

NATO’s 1999 “Humanitarian Bombing” of Yugoslavia, Month Two

NOVANEWS By David Orchard Global Research   March 2018  marks the 19th anniversary of  NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia This article by David Orchard who relentlessly led Canada’s antiwar movement against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia was published as a widely distributed leaflet and on the Internet on April 26, 1999. ** For over a month Canada has been bombing Yugoslavia. Without a parliamentary resolution, without a declaration of war and without a shred of legality Canadian war planes are attacking the nation that stood at the forefront of the fight against both Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s fascists during World War II. The Nuremberg trial ruled that “to initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime.” Yet this is precisel...
Bosnia, Croatia, Ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia

Globalism’s First Victim. NATO’s War on Yugoslavia

NOVANEWS By David Orchard Global Research David Orchard led the anti-war campaign across Canada relentlessly mobilizing support against NATO’s war on Yugoslavia. March 24, 2018 commemorates the 19th anniversary of  NATO’s war on Yugoslavia. This article was originally published by Toronto’s National Post on June 23, 1999. David Orchard (image left) In March [1999], the most powerful military force in history attacked tiny Yugoslavia (one fifth the size of Saskatchewan) and after seventy-nine days of flagrantly illegal bombing forced an occupation of Kosovo. Admitting its intention was to break Yugoslavia’s spirit, NATO targeted civilian structures, dropping over 23,000 bombs (500 Canadian) and cruise missiles in a campaign of terror bombing, dNATO’s War on Yugoslaviaescribed re...
Ex-Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey

Calm Down, Turkey Is Not Going to Invade the Balkans

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko Oriental Review President Erdogan’s regular addresses to the Muslim and Turkish people of the Balkans are a soft power tactic that isn’t any functionally different from the transnational outreach attempts that other forces engage in elsewhere across the world and on different ideological-identity pretexts. The Alt-Media Community has once again been thrown into hysteria after one of President Erdogan’s latest speeches where he addressed his fellow Muslim co-confessionalists and ethnic Turkish kin in the Balkans on the eve of what ended up being his country’s monumental military victory in the northwestern Syrian town of Afrin. His words were reported on widely in the press and ominously framed in such a way as to imply that a similar operation might b...

The Defining Year Was 1991: The Demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union

NOVANEWS By Marcus Papadopoulos Whilst there are no golden ages, it is abundantly clear that the world today is in a very unhealthy state. From Eastern Europe to North Africa to the Middle East, countries, in recent years, have been severely destabilised, resulting in carnage and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of lives. And at the heart of that destabilisation is American and British foreign policy. But how have we arrived at this situation in the world today? And what are the roots of America and Britain’s ‘humanitarian intervention’? A lot of people answer the above questions by citing the illegal American and British invasion of Iraq. Well, they are emphatically wrong. What we are seeing today in, for example, Syria, has its origins in 1991. Because that year was a t...