
Aftermath of the Yugoslav War

Aftermath of the Yugoslav War

Intensification of all the contradictions of imperialism War is politics continued by other (i.e., forcible) means.” This famous dictum of Clausewitz, one of the most profound writers on military questions, has received further confirmation from the latest imperialist war in the Balkans. This war started as a continuation of the imperialist peace, and the imperialist peace ending this war is in turn a continuation of the imperialist war, whose aim was, and remains, the securing of domination by imperialism of the entire area stretching from the Middle East to the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas, endowed as they are with fabulous mineral wealth and a vast network of oil pipelines. All talk about humanitarianism was just hocus pocus, meant to distract the gullible. The...
The Media coverage of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia — and the response of the ‘Left’

The Media coverage of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia — and the response of the ‘Left’

by David Ayrton The aim of this article is to show the reader the reactionary nature of the reporting on the war, and the way in which the ‘Left’ has proved to be incapable of charting a truly independent course from what is, essentially, the propaganda machine of the British capitalist class. With very few honourable exceptions, the ‘Left’ repeated chunks of the propaganda that the CIA and MI6 had fed through the various press agencies and briefings, on behalf of the imperialist bourgeoisie. Among the few taking a thoroughly principled stand was Arthur Scargill, General Secretary of the SLP, who was fast off the mark on Wednesday 24 th March in declaring that the SLP “condemned the unlawful and immoral bombing of Yugoslavia” for “Neither NATO, Britain or the ...
Declassified Canadian Intelligence Cables Show U.S. Encouragement of 1990s Conflict in Yugoslavia and Possible False Flag Operations
Ex-Yugoslavia, Ukraine, USA

Declassified Canadian Intelligence Cables Show U.S. Encouragement of 1990s Conflict in Yugoslavia and Possible False Flag Operations

By Gospa Indice dei contenuti The US endorsing possible Fake-Flag to provoke Warfare The Western powers alongside the Infiltrated Muslim Fighters  The Suspicions on Bosnians for the Markale Massacre  On the cover image the 7th Muslim Brigade of the Republic of Bosnia during the Yugoslav Wars by Al Ronzoni – originally published on Al Ronzoni is a writer, historian and political activist based in New York City All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath in relation to the topics highlighted The US endorsing possible Fake-Flag to provoke Warfare At the end of January 2022, U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price claimed Russia was preparing a ‘false flag’ operation as the opening a...
Serbian president predicts future of EU
Ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia

Serbian president predicts future of EU

Ukraine will begin talks to enter the bloc by June, a move beneficial to the US, Aleksandar Vucic has claimed Aleksandar Vucic attends a press conference in Budapest, Hungary, October 3, 2022 ©  AFP / Attila Kisbenedek With a battlefield victory “impossible,” Ukraine will begin negotiations to enter the EU this summer, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told a local media outlet on Sunday. Ukraine will join a group of EU countries under the “direct influence” of the US, he stated. “Ukraine will not easily win in the military sense, it is almost impossible,” Vucic told Serbian broadcaster RTV Pink. Faced with this realization, he continued, “decisions will be made” in Brussels and Kiev around June “about the immediate star...
NATO carried out ‘inhumane experiment’ in Balkans
Ex-Yugoslavia, NATO

NATO carried out ‘inhumane experiment’ in Balkans

The US-led military bloc bombed Serbia with toxic depleted uranium, which Britain now wants to give to Ukraine Building destroyed by Nato bombing in 1999. ©  Antonio J. Galante;  Getty Images NATO’s use of depleted uranium munitions in its air war against Yugoslavia was a “horrible and inhumane experiment” against the entire region, Serbian Health Minister Danica Grujicic has said. Contamination from these munitions led to a surge in cancer, autoimmune disease, and infertility, Grujicic added.  NATO used 10 metric tons of depleted uranium – which is used to make the hardened cores of armor-piercing projectiles – during its 1999 air campaign against Yugoslavia, the bloc admitted in a report a year afterwards. Although the report sta...
Imperialism means war – with specific reference to the First World War
Ex-Yugoslavia, Ukraine

Imperialism means war – with specific reference to the First World War

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first imperialist world war. This war was a momentous event which: Posted by: John Phoenix 2014 Chronology of events leading to the war 28 June 1914 A Serbian nationalist by the name of Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, Franz Ferdinand, during a visit to Sarajevo in Bosnia. 23 July 1914 The Austrian government, accusing the Serbian government of complicity in the assassination, issued an ultimatum threatening war if the latter did not cooperate fully into its investigation and the suppression of anti-Austrian agitation on Serbian territory. 28 July 1914 Finding the Serbian government’s reply unsatisfactory Austria ordered mobilisation for war against Serbia and opened fire on Belgrade. ...
Two Serbs shot in Kosovo Christmas Eve attack

Two Serbs shot in Kosovo Christmas Eve attack

RT Ethnic Serbs blocked a major road in the south of Kosovo on Friday, in protest over a drive-by shooting of two youths on Christmas Eve. An 11-year-old boy and his 21-year-old cousin were shot not far from Strpce from a passing car, identified as belonging to an ethnic Albanian, as they walked with oak branches traditionally used to celebrate the holiday in the Orthodox Christian tradition. “Someone wanted to give us a bloody Christmas,” tweeted Petar Petkovic, the Serbian government’s commissioner for Kosovo. He described the shooting as “an attempted murder.” Cousins Milos and Stefan Stojanovic were taken to a hospital in nearby Gracanica. “One was shot in the hand and the other in the shoulder, and they survived only by sheer luck,” Petkovic’s...
British delegates in Belgrade: Nato is trying to expand the war in Europe
Ex-Yugoslavia, United Kingdom

British delegates in Belgrade: Nato is trying to expand the war in Europe

The imperialists desperately hope they can win out in the end by wearing Russia down and causing her economy and society to collapse. Party statement Sunday 18 December 2022 Delegates to the Belgrade conference march behind a banner of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform at an anti-Nato demonstration in central Belgrade organised by the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. Slogans chanted by the protestors included 'Nato killers go home' and 'Kosovo is Serbia'. On Saturday 17 December, CPGB-ML vice-chair Joti Brar spoke at an international anti-imperialist meeting attended by representatives of more than 30 ...
British delegates in Belgrade: Nato is trying to expand the war in Europe
Ex-Yugoslavia, NATO

British delegates in Belgrade: Nato is trying to expand the war in Europe

The imperialists desperately hope they can win out in the end by wearing Russia down and causing her economy and society to collapse. Party statement Delegates to the Belgrade conference march behind a banner of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform at an anti-Nato demonstration in central Belgrade organised by the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. Slogans chanted by the protestors included 'Nato killers go home' and 'Kosovo is Serbia'. On Saturday 17 December, CPGB-ML vice-chair Joti Brar spoke at an international anti-imperialist meeting attended by representatives of more than 30 organisations from across t...
Belgrade forum reminds the world: ‘Never forget’ NATO war on Yugoslavia

Belgrade forum reminds the world: ‘Never forget’ NATO war on Yugoslavia

It is the height of hypocrisy for the west to be crying about war in Europe while remaining silent about the blitzkrieg carried out by its own air force 20 years ago. Belgrade Forum Not only was a once-proud and independent country ripped apart and left in ruins by the illegal aggression of the imperialist camp, but their use of depleted uranium-tipped missiles has left a deadly legacy in the ground, air and water that continues to be felt by the Yugoslav people today. The following statement was issued by the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals and is reproduced here with thanks. ***** Twenty-three years since ...