
Activists Launch Petition Calling on Facebook to Remove AIPAC’s Dishonest, Islamophobic, and Dangerous Ads Against Representative Ilhan Omar
Campaigns, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Activists Launch Petition Calling on Facebook to Remove AIPAC’s Dishonest, Islamophobic, and Dangerous Ads Against Representative Ilhan Omar

Cartoon by Shoah For Immediate ReleaseFriday August 13, 2021, 1:04pm EDT CODEPINK Contact Ariel Gold, ariel@codepink.orgDanaka Katovich, PRESS RELEASE WASHINGTON - The grassroots women-led group CODEPINK launched a petition calling on Facebook to remove paid ads by the American-Israel Public Relations Committee (AIPAC) that are dishonest and Islamophobic and endanger the life of a sitting member of Congress. CODEPINK is also asking people to directly report the ads through Facebook for violating their rules against hate speech. The calls by CODEPINK are part of intensifying condemnations of the ads by AIPAC. “AIPAC’s Islamophobic incitement against a Muslim woman of color in Congress in order to further their pro-Israel agenda ...
Campaigns, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Boycotts are legitimate tools of protest against injustice

Rami Barhoush  The Electronic Intifada  Palestinian civil society launched the boycott, divestment and sanction movement in 2005. Nedal EshtayahAPA images In 1966, the Coca-Cola Company was accused of refusing to do business in Israel. The claim had come from the pro-Israel lobby group Anti-Defamation League, and soon enough, the soft drink company faced potential boycotts in its own country. Later that same year, Coca-Cola ended up franchising in Israel, arguably for fear of repercussions of a boycott in its home country. This led to the boycott of the company by Arab states. Economic boycotts have been a common and effective means of protest in the US in the past century, and Americans rightly saw it as a civil and democratic way ...
On its 27th Anniversary: Defeat Oslo, Confront Normalization, Escalate the Boycott
Campaigns, Palestine Affairs, Politics

On its 27th Anniversary: Defeat Oslo, Confront Normalization, Escalate the Boycott

Global Context, Political Construction of Israel, Prisoners From Samidoun 27 Years of Oslo Devastation For 27 years, the devastation wrought by Oslo has included the dismemberment of the Palestinian national liberation movement, its unions and its institutions; the degradation of Palestinian refugees in the camps and in diaspora and exile and repeated attempts to confiscate their voice and decision; the creation of a Palestinian Authority subjected to U.S., European and Israeli demands while imprisoning and repressing the Palestinian resistance; massive expansion of colonial settlements and land theft throughout the occupied West Bank of Palestine; the subjugation of the Palestinian economy to the Israeli occupation. The number of illegal Israeli settlers in the oc...
Campaigns, Politics, ZIO-NAZI

Millennials and the Jewish holocaust

Gilad Atzmon writes: What is it that causes some to constantly measure how much they are hated? What kind of people demands its host nation be intimately familiar with its past? We learned this week that once again, some Jews are upset by the fact that a considerable segment of the American people refuses to see the past exactly as they themselves see it. The Jewish Forward reported over the weekend that “survey results on holocaust knowledge in America are in, and the findings are terrifying. Not only do they show a shocking level of ignorance, but they reinforce findings about all adults, as well as trends throughout Western Europe.” Those Americans who worry that Americans are uniquely ignorant should be relieved. Americans are only just as “ignorant”, or maybe as...
Campaigns, China, USA

US’s anti-China/Russia Propaganda Campaigns

By Vladimir Danilov for NEO After the current political elite in the United States made waging and preparation for conflicts on various continents the focus of their foreign policy, they are continuously searching for, in an increasingly paranoid manner, new enemies of the United States who they could declare yet another war against and not necessarily a “cold” one. In order to further such aims, more and more money out of the state budget are allocated not only towards the US military industrial complex but also towards domestic propaganda campaigns. It is easy to understand why this is so. After all, any war incited by those in power invariably starts with hysteria induced by propaganda campaigns aimed at deceiving their target audience at home and abroad, and manipulating...
Double Victory: 'Israeli' ship blocked for 2 days
Campaigns, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Double Victory: 'Israeli' ship blocked for 2 days

ANSWER San Francisco Download PDF flyer The weekend of August 16 and 17, it was no more business as usual for the apartheid state of Israel in the Bay Area. On Saturday a mass mobilization stopped the unloading of an Israeli cargo ship. The Zim Piraeus was scheduled to dock and unload at the Port of Oakland on Saturday, August 16. A rally at the West Oakland BART train station was followed by a march of more than 4,000 people to the port gates. The march to the port was spirited with chanting led by members of the Arab Youth Organization. The rally at the port also showed solidarity with the family of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old African American man shot and killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and the people of Ferguson, Missouri. Demonstrators lined up facing th...
Pro-'Israel' groups reportedly break law, media & Congress look the other way
Campaigns, Politics, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Pro-'Israel' groups reportedly break law, media & Congress look the other way

Co-chairs of the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus. The bipartisan caucus is connected to the Israel Allies Foundation, reported to have violated US law. The caucus is said to have 80 members, but the list is not public. (Top L-R) Eliot Engel, D-NY; Doug Lamborn, R-CO; Brad Sherman, D-CA; (lower L-R) Chris Smith, R-NJ; Juan Vargas, R-CA;  Steve Chabot, R-OH. (Image from Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post) Documents obtained from the Israeli government show US pro-Israel organizations secretly used Israeli money to influence US policies. Such behavior is illegal under US law. Yet, mainstream media so far are ignoring the information, and Congress shows no interest in investigating this evidence of foreign tampering. A Congressional caucus with 80 members is connected to ...
Nazi Human Rights Violations in the Nazi Occupied Palestinian Territory
Campaigns, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Human Rights Violations in the Nazi Occupied Palestinian Territory

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR): Weekly report for September 3 – 9, 2020 Summary Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued to commit crimes and multi-faceted violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized by excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians. This week, IOF wounded 9 Palestinian civilians in excessive use of force during raids into Palestinian cities. IOF also continued its policy of demolishing and destroying Palestinian houses and facilities for its settlement expansion schemes. Additionally, this week witnessed a significant increase in arrest campaigns against Palestinians, especially in Hebron. The curfew continues in the Ga...
Nazi plan to secretly fund pro-'Israel' groups in the U.S.
Campaigns, Media, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi plan to secretly fund pro-'Israel' groups in the U.S.

Israel’s plan to secretly fund pro-Israel groups in the U.S. CONTACT@IFAMERICANSKNEW.ORG  Sagi Balasha (left), co-founder of secretive Israeli group Kela Shlomo (now named ‘Concert’) with Israeli American Council Chairman Shawn Evenhaim, billionaire campaign donor Sheldon Adelson and wife Miriam. ‘The repeated efforts to push Israeli government money into American Jewish institutions comes at a time of heightened sensitivities over foreign governments’ quiet attempts to use money to influence American discourse. And they come from a ministry whose actions, even within Israel, are veiled in secrecy.’ The extent to which groups are ‘seeking to go around FARA regulations and disguise the role of foreign governments in these activities, that does raise some problematic qu...
The blatant hypocrisy of the USA’s lies about China’s Uighur muslims
Campaigns, China, Politics, USA

The blatant hypocrisy of the USA’s lies about China’s Uighur muslims

Why are we still expected to pay any attention to the imperialists’ neverending barrage of fake news? Ella Rule Uighur muslims study at a re-education centre. The Chinese government is combining economic development of the area with vocational training courses to make sure that locals have better options and are less likely to be pulled in by the lies of imperialism’s jihadi-recruiting proxies. Imperialist powers feeling threatened by the rise of China are relentless in their disinformation campaigns designed to foment unrest and weaken China internally, as well as to undermine its international support. The crocodile tears splashed with monotonous regularity all over the bourgeois media concerning supposed human rights abuses against China’s Uighur muslim minority are ver...