
Bosnia, ZIO-NAZI

Exposing Nazi role in Bosnian genocide

NOVANEWS Supreme Court rules against exposing ''Israel'' role in Bosnian genocide Supreme Court rules against exposing Israel's role in Bosnian genocide Citing potential damage to Israel’s foreign relations, the Supreme Court rejects a petition calling to reveal details of the government’s arms exports to the Serbian army during the Bosnian genocide. By John Brown A mass grave in Bosnia. (ICTY) Israel’s Supreme Court last month rejected a petition to reveal details of Israeli defense exports to the former Yugoslavia during the genocide in Bosnia in the 1990s. The court ruled that exposing Israeli involvement in genocide would damage the country’s foreign relations to such an extent that it would outweigh the public interest in knowing that information, and the possible prosecution ...
Bosnia, Croatia, Ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia

Globalism’s First Victim. NATO’s War on Yugoslavia

NOVANEWS By David Orchard Global Research David Orchard led the anti-war campaign across Canada relentlessly mobilizing support against NATO’s war on Yugoslavia. March 24, 2018 commemorates the 19th anniversary of  NATO’s war on Yugoslavia. This article was originally published by Toronto’s National Post on June 23, 1999. David Orchard (image left) In March [1999], the most powerful military force in history attacked tiny Yugoslavia (one fifth the size of Saskatchewan) and after seventy-nine days of flagrantly illegal bombing forced an occupation of Kosovo. Admitting its intention was to break Yugoslavia’s spirit, NATO targeted civilian structures, dropping over 23,000 bombs (500 Canadian) and cruise missiles in a campaign of terror bombing, dNATO’s War on Yugoslaviaescribed re...
Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia

Ratko Mladic – war criminal

NOVANEWS The suicide on 29 November 2017 of former Bosnian Croat general Slobodan Praljak after he failed to get his conviction for war crimes overturned has slightly overshadowed the conviction last week of Ratko Mladic, former general of the Bosnian Serb army, for war crimes and the life sentenced imposed on him, writes Geoff Ryan. Mladic’s conviction was just about the last act of the Hague based International  Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) before it winds up next week. With the jailing of Mladic most of those responsible for war crimes committed by Serb forces in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and by Croat forces in Bosnia Herzegovina are either dead or in jail. Former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, his Croatian counterpart Franjo Tudjman, leader of t...
Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia

Was Srebrenica a Hoax? Eye-Witness Account of a Former United Nations Military Observer in Bosnia

NOVANEWS By Carlos Martins Branco Global Research   Feature Image: General Major Carlos Martins Branco Global Research Editor’s Note Ratko Mladić has recently been convicted to life imprisonment by the the ICTY on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity while he was Chief Commander of the Army of Republika Srpska between 1992 and 1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This detailed account first published in 1998 by former UN Military Observer Carlos Martino Brancocasts doubts on the decision of the Hague Tribunal (ICTY) that “genocide was committed in Srebrenica in 1995.” “…Bosnia Serb forces carried out genocide against the Bosnian Muslims (…) .Those who devise and implement genocide seek to deprive humanity of the manifold richness its nationalities, races, et...
Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia

The History of Yugoslavia: Srebrenica and the Ratko Mladić Verdict

NOVANEWS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research Featured image: Ratko Mladić (Source: Wikimedia Commons) While Zimbabwe was changing under various inexorable forces of power, the more sterile surrounds of The Hague and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia offered the scene for a conviction. The “Serb Warlord” or the “Butcher of Bosnia”, as he has been termed in various circles, had finally received a verdict few were doubting. One of the doubters was, naturally, the man himself, Ratko Mladić, who accused the judicial officers of incurable mendacity. Of the 11 charges levelled at Ratko Mladić, he was acquitted of one – genocide in Bosnian municipalities outside Srebrenica. Others covered genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity which took place w...
Bosnia, Croatia, Europe, Serbia

Only in the Balkans – Reforms Theft

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini, Zagreb You will probably not believe it, but in the Balkans the lack of rule of law and the tolerance of corruption have some fun aspects. This is the case with the theft of the most contentious reform in Croatia by ... Montenegro. No, this is not a joke and it's not a product of a local satiric site. This is about word-for-word copying, with the Montenegrin language features at that, of the proposal for a comprehensive reform of the content of school textbooks, which is currently under violent disputes in the Croatian public domain and even threatens the survival of the government. To find out the magnitude of the irony in one case and the tragedy in the other, we need to rewind the tape a little bit. Who [in their right mind] in the Balkans protests about a...
Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia

The Day a #Yugoslavia Hashtag Saved the World

NOVANEWS There’s a message and a hashtag on Twitter these days that should become the biggest meme ever. If only Yugoslavia and our world could be put back together again with a damages trial against NATO, that would be poetic justice. Unfortunately, I doubt social media will turn on its ear over a court case being built against the perpetrators of forgotten war crimes from the Bill Clinton presidency – But I can dream. Back in February of 2016 I wrote a story about Yugoslavia and an alternative future we’d be experiencing had my country and its European puppet states destroyed that key nation. The storyline was widely cited and controversial to an extent, owing to the opinions of those from the newly established countries where Yugoslavia once stood. That report was about t...
Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia

The Summer of Balkan Hopes

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini Time for Serbia to Make a Genuine Choice EU Expects the Impossible from Bosnia and Herzegovina NATO Enlargement in Times of Geopolitical Cholera The grand event for the Western Balkans this year is the summit of the Berlin Process countries in the Italian city of Trieste on 12 July. In recent months, expectations have been seriously pumped up that this meeting will provide a major boost to the European integration of the region, which suffers from integration decay and heavy geopolitical headaches. The six Balkan countries in the region hope the EU will untie its purse to the scale of a Marshall Plan for the region, which would lift the poorest European relatives up on their feet and stop the constant brain drain and loss of labour force, with the Union in exc...
Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia

Appeal: Dutch Govt Partially Liable for 300 Srebrenica Deaths

NOVANEWS Bosnian Muslim woman prays near a grave before mass funeral in Memorial Center in Potocari near Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina July 11, 2016. | Photo: Reuters The men were among around 8,000 Muslim men and boys killed by Bosnian Serb forces in the massacre, ruled a genocide by the international courts. On Tuesday a Dutch appeals court ruled that the government was partially liable for the 1995 deaths of 300 Muslim men murdered by Bosnian Serb forces. RELATED: Black People Are a 'Genocide Project' in Brazil Says Researcher The ruling somewhat upholds the 2014 civil court decision that found the state fully liable for the deaths of the men in the Srebrenica massacre. The Hague Appeals Court's presiding judge, Gepke Dulek, explained that Dutch soldiers becam...
Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia

Is Crisis in Macedonia Coming to an End?

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini At long last there are some good news coming from the Western Balkans, shaken in recent months by a constant rise in tensions, renewed sabre rattling, readiness for new interethnic conflicts and, of course, with Russia's helpful role. Macedonian President Georgi Ivanov has finally handed opposition leader Zoran Zaev a mandate to form a government five months after the snap parliamentary elections in the country. Five months, marked by a violation of the Macedonian Constitution, a bloody attack on the parliament of the former Yugoslav Republic, a fuelling of interethnic hatred, and a vague attempt to renew EU presence in the country and the region in general. Under pressure by the international community and Macedonian society, the president handed over the mandat...