
Statues come down: the toppling of the mighty
Campaigns, Politics, United Kingdom

Statues come down: the toppling of the mighty

Good riddance to bad rubbish, but what next? Lalkar writers At the moment a sizable number of statues are coming down around the world as the unfettered racist police murder of George Floyd in the US has drawn attention to the link between racism and black slavery. Britain was, of course, was the major slave trading country, bringing enormous wealth to the slave traders who, being rich, rapidly received recognition as the great and the good. Some of them donated a part of their vast fortunes to public works for the benefit of the less fortunate; one of them wrote the hymn Amazing Grace. Nevertheless, those who suffered at the hands of these bandits and their descendants cannot feel that whatever good works they might have done wipe out their unspeakable crimes. ...
Zionist-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of 'Israel' as Hate Speech
Campaigns, Media, ZIO-NAZI

Zionist-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of 'Israel' as Hate Speech

Israel-Advocacy Groups Urge Facebook to Label Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech byLara Friedman ON AUGUST 7th, amid broad efforts to get Facebook to clamp down on extremist activity and hate speech, more than 120 organizations sent a letter to the social media giant, urging it to “fully adopt” the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism as the “cornerstone of Facebook’s hate speech policy regarding antisemitism.” This definition, which was adopted by the IHRA in 2016 and has been promoted to governments worldwide, includes several examples of what it describes as “contemporary” antisemitism—including “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of...
Does 9/11 Still Matter? Conversations with Richard Gage and Michel Chossudovsky
Campaigns, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Does 9/11 Still Matter? Conversations with Richard Gage and Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research News Hour episode 189 By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Richard Gage First published on September 9, 2017 Nineteen years ago next week, people in the United States got jolted out of their complacency and sense of security when two airplanes struck the Twin Towers, resulting in the collapse of those buildings, the deaths of nearly 3000 innocents, and the start of the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). The ‘new normal’ was ushered in on September 11, 2001. Americans, suddenly realizing how vulnerable they were to attack from this outside enemy, backed their president’s plan to reek vengeance on the ‘evildoers’ who ‘hate us for our freedoms.’ Americans also seemed to invite the ‘necessary’ steps of enhancing state surveillance powers, and liberty undermi...
ICC Condemns US Economic Sanctions
Campaigns, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

ICC Condemns US Economic Sanctions

International Criminal Court (ICC) Condemns US Economic Sanctions. Washington’s Interference in ICC Judicial and Prosecutorial Independence By International Criminal Court The International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “Court”) condemns the economic sanctions imposed by the US earlier today on the Court’s Prosecutor and a member of her Office. The new measures, announced pursuant to the US Executive Order 13928 dated 11 June 2020, are another attempt to interfere with the Court’s judicial and prosecutorial independence and crucial work to address grave crimes of concern to the international community as mandated under the ICC Rome Statute. These coercive acts, directed at an international judicial institution and its civil servants, are unprecedented and constitute seriou...
Trump Is Laying the Groundwork to Reject the Results of the Election
Campaigns, Politics, USA

Trump Is Laying the Groundwork to Reject the Results of the Election

Donald Trump gestures after delivering his acceptance speech for the Republican Party nomination for reelection during the final day of the Republican National Convention from the South Lawn of the White House on August 27, 2020, in Washington, D.C. BYSasha Abramsky, Truthout Voting Wrongs Last week, as Donald Trump ginned up for the Republican National Convention, he went on Fox News to talk with Sean Hannity about “voter fraud,” be it fraud committed at polling sites or fraud committed by mail. To preempt this, he assured his audience, he would send sheriffs, miscellaneous other law enforcement and U.S. attorneys into polling places around the country to monitor for irregularities. This warning, along with ongoing GOP plans to send 50,000 “poll watchers”...
Kamala Harris Represents Everything Wrong with Empty Identity Politics
Campaigns, Politics, USA

Kamala Harris Represents Everything Wrong with Empty Identity Politics

by PETER BOLTON Photograph Source: Office of the Attorney General of California – Public Domain Joe Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris as his running mate will surely satisfy Democratic Party insiders who were hoping for him to balance the ticket. As a woman of color, Harris kills two birds with one stone by ticking both the gender and race boxes. But the prospect of her becoming vice president is nothing to look forward to. She’s overwhelmingly spent her career, both before and after entering politics, fighting for reactionary policies that completely obliterate the credibility of her claim to be any kind of progressive. But there’s something deeper going on here. Because Harris represents not just the center-right policy positions of the Democratic establishment. She is also an illu...
Campaigns, Europe, ZIO-NAZI

Biggest Dutch pension fund dumps 'Israeli' banks

Adri Nieuwhof  Israel’s biggest banks are heavily involved in financing Israel’s construction of colonies in the occupied West Bank, a war crime. Ahmad Al-BazzActiveStills Dutch pension fund ABP announced last month that it has stopped investing in two Israeli banks involved in Israel’s violent colonization of the occupied West Bank. ABP is the biggest pension fund in the Netherlands, and one of the world’s largest, with about $500 billion in assets. It says it wants its investments to “contribute to a sustainable world.” In areas where there is an increased risk of human rights violations, like the West Bank, ABP requires companies it invests in to have in place a human rights policy. Not only do Israel’s Bank Hapoalim ...
Russia and the Next Presidential Election in the US
Campaigns, Russia, USA

Russia and the Next Presidential Election in the US

THE SAKER •  Illustration by Kent for the Saker Blog Intro: not a pretty picture Let’s begin with a disclaimer: in this article, I will assume that there will be a US Presidential election in the Fall. Right now, it appears to be likely that this election will take place (there appear to be no legal way to cancel or delay it), but this is by no means certain (see here for a machine translated and very interesting article by one Russian analyst, who predicts a diarchy after the election). Right now, the state of the US society is both extremely worried (and for good reason) and potentially explosive. It is impossible to predict what a well-executed false flag attack could do to the US. There is also the possibility of either a natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, etc...
Immigration And The Idea Of A Jewish People
Campaigns, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Immigration And The Idea Of A Jewish People

Yemeni Jewish children By: Rima Najjar If you are not a Palestinian and reading this, I have a little quiz for you to check on whether you can spot what jumped at me and may not jump at others. The question is: Does anything strike you as odd about the immigrant groups that David Goodhart, ex-director of the British think tank Demos, enumerates below, as he presents his argument that the impact of “high levels of immigration” is detrimental to balanced global development? “Immigrants contribute to [economic] innovation. We’ve got a great record of Jewish, East African, Asian and other groups creating great entrepreneurial initiatives, they fill skill gaps, they do dirty jobs…”Anything? In particular, if you are Jewish, does anything odd strike you about the above? What’s odd ...
‘I want Battir to go to hell’: Settlers move in on Palestinian World Heritage site
Campaigns, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

‘I want Battir to go to hell’: Settlers move in on Palestinian World Heritage site

Palestinians in the West Bank agricultural village of Battir are encountering armed Israeli settlers trying to push them off their land. By Yuval Abraham  View of the Palestinian village of Battir, with its ancient terraces and irrigation system, West Bank, February 19, 2017. (Yaakov Lederman/Flash90) Khaled and Miriam Muammar live in Battir, an agricultural village in the occupied West Bank, just south of Jerusalem. Khaled works in construction and Miriam in the family’s field, where she grows eggplants, for which Battir — which was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage and World Heritage in Danger lists in 2014 — is known. “Every eggplant is 40 centimeters [16 inches]. They are huge. The entire world wants them,” says Khaled. A month ago, when Miriam came to work in ...