
Cardinal Pell’s conviction reversed

Cardinal Pell’s conviction reversed

VOLTAIRE NETWORK Cardinal George Pell - Archbishop of Sidney before serving as Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See (that is, Finance Minister of the Vatican State and of the Catholic Church) - who had been convicted of pedophilia, has just been acquitted by the Australian High Court. His Eminence’s trial was highly publicized in a violently anti-Catholic atmosphere, and eventually hushed up thanks to a "Gag Order", issued by Kerri Judd, Director of Public Prosecutions of the State of Victoria, to the media banning any further coverage of the case. The High Court decided that the facts may probably never have taken place and that, in any case, there was a reasonable doubt in favor of the defendant.
Australia, Health

80% of Australia’s COV-19 Cases Are “Imported”, Mostly From the U.S.

"The country which has actually been responsible for a large amount of these (coronavirus cases) has actually been the United States," the prime minister said, By CGTN Global Research, Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison claimed around 80 percent of Australian coronavirus cases came from those who caught disease overseas or were in contact with someone who returned from abroad. “The overwhelming proportion of cases in Australia have been imported,” Morrison told a news conference on Friday. While in an interview with 2GB on the same day, he gave further details by claiming that the U.S. is the country of origin for most of the coronavirus cases in Australia.“The country which has actually been responsible for a large amount of these (coro...
Australia, Environment

Australia on the Chasm of Climate Catastrophe

by EVAGGELOS VALLIANATOS Fires burning East Australia, December 2019. Courtesy NASA. Public Domain. Australia: coal and Murdoch are kings  Australia has had a series of bad governments beholden to the coal industry and to the Rupert Murdoch propaganda machine. The media empire of Murdoch controls about 60 percent of the newspapers and television stations. The Murdoch message, just like the message of Fox TV in America, is in defense of the oligarchs and against environmental protection of any kind. This propaganda is in accord with the continued use of fossil fuels and the ceaseless destruction of the natural world. Young people brought up on this diet of lies become vociferous in their advocacy of violence and undemocratic politics. I used to write for a...
Australia, Canada, Germany, Iraq, United Kingdom, USA

US, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany Reject Iraqi Parliament’s Demand for US and Allied Troop Withdrawal

By Gideon Polya Global Research, Following the US assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Shiite Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis at Baghdad International Airport,  the Iraqi PM, the Iraqi Parliament Speaker and the Iraqi Parliament have demanded that the US Alliance forces leave Iraq. The US, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany have rejected the Iraqi Parliament’s Quit Iraq demand,  with the US threatening to instantly collapse  the Iraqi economy by a banking freeze if Iraq  insists on US Alliance withdrawal from its territory. (1) US Alliance violates Iraqi sovereignty and rejects the Iraqi Parliament’s Quit Iraq demand. Iraqis were outraged by the criminal murder by drone missile attack of Iranian General ...
Australia, Health

Australian TV Channel 10’s Studio 10 program on the futile drug war

Australian TV Channel 10’s Studio 10 program on the futile drug war Posted: 11 Sep 2019 12:06 AM PDT I recently appeared on Australia’s Channel 10 popular TV morning program, Studio 10, talking about the drug war and my new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs The post Australian TV Channel 10’s Studio 10 program on the futile drug war appeared first on Antony Loewenstein.

The Presence of Foreign Troops in Australia: The US Marines in Darwin

NOVANEWS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research Subordinates rarely have a good time of dictating matters to their superiors. In the webbed power relations that pass as realpolitik, Australia is the well behaved child in the front of the room, yearning to be caned and spoilt in equal measure.  Ever since Australia’s Prime Minister John Curtin cast his eye to Washington in an act of desperation during the Second World War, fearing defeat at the hands of the Japanese and British abandonment, the United States has maintained its role, a brute to be relied upon, even as it careers into the next disaster.  An underlying rationale since then has been dangerously simple: With the United States, right or wrong, sober or drunk. An important element in the relationship has been the forced ...
Australia, Europe

Populist Austrian chancellor forced out despite election win

NOVANEWS Despite fuelling their anti-immigrant rhetoric, the imperialists are nervous of populist leaders in Europe who favour rapprochement with Moscow. Proletarian writers Austria’s 32-year-old chancellor, Sebastian Kurz of the rightist People’s party, has been forced out of office by a no-confidence vote only days after his party swept the board in the EU parliamentary election.“Mr Kurz and the People’s party emerged on Sunday evening as the biggest winners of the polls, with support surging 8.5 percentage points to its highest ever level, 35 percent, in a result widely seen as huge personal mandate for the chancellor.” (Austria’s Kurz forced to step down despite European elections win by Sam Jones, Financial Times, 27 May 2019) The main reason the no-confidence vote pa...
Australia, USA

Tightly Bound: The United States and Australia’s Alliance-Dependent Militarization

NOVANEWS By Richard Tanter The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus   Contemporary Australia is a case of dependent, high-technology liberal militarization, but with distinctive characteristics pointing to a model that must look beyond standard concerns with increasing national defense budgets, more and better weapons systems, an “exceptionalist” approach to immigration security and a predilection for use of military force in international affairs. In a world and time where militarization is a global norm embedded in globe-spanning military alliances and world-wide networks of foreign military bases, discerning the lineaments of one particular national instance can be both difficult and potentially misleading. In liberal democracies, national self-conceptions resist identification w...

Is it time to boycott Australia over its refugee policies?

NOVANEWS Posted by: John Phoenix My following article appears in Australian news outlet, Crikey: Let’s talk about boycotting Australia. Australia’s war on asylum seekers at Manus Island, Nauru and other privatised detention facilities on the Australian mainland is seemingly unstoppable by traditional means. While condemned by every human rights organisation in the world, Canberra is unmoved. The demonisation of (mostly) brown and Muslim individuals is an effective tool for politicians as well as many in the Murdoch and tabloid press to whip up fear and aggression against outsiders. And it’s been working for 25 years with Australia now inspiring hardline European policies. When politics and international law fail to intervene if abuses occur, alternative tactics are required. Supporti...