
Global Warming Did The Unthinkable

Global Warming Did The Unthinkable

BY ROBERT HUNZIKER Image by NOAA. Jungfraujoch’s foreboding temperatures this September at the top of the world in Switzerland at 2.25 miles altitude alarmed glaciologists. If anybody has lingering doubts about global warming’s strength of power to directly impact Earth’s ecosystems, think again. Antarctica, at the bottom of the world, experienced record high temperatures during its winter, as record high temperatures were also recorded at the top of the world in the Swiss Alps, where it’s always icy cold. As it happened, both the top and the bottom of the world hit record high temperatures, simultaneously, give or take a few days. There’s no known record of this ever happening before. It’s proof positive that global warming is powerfully impacting the entire planet, simul...
A Global Maui Moment

A Global Maui Moment

BY TOM ENGELHAR A long-exposure photograph of Lahaina on the night of August 8 to 9 from South Maui. Photograph Source: Wtp22 – CC BY-SA 3.0 From the earliest kingdoms to late last night, history has been the story not just of the rise of great powers but of their decline and fall. So, normally, there would be nothing particularly out of the ordinary about the aging America of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a classic imperial power distinctly in decline and threatening to split into pieces. As it happens, though, there’s something all too new about the twenty-first-century decline and fall of that other great power of the Cold War era — you know, not the Soviet Union. After all, the present downhill slide of this country is happening on a planet that itself is distinctly in...
Indigenous Voices Bring a Reality Check at the Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon
Brazil, Environment

Indigenous Voices Bring a Reality Check at the Assembly of the Peoples of the Earth for the Amazon

BY GABRIEL LEÃO Telma Taurepang. Photo: Isaka Hunikui. Peoples’ movements from the pan-Amazon countries published a collective letter with a series of demands in defense of the biome and delivered it to the heads of state meeting at the Amazon Summit on August 8. The movements met in a parallel summit in Belém that emphasized indigenous unity and leadership in the face of the crisis facing the region. The ‘Assembly of the Peoples of The Earth for the Amazon’ held  August 4-9 in Belém in the state of Pará, northern Brazil, sent a powerful message to the heads of state who were meeting in the Amazon Summit: Indigenous peoples are the key to avoiding a point of no return for the life-giving Amazon rainforest and their voices should be heard. The peoples’ assembly gathere...
Environment, Libya


Posted by: John Phoenix More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating floods in the Libyan city of Derna. Yet mainstream media outlets would have you believe the destruction that has drawn worldwide headlines is due to climate change. More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating floods in the Libyan city of Derna. But corporate mainstream media outlets like the BBC, the New York Times, CNN and others would have you believe the destruction that has drawn worldwide headlines is due to climate change. But here’s how this deadly disaster has everything to do with the Obama administration and NATO’s 2011 so-called “humanitarian intervention in Libya” to overthrow the country’s leader: Muammar Qadaffi. The Derna dam was up for insp...
U.S. Offshore Wind Plans Are Utterly Collapsing
Environment, USA

U.S. Offshore Wind Plans Are Utterly Collapsing

By David T. Stevenson | Real Clear Energy  Offshore wind developer Ørsted has delayed its New Jersey Ocean Wind 1 project to 2026. Previously, the company had announced construction of the project would begin in October 2023. The delay was attributed to supply chain issues, higher interest rates, and a failure so far to garner enough tax credits from the federal government. For now, they are not walking away from all their U.S. projects but will reconsider long-term plans by the end of this year. Ørsted’s stock price has fallen 30% in 5 days. This is just the latest bad news for offshore wind. Ocean Wind 1 had one of the highest guaranteed prices among the 18 projects currently in the approval queue. The actual wholesale price guarantees for&...
ULEZ: a green greed initiative

ULEZ: a green greed initiative

Not so much an environmental measure as a tax on driving and an effort to keep the car monopolies in profit. Party leaflet Subscribe to our  channel Dozens of numberplate-reading cameras have been vandalised or covered up by people opposed to Labour mayor Sadiq Khan’s widening of the (buy a new car) ‘clean air zone’ to the Greater London boundary. Download this leaflet as a pdf. The ‘ultra-low emission zone’ (ULEZ) was introduced in central London in April 2019 by London mayor Sadiq Khan, and expanded in October 2021 to cover central London between the North and ...
Is the Release of Radioactive Contaminated Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Site to the Sea Acceptable? Is It Safe?
China, Environment, Japan

Is the Release of Radioactive Contaminated Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Site to the Sea Acceptable? Is It Safe?

BY CHRIS BUSBY Simulated model for dispersal of Cs-137, 81 days after release of water from Fukushima reactors. Source: Geomar. The Japanese government, having apparently run out of storage space for the million tons of radioactively contaminated water have decided to pour it into the sea. This upsets a lot of people, including the governments of China and Korea, who understandably (on a moral level, perhaps) regard this decision as unacceptable. The Japanese (also the entire nuclear industry, plus the International Atomic Energy Agency, and a long list of self-identified experts) collectively say: no problems, the quantities are very small and pose no risk to health, neither to people nor marine life. The water has apparently been treated to remove the radioisotopes that the re...
Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange
Environment, United Kingdom

Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange

BY MITCHEL COHEN Photograph Source: Ivan Radic – CC BY 2.0 Environmentalists throughout the world owe an enormous debt of gratitude to political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of Wikileaks — and most of them don’t know it. It wasn’t only secret recordings pertaining to war and crimes-against-humanity that Wikileaks published, based on the heroic work of Chelsea Manning who downloaded thousands of secret US military files. A slew of cables Assange published revealed massive U.S. government attempts on behalf of Monsanto to coerce governments to allow foreign corporate land ownership, and with it genetically engineered agriculture throughout the world, and to squelch opposition to GMOs, breaking down existing laws prohibiting the genetic engineering of ...
The Maui Inferno in Historical Perspective

The Maui Inferno in Historical Perspective

BY GARY LEUPP Lahaina, after the fire. Youtube screen grab. It’s a damn tough life full of toil and strifeWe whalermen undergo.And we don’t give a damn when the day is done/gale has stoppedHow hard the winds did blow.’cause we’re homeward bound from the Arctic groundWith a good ship, taut and freeAnd we won’t give a damn when we drink our rumWith the girls of Old Maui. (Chorus) Rolling down to Old Maui, me boysRolling down to Old MauiWe’re homeward bound from the Arctic ground Rolling down to Old Maui. This sea song (not technically a “shanty”) was sung from at least the 1850s, by mariners en route from “six hellish months” in the whaling grounds of “the cold Kamchatka Sea,” driven by “a northerly gale,” towards their “island home” in Old Maui. The Maui “girls” ref...
The Deadly Intersection of Labor Exploitation and Climate Change

The Deadly Intersection of Labor Exploitation and Climate Change

BY SONALI KOLHATKAR Photo by Chris Gallagher As temperatures soar in the United States this summer, some among us are lucky enough to be able to remain in air-conditioned interior spaces, ordering food, groceries, clothing, and other products to be delivered to us. The rest, toiling in the extreme heat to pull products off hot warehouse shelves and drop them off curbside in scorching delivery trucks, are risking health and even life. July 2023 marked the planet’s hottest month on record. In San Bernardino, California, where retail giant Amazon has a massive warehouse and fulfillment center, daily temperatures reached triple digits for the majority of days in July and have been dangerously hot all summer. Workers with the Inland Empire Amazon Workers U...