Italy’s Secret Role in Sevastopol Missile Strikes By:  Fabio G. C. Carisio VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The news of the shooting down of a US drone was reported by two Russian Telegram channels – “Military Informant” and “Fighterbomber” – reported by the Italian newspaper La Stampa, according to which, in the past, these two channels have rarely written less than informed things. The American UAV Shoot Down by Russia aviation ...
Yemen sinks another British boat and is war likely in Lebanon?
C.I.A, Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, NATO, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, Yemen, ZIO-NAZI

Yemen sinks another British boat and is war likely in Lebanon?

Posted by: John Phoenix Fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah carry out a training exercise in Aaramta village in the Jezzine District, southern Lebanon, May 21, 2023. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar) Report 1 looks at the latest Hezbollah spy video that has successfully filmed much of the Zionist civilian, military and spy infrastructure in and around Haifa. I also take into account the nine month messaging by the Zionist military that they will invade Lebanon, are we getting closer to an all out war?: In my second report I look at the victory of the Yemeni Ansarullah forces over the US and UK naval forces and their dominance of the Red Sea to enforce a blockade on Zionist-bound ships: Ansarullah released a more recent video last night showing the attack on the Totor...
The puppet is pulling the strings: How Zelensky’s regime manipulates its Western backers
C.I.A, Europe, Ukraine, USA

The puppet is pulling the strings: How Zelensky’s regime manipulates its Western backers

Posted by: John Phoenix The removal of officials favored in Washington and Brussels but inconvenient for Kiev is starting to resemble a purge By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory Vladimir Zelensky (screen) delivers a speech at the Summit on peace in Ukraine near Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15, 2024 ©  MICHAEL BUHOLZER / POOL / AFP As a state, Ukraine is vitally – or fatally – dependent on the West: As the Ukrainian anti-corruption activist Martina Bohuslavets notes in the staunchly patriotic Ukrainska Pravda, Kiev’s ...
Xi claimed US tried to provoke Beijing into Taiwan attack
C.I.A, China, USA

Xi claimed US tried to provoke Beijing into Taiwan attack

RT Xi Jinping has said that the US tried to provoke the Chinese military into attacking Taiwan but that Beijing did not take the bait, the Financial Times reported on Saturday, citing sources. According to people allegedly familiar with the matter, Xi made the remarks during a private meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023. The Chinese president also reportedly relayed concerns about Washington’s alleged attempts to trick Beijing into invading the self-governed island to his officials. Beijing considers Taiwan to be sovereign Chinese territory under its One-China policy. The island has been self-governing since 1949 when nationalists fled the mainland with US help after losing the Chinese Civil War to the communists. F...
Torture in Ukraine – Harrowing testimony from Journalist Laurent Brayard
C.I.A, Human Rights, Media, Ukraine

Torture in Ukraine – Harrowing testimony from Journalist Laurent Brayard

English speaking torture experts, Azov savagery and Satanic ritual Stratpol (pro-Russian media) recently interviewed Laurent Brayard, a French journalist and pro-Donbass activist who has been collecting testimonies of Ukraine's prison survivors: militiamen, spies or innocent passerby, the stories he collected shed a new light on the historical roots of the ongoing conflict, and the methods used by Ukrainians since 2014. What is most horrifying albeit entirely expected - the Red Cross and UN appear to be totally aware of these horrors yet have done nothing. WARNING: Distressing content
NATO Uses Ukraine as Sacrificial Pawn in Defeating Russia
C.I.A, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, USA

NATO Uses Ukraine as Sacrificial Pawn in Defeating Russia

By delivering weapons and deploying military advisors in Ukraine, NATO is now waging a proxy war against Russia, said the chairwoman of the Left Party parliamentary group. Sevim Dagdelen, a member of Germany's Lower House, accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of fighting a proxy war against Russia by supplying military aid to Ukraine. RELATED:  Sweden Fails to End NATO Membership Standoff "If we picture this conflict as a game of chess, then NATO is looking for pawns that can be sacrificed if need be, to secure a better position," she stressed. By delivering weapons and deploying NATO military advisors in Ukraine, NATO is now waging a proxy war against Russia to defeat the nuclear power through a combination of military force and an all...


Posted by: John Phoenix Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March. Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to its raison d’être or modus operandi. Its budget likewise remains a mystery but purportedly runs into the “multimillions.” Pentagon financial documents from 2022 offer a laconic and largely impenetrable description of IPMO. The Office, it is said, “will serve as the senior advisor” to Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security, Ro...
CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say

CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say

By Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016. Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016. The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in t...
How CIA Launder US Financial Aid through its Contractors in Ukraine: Noetic International – Part II
C.I.A, Ukraine, USA

How CIA Launder US Financial Aid through its Contractors in Ukraine: Noetic International – Part II

By: Fabio G. C. Carisio VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Originally published by CIAgate’s Substack WARNING by Gospa News – The information is so detailed that we believe it is our duty to report their dossiers, even if it is impossible for us to verify them All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath for relevance to the topics highlighted In the first part of “Noetic Continental” series, CIAgate traced and exposed the activity of the Noetic International Inc.,...
Trump ordered CIA operation against China
C.I.A, China, USA

Trump ordered CIA operation against China

The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported US President Donald Trump meets China's President Xi Jinping in Beijing on November 9, 2017 © AFP / Fred Dufour Former US President Donald Trump authorized a secret CIA influence campaign aimed at smearing the Chinese government and turning public opinion against its leaders, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing ex-officials with knowledge of the operation. According to the report, the CIA formed a team of operatives in 2019 who used fake internet identities to spread “negative narratives” about President Xi Jinping’s government and leak “disparaging intelligence” to foreign news outlets. Among the narratives spread by the CIA on Chines...