
US-funded Belarusian regime-change activist arrested on plane joined neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Belarus, Ukraine, USA, ZIO-NAZI

US-funded Belarusian regime-change activist arrested on plane joined neo-Nazis in Ukraine

BEN NORTON TheGrayzone  Belarusian regime-change activist Roman Protasevich, whose arrest on a grounded plane caused a global scandal, joined Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and was cultivated by the US government’s media apparatus. Ahigh-profile Belarusian regime-change activist whose detention on a forcibly grounded airplane caused an international scandal has extensive links to neo-fascist groups, which his political sponsors in Western capitals have conveniently overlooked. Right-wing activist Roman Protasevich was traveling on the Irish airliner Ryanair on May 23 when the plane crossed into Belarusian airspace and was ordered to land by state authorities. Protasevich was subsequently taken off the aircraft and arrested. The incident triggered a wave of denunciati...
US regime-change agency NED admits its role in the strife in Belarus, but leaked documents also implicate the UK Foreign Office
Belarus, United Kingdom

US regime-change agency NED admits its role in the strife in Belarus, but leaked documents also implicate the UK Foreign Office

By External Author  FILE PHOTO. Demonstration to protest against presidential election results, in Independence Square in Minsk, Belarus. © Reuters / Vasily Fedosenko; (inset) Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. © Wikipedia. By Kit Klarenberg, The full extent of Western meddling in Belarus prior to the country’s contested August 2020 election may never be known. Yet the outlines of a wide-ranging foreign effort to destabilize the government are becoming ever clearer. As RT reported earlier this week, a pair of Russian pranksters posing as Belarusian opposition figures have duped high-ranking representatives of US regime-change arm the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) into exposing the extent of Washington’s cland...
Belarus – more demonisation with a view to regime change

Belarus – more demonisation with a view to regime change

On Sunday 23 May we are told that “The strongman president of Belarus sent a fighter jet to intercept a European airliner traveling through the country’s airspace on Sunday and ordered the plane to land in the capital, Minsk, where a prominent opposition journalist aboard was then seized, provoking international outrage ” (Anton Troianovki and Ivan Nechepurenko, ‘ Belarus forces down plane to seize dissident; Europe sees “state hijacking”’, New York Times, 23 May 2021). The “prominent opposition journalist” in question, who was indeed arrested after the plane landed in Minsk along with his Russian girlfriend, Sofia Sapega, was a young person named Roman Protasevich who, it turns out, was not just a journalist but was a major organiser of last year’s large anti-government dem...
Macron "mediator" of the Belarusian crisis
Belarus, France

Macron "mediator" of the Belarusian crisis

DEUTSCHESPAÑOLFRANÇAISITALIANOPORTUGUÊSTÜRKÇE After Lebanon, French President Emmanuel Macron aspires to become the “mediator” of the Belarusian crisis. However, he has already taken a stand against President Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche on 28 September 2020, and in favour of his opponent Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, whom he encountered in Vilnius the following day. Going still further, the party of the president, La République en Marche, invited his rival to address the French National Assembly, which she accepted. It may be recalled that the policies embodied by President Lukashenko enjoy the approval of the overwhelming majority of his fellow citizens, while his methods are strongly criticized by those who identif...
Belarus, C.I.A, USA

The Last Stalinist of the Soviet Union

By David William Pear President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko(Photo by Belarus president homepage) In 2005 Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko was dubbed “the last dictator in Europe” by President George W. Bush’s Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The name has stuck in the West. The U.S. foreign policy establishments pretend that “dictator” is a dirty word to them. They actually only use it for propaganda purposes. The U.S. has a long history of cozying up to and backing dictators. The U.S. backed the fascist dictator Francisco Franco from the 1936 Spanish Civil War until 1973. Prominent U.S. politicians and corporations helped Hitler rise to power in 1934 and rebuild Germany’s military. The U.S. supported the corrupt Ferdinand Mar...
Who is the woman challenging Belarusian President Lukashenko?

Who is the woman challenging Belarusian President Lukashenko?

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has emerged as the main opponent of the Belarusian president in the August 9 vote. by: Mariya Petkova Tikhanovskaya's team has struggled to conduct campaign activities [Vasily Fedosenko/Reuters] Bayern Munich beat Paris Saint-Germain to win Champions LeagueTens of thousands of anti-Lukashenko demonstrators rally in MinskGermany COVID concerts: Experiment to study virus transmissionExplainer: What are The Cyprus Papers? On July 14, Belarus's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announced the list of candidates registered for the upcoming presidential elections. Among those who made it, along with incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko, was Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, a former English teacher and a housewife with no prior political experience. When she emerge...


By: craig Murray There is a misperception in western media that Lukashenko is Putin’s man. That is not true; Putin views him as an exasperating and rather dim legacy. There is also a misperception in the west that Lukashenko really lost the recent election. That is not true. He almost certainly won, though the margin is much exaggerated by the official result. Minsk is not Belarus, just as London is not the UK. Most of Belarus is pretty backward and heavily influenced by the state machinery. Dictators have all kinds of means at their disposal to make themselves popular. That is why the odd election or plebiscite does not mean that somebody is not a dictator. Lukashenko is a dictator, as I have been saying for nigh on twenty years. My analysis is that Lukashenko probably won handily...