
Albanian Prime Minister Says He Would Vote For Unification with Kosovo
Albania, Kosovo

Albanian Prime Minister Says He Would Vote For Unification with Kosovo

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that he would vote in favor of Albania’s unification with Kosovo, should there be a referendum on the matter. On Friday, Rama and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and their respective governments met in Elbasan to sign a number of agreements. Asked by journalists about a potential unification between Albania and Kosovo, Rama responded that he would vote in favor of unification. However, Rama also said that while he expects such a referendum to take place in the future, he didn’t know when or how it would happen. On the other hand, Kurti said that a referendum on the unification of Albania and Kosovo is part of a long historical process beyond his government’s control. Nevertheless, Kurti told Monocle, a British magazine, that if ...
Albania, Palestine Affairs

Zionist puppet Ab-A$$ calls his Zionist master to congratulate him on the Jewish New Year

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Occupied RAMALLAH, West Bank: Zionist puppet Mahmoud Ab-A$$ and his Zionist master counterpart Reuven Rivlin telephoned him on Wednesday to congratulate him on the Jewish New Year, the official news agency reported. According to the agency, the two Zionist's expressed their hope to achieve peace between Palestinians and the Zionist as soon as possible and to exchange views on the latest developments in the Palestinian-Zionist relationship. It was spread on social media pages, blessed with the Hebrew New Year by the leading Fatah Zionist puppet al-Madani and members of the Committee for Talking with Zionist Society. The letter, written in Hebrew, wished the civil and members of the Committee a happy, blessed and prosperous year and progress to "Israeli soci...
Albania, USA

Is Albania a Partner of the US In Supporting International Terrorism?

NOVANEWS By Olsi Jazexhi Global Research   On March 22, 2018 the former Mayor of New York and adviser to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani was in Tirana. He was invited to Albania’s capital by Maryam Rajavi, the head of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization, to celebrate the Iranian festival of Nowruz with the Iranian jihadist organization which Albania has hosted since 2013. In this meeting, which was secretly organized by the Mojahedin, Giuliani showed his support for some 3.000 Iranian radicals that Albania hosts. In his speech Giuliani encouraged the Mojahedin to continue their fight against the government of Iran and called for regime change in Tehran. The gathering of the Mojahedin was also attended by three Albanian politicians. They were Pandeli Majko, Minister for the D...

Albanian Ethnographic Origins and Kosovo-Metochia

NOVANEWS By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović Global Research   The topic to be addressed in this text is the basic misconception on the question of the Balkan Albanian ethnogenesis [formation of an ethnic group] and national identity that was framed by extremely geo-politically coloured German-based “Illyrian” theory of the Albanian ethnic and cultural origin. This (quasi) theory, unfortunately, has very deep and negative regional political-security consequences. The implementation of the “Illyrian” theory of the Albanian ethnogenesis was accepted firstly by the Rilindja, (the Renaissance)–the Albanian nationalistic and chauvinistic political movement in 1878–1913 for the sake of creating the ethnically pure Greater Albania as a national state of all Balkan Albanians composed by self-...