
How Does Nazi army Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools
Education, Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

How Does Nazi army Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools

Posted by: John Phoenix    September 25, 2024   Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Israeli scholar (photo) Palestinian identity in Israeli schoolbooks is either infantilized, demonized, or ignored, according to Israeli scholar Nurit Peled-Elhanan. By George Yancy, reposted from Truthout In The Black Image in the White Mind, historian George M. Frederickson writes, “In the years immediately before and after 1800, white Americans often revealed by their words and actions that they viewed [Black people] as a permanently alien and unassimilable element of the population.” Within the context of white American domination, anti-Black racist stereotypes framed Black people as inherently unfit, innately problematic and divorced from the category of the human, a category tha...
Jewish Scholarship Exterminated by New ‘Anti-Semitism’ Definition
Education, United Kingdom, ZIO-NAZI

Jewish Scholarship Exterminated by New ‘Anti-Semitism’ Definition

NOI RESEARCH GROUP  “If the majority knew of the root of this evil,Then the road to its cure would not be long.”—Albert Einstein It sounds innocuous enough—to establish once and for all a firm definition of “anti-Semitism.” At first glance it appears to be a minor issue between the Jews and Mr. Webster, something that concerns librarians and academicians. But not so fast. Jewish leaders have inconspicuously pushed this single “tweaking” of the definition of “anti-Semitism” to White House level. And it is about to become the driving force that will clear the shelves of the world’s libraries of classic works of scholarship, literature, and history. And what is particularly astounding is that the most censored and depleted section of every library will be in the realm of Jewis...
Why are Ukrainian Flags Flying Over British Universities
Education, United Kingdom

Why are Ukrainian Flags Flying Over British Universities

Ukrainian flags over UK universities Professor Dame Sally Mapstone PresidentUniversities UKWoburn House20 Tavistock SquareLondon WC1H 9HQ 11 September 2023 Dear Professor Mapstone We have noted, with increasing concern, the practice of flying Ukraine flags above many universities across the United Kingdom. We are aware that UUK is a forum and does not direct the work of UK universities. Nevertheless, we wonder if the issue of Ukraine flag flying by UK universities has ever been discussed and, if it has not been discussed, if it should be. In relation to this, we have several questions the first of which is ‘why?’ The conflict in Ukraine is not one in which our country is directly involved, although we are providing aid along with other western countries. However...
UK: Support our teachers; save our schools!
Education, United Kingdom

UK: Support our teachers; save our schools!

It is not only their present ability to exist that Britain’s teachers are fighting for, but our children’s future. Party leaflet Why are so many experienced and gifted teachers leaving the profession? Why is there such an epidemic of stress and mental health issues amongst the profession? Just as in the NHS, the logic of a system that is transforming our schools into business units is increasingly taking its toll on pupils and staff alike. Download this leaflet as a pdf. The present teachers’ strike is not just about fair pay. It is about the future of education in Britain. Essentially, it is a question of class against class. The capitalist crisis and the inflation crisis it has spawned are a vicious assault on working peoples’ liv...
175+ Groups Urge Biden to Immediately Enact New Student Debt Cancellation Plan
Education, USA

175+ Groups Urge Biden to Immediately Enact New Student Debt Cancellation Plan

Student loan borrowers and the Too Much Talent Band demand debt cancellation outside the White House on January 13, 2022, in Washington, D.C.  (Photo: Paul Morigi/Getty Images for We The 45 Million) "Restarting the fundamentally broken student loan system without first delivering on the relief promised to borrowers remains a grave mistake, and will only exacerbate already dire economic situations for millions." JESSICA CORBETT As millions of Americans prepare to start making student loan payments again in October, nearly 180 organizations on Wednesday pressured U.S. President Joe Biden to immediately enact a new plan to deliver on long-promised relief for federal borrowers. After the U.S. Supreme Court's right-wing majority ruled last month that the Higher Edu...
Defeat the Forces of Darkness and Regression!

Defeat the Forces of Darkness and Regression!

by Arindam Sen Defend Darwin, Defend Science and Progress! The ideologically loaded and politically motivated New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which was very conveniently introduced in the shadows of the pandemic, is now being implemented through drastic and large-scale revision of school textbooks. If the erasure of the profound contributions of Muslim ‘aggressors’ to India’s art and literature, science and social ethos, economic progress and administrative streamlining – and what not – was carried out openly and boastfully as a great feat of nationalism, the surgical removal of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has been executed, as far as possible, on the sly. In the face of widespread criticism in India and abroad the authorities also came up with an apologetic explana...
C.I.A, Education, USA


Posted by: John Phoenix Feature photo | Illustration by MintPress News If you have ever wondered, “where do America’s spies come from?” the answer is quite possibly the Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University. It is only a modestly-seized institution, yet the school provides the backbone for the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, State Department, and other organs of the national security state. From overthrowing foreign governments and conducting worldwide psychological operations to overseeing drug and gun smuggling and a global torture network, the CIA is perhaps the world’s most controversial and dangerous organization. All of which begs the question, should an educational institution have any formal relationship with it, let alone ...
Thousands of children are taught in classes that are too big
Education, United Kingdom

Thousands of children are taught in classes that are too big

Reverse privatisation and create an education system that serves the real needs of both society and individuals. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Class sizes continue to rise: Labour, Tory, same old story. According to figures released by the Department for Education (DfE), 558,658 pupils in primary schools across England are being taught in classes of 31 or more (as of January this year). In Birmingham, for example, this equates to 11,503 children in classes of over 30, meaning one in nine primary pupils in Birmingham (11 percent) are now being taught in a large class, up slightly from 10.9 percent a year before. The Birmingham Mail reported Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s shadow secretary of state for education, as saying: “Today’s figures expose the con...
Teachers given pay rise, but schools forced to pay
Education, United Kingdom

Teachers given pay rise, but schools forced to pay

Government will fund a 0.75 percent increase, with schools told to find most of the required cash from their own budgets. Proletarian writer Subscribe to our  channel Following a decade-long freeze that has meant real-terms pay cuts year after year, the government has announced that it intends to follow the recommendations of independent pay review bodies by increasing the salaries of some public sector workers. As a result, Britain’s hard-pressed teachers have finally been promised a derisory 2.75 percent pay increase from this autumn – meaning they will just about keep pace with inflation for this year, at least. The government will not be increasing the education budget to help fund the rise, however. In January, the Department of Education (DoE) told the S...
Our schools need more than money
Education, United Kingdom

Our schools need more than money

It is not only cuts that are devastating and gutting our schools but privatisation and outsourcing. School Cuts campaign Subscribe to our  channel Headteachers demonstration in September 2018 demanding extra money for schools. The email below was sent to supporters of the School Cuts campaign. ***** School cuts: ‘Schools need more than empty promises’ Our hard work is paying off. The new prime minister, Boris Johnson, claims he wants to address the school funding crisis. But so far his promises are vague. Schools have had enough uncertainty. What we need now is a clear commitment. £12.6bn more per year is exactly how much our schools and colleges need to reverse the cuts and maintain per pupil funding levels as costs rise. We’ve done th...