
Bosnia, Croatia, Europe, Serbia

EU Is Trying To Restart the European Integration of the Western Balkans

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini, Zagreb There Is a Serious Crisis of Democracy in the Western Balkans Region Could Russia Recognise Kosovo? Is Serbia Preparing for Elections or a New Balance of Powers There is some good news and some bad news for the Western Balkans in the past few weeks. The good news is that the European Union has finally come to realise that there is something rotten in the Balkans and has matured to a change in the narrative. The bad news is this is too late and too little. For months the region has been shaking in instability and so far just verbal conflicts, which are raising the tension to the levels of prior to the bloody disintegration of former Yugoslavia. Macedonia is imploding into a severe political crisis, which has the potential of becoming an inter-ethnic co...
Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia

Bosnia- Herzegovina “Referendum Caravan” against NATO and Euro-Atlantic Integration

NOVANEWS By Milko Pejovic Global Research   Activists of the opposition political forces and public organizations from Montenegro initiated a rally from Podgorica to Brussels. According to the organizer of the action, the head of the movement “Hopeless Resistance” Marco Milachich, the activists are to declare in front of the international community about the necessity of a referendum on the country’s accession to NATO. The event “Referendum caravan” which was launched on February 20 will end on March 3. After Belgrade the activists still have to overcome the way to the capital of Belgium through the city of Banja Luka, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna, Prague and Berlin. One of the stop on the way to Brussels was the city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Banja Luka is the capital of one of ...
Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia

The Battle for the EU – Liberalism vs. Illiberalism

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini EU Did Not Commit Suicide. It Is Reinventing Itself The EPPO Might Not Be Ready By Year End Head-on Collision Between Brussels and Member States Regarding EU's Global Strategy It is again a crisis that drives the European Union towards a reconsideration of its state and towards change, as it has always been throughout its 60-year long life. Last year saw just the beginning of talks about the Union’s future after the Brits’ decision to leave it and the election of Donald Trump for US President acted as a catalyst on the debate, which is supposed to crystallise into an agreement about the future at the end of march on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which laid the foundations of the EU. Talks about the future began in ...
Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania

There Is a Serious Crisis of Democracy in the Western Balkans Region

NOVANEWS  Adelina Marini Could Russia Recognise Kosovo? Is Serbia Preparing for Elections or a New Balance of Powers EU Has Lost Its Transformative Power. Enlargement Hits a Dead End A long delayed discussion took place in the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee about the tensions in the Western Balkans region, which have been growing for months now, but with the start of the new year the situation deteriorated dramatically. The discussion was initiated by the Slovenian MEP Ivo Vajgl (ALDE), who is the rapporteur for Macedonia, and was held on the day of the election of a new committee chairman. The former chairman, veteran of the European Parliament and Foreign Affairs Elmar Brok (EPP, Germany) conceded his post to another EPP MEP from Germany – David McAllister, who i...
Bosnia, ZIO-NAZI

Supreme Court rules against exposing Israel’s role in Bosnian genocide

NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr By John Brown Citing potential damage to Israel’s foreign relations, the Supreme Court rejects a petition calling to reveal details of the government’s arms exports to the Serbian army during the Bosnian genocide. A mass grave in Bosnia. (ICTY)   Israel’s Supreme Court last month rejected a petition to reveal details of Israeli defense exports to the former Yugoslavia during the genocide in Bosnia in the 1990s. The court ruled that exposing Israeli involvement in genocide would damage the country’s foreign relations to such an extent that it would outweigh the public interest in knowing that information, and the possible prosecution of those involved. The petitioners, Attorney Itay Mack and Professor Yair Oron, presented the court wi...
Bosnia, Croatia, Europe, Serbia

Crime Without Punishment – a Contemporary Balkan-Global Novel

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini The entire wrongness of the modern world is evident on the territory of the former Yugoslavia today. While in Croatia they remember with pride and sadness the battle for Vukovar and tell old and new stories of back then, mentioning Chetniks and Šešelj-ies, on the other side of the border Vojislav Šešelj, freer than ever, continues to spread his hatred. The difference now is that this is the new normal. It represents victory over political correctness, secured by Donald Trump – the most avid fighter against political correctness, which includes one of the greatest achievements of human civilisation – respect for those who are different. Today’s review of the press in former Yugoslavia mirrors all that is wrong with the world, built on the legacy of the Cold War. To...

Winners and Losers in the Bosnia Referendum

NOVANEWS Adelina Marini Day two after the referendum in the Serbian part of and Herzegovina. There is already no trace of tension, sober analyses prevail throughout the region. CroatianVecernji list published on its front page today 10 questions, following “Dodik’s plebiscite”. Does the successful referendum mean that Republika Srpska is now a state is the first question that the author Dejan Jazvić gives a negative answer to from Sarajevo. The holding of the referendum has no legal value, because even Dodik and his assistants say that they will follow the Constitutional Court’s ruling through a legal change. What could the outcome of the referendum mean for BiH as a state is the second question. The answer: “What the referendum did change is the political climate and relations between t...