El Salvador

China, El Salvador, USA

US Accuses China of Seeking to Build a “Military Base” in El Salvador Commercial Port

NOVANEWS Claims of Chinese military activity in Central America should be taken with a grain of salt, at the very least, given the right-wing political forces and pro-U.S. business circles that are levying the accusations. By Elliott Gabriel SAN SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR — El Salvador has suddenly become a focal point of growing “concern” to the U.S. government about China’s presence in Central America and alleged attempts to establish a military presence in the region. Concerns over Chinese activities in the region were stirred up when U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador Jean Manes warned of the possibility that the country’s commercial shipping port, La Union, could be transformed into a “military base.” The accusation comes amid a raging trade war launched by Washington against Beij...
El Salvador

Prospects of Return to El Salvador Pose Difficult Choice

NOVANEWS The Trump administration’s decision to rescind Temporary Protected Status for people from El Salvador (as well as Nicaragua, Sudan and Haiti) is confronting migrants with a terrible choice, explained Ramon Cardona in an interview with Dennis J. Bernstein. By Dennis J. Bernstein On January 8, the Trump administration abruptly put an end to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Salvadorans now living and working in the US. Many have been in the country for 15 or 20 years, and have established jobs and families. Nearly 200,000 Salvadorans now living in the U.S. may be affected. According to the the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Salvadorans, who account for about 60% of TPS recipients, will have until Sept. 9, 2019 to either adjust their status if eligible, make plans to ret...