
Campaigns, Environment

'Existential' Risk of Climate Crisis Could Lead to Civilizational Collapse by 2050,

NOVANEWS 'Existential' Risk of Climate Crisis Could Lead to Civilizational Collapse by 2050, Warns Report "The world is currently completely unprepared to envisage, and even less deal with, the consequences of catastrophic climate change." by: Eoin Higgins A house burns during the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 in Malibu, California. (Photo: David McNew/Getty Images) Even by the standards of the dire predictions given in climate studies, this one's extreme: civilization itself could be past the point of no return by 2050. That's the conclusion from Australian climate think tank Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, which released a report (pdf) May 30 claiming that unless humanity takes drastic and immediate action to stop the climate crisis, a...
Environment, USA

'Bombshell' Report: Internal Memos Show Trump EPA Ignored Agency Scientists' Calls to Ban Asbestos

NOVANEWS "If Administrator Wheeler and the Trump administration won't act, then Congress must." by: Jessica Corbett "All types of asbestos cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, cancer of the larynx and ovary, and asbestosis (fibrosis of the lungs)," according to the World Health Organization. (Photo: DoctorButtsMD/Flickr/cc) In a report that elicited calls for congressional action, the New York TimesrevealedWednesday that "senior officials at the Environmental Protection Agency disregarded the advice of their own scientists and lawyers in April when the agency issued a rule that restricted but did not ban asbestos." "I can't think of an easier vote for members of Congress to cast than for a bill that bans a substance responsible for the deaths of so many." —Melanie B...
Africa, Environment

Africa Must Raise Taxes to Better Fight Climate Change

NOVANEWS Africa is now the most vulnerable region to climate change, although it has only marginally contributed to it by: Léonce Ndikumana Mozambique is on its knees. Hit by what is considered the worst cyclone in the southern hemisphere, it saw its fourth city, Beira, practically wiped off the map. (Photo: by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) Let us begin by welcoming international solidarity. Whether it was the United Nations, its field agencies or major NGOs, the mobilization was not long in coming to the aid of Zimbabwe, Malawi, and, especially Mozambique, devastated by Cyclone Idai last March. But as another tropical cyclone, Kenneth, has landed on the East African coast with even greater intensity, we cannot help but detect accents of guilt in this solidar...

'Ominous' UN Report Warns Human Activity

NOVANEWS 'Ominous' UN Report Warns Human Activity Has Pushed One Million Plant and Animal Species to Brink of Extinction "Nature is collapsing around us and it's a real wake-up call to humanity." by: Jake Johnson A United Nations report on biodiversity released Monday found that human activity is responsible for "accelerating" species extinction rates. (Photo: AP) A United Nations report described as the most authoritative and comprehensive assessment of global biodiversity ever published found that human exploitation of the natural world has pushed a million plant and animal species to the brink of extinction—with potentially devastating implications for the future of civilization. "This is the most thorough, the most detailed and most extensive planetary healt...

IEA: Renewable Energy Growth Is Stalling. Wind and Solar Energy

NOVANEWS By Nick Cunningham Renewable energy deployment stalled out last year, raising alarm bells about the pace of the clean energy transition. In 2018, total deployment of renewable energy stood at about 180 gigawatts (GW), which was the same as the previous year. It was the first time since 2001 that capacity failed to increase year-on-year, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Adding 180 GW of clean energy is a massive total, but still falls short of what is needed to clean up the electricity sector. It equates to roughly 60 percent of what is needed each year in order to meet long-term climate goals, the IEA said. The agency said that the world needs to add about 300 GW of renewable energy each year through 2030 in order to meet the targets lai...

5G Apocalypse, The Imminent Dangers 'Video'

NOVANEWS By debunkified What is 5G? We need to know the dangers of this technology. A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! Scientists, environmental groups, medical doctors and citizens around the world are appealing to all governments to halt telecommunications companies’ deployment of 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call “an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.” . Watch the video below. The Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health
Environment, Health, United Kingdom

All the Birmingham restaurants and takeaways given a ZERO food hygiene rating

NOVANEWS These businesses have been told 'urgent improvement' is needed after a visit by health inspectors By: David Bentley WHAT'S ON Enter your postcode for local news and info CLICK TO PLAY WHICH ARE THE ZERO RATED FOOD HYGIENE PLACES IN BIRMINGHAM CITY CENTRE Thinking of going out for a meal or ordering in a takeaway this weekend? Birmingham has thousands of food businesses so there's plenty of choice - but there is also a wide variation in food hygiene standards, with ratings ranging from the top score of 5 to a bottom score of 0. And, worryingly, the number of zero-rated premises has gone up since we last checked. It's a sudden change from the previous trend. Our previous round-ups of zero-rated premises have shown the number of places with a zero going down ...

Save our planet: Worldwide air pollution is making us ill

NOVANEWS By Graham Peebles The man-made environmental catastrophe is the severest issue facing humanity. It should be the number one priority for governments. However, despite repeated calls from scientists, environmental groups and concerned citizens for years, short-term policies and economic self-interest are consistently given priority over the integrity of the planet and the health of people. Environmental inequality Contaminated air is the world’s greatest preventable environmental health risk. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is responsible for the premature deaths of an estimated 6.5 million people annually (11.6 per cent of global deaths) – an average of six every minutEe. Unless there is a substantial reduction in the quantity of pollutants cast into the atm...