. ©  Photo by Kate Geraghty/The Sydney Morning Herald/Fairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images Earlier this week, an Australian soldier, Oliver Schulz, 41, was charged with murder by the Australian Federal Police in relation to the killing of a civilian in Afghanistan in 2012. Schulz was remanded in custody and is due to appear in court again on May 16. His trial wil...
Murdoch propaganda pushes Australia: double military budget to fight China
Australia, China

Murdoch propaganda pushes Australia: double military budget to fight China

The time to start resisting is now. Caitlin Johnstone Subscribe to our  channel The Australian people are being groomed into participating in the USA’s war drive against China. The cost to themselves is likely to be catastrophic. The following article is reproduced from Caitlin Johnstone’s blog, with thanks. ***** In the latest escalation in Australia’s increasingly forceful campaign to manufacture consent for war with China, the Murdoch-owned Sky News Australia has aired a jaw-droppingly propagandistic hour-long special which advocates a dramatic increase in the nation’s military spending. Australians are uniquely vulnerable to propaganda because our nation has the most concentrated media ownership in the western world, th...