
Ratline: The Vatican, The Nazis, & The CIA V2
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Ratline: The Vatican, The Nazis, & The CIA V2

    Ratlines : The Vatican, The Nazis & Western Intelligence     In one of the more shocking episodes of the Cold War tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals and their fascist allies were smuggled out of Europe and resettled around the world in places like Argentina, Canada, Australia and the United States. Others were resettled throughout the middle east a few ended up as far away as South East Asia. They were considered too valuable by western intelligence to face justice for their crimes. 27 Million people were killed in the Soviet Union alone, 4 million in Poland,  I’ve written of the many uses these fascist exiles were put to in my previous articles. They were used as spies, propagandists and terrorists in the west’s secret war on the Soviet B...
Nazi Germany
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Germany

On July 19, Zaid Abdul Nasser, a Palestinian refugee from Syria who has been living in Berlin since 2017, received a letter in the mail. It was a notice from Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) alerting him that his refugee status was set to be rescinded and his protection by the BAMF terminated..The decision to withdraw Abdul Nasser’s status was due to what the BAMF called “extremist activities” — namely, his activism with the Palestinian advocacy group Samidoun, an international network of activists working to build solidarity with the struggle of Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli jails. Samidoun, which organizes protests and other awareness-raising campaigns, has faced persistent accusations of “extremism” and connections with terrorist groups, des...
Jews and Nazis
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Jews and Nazis

The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s RON UNZ  Israeli Leaders and Nazi Germany EPub Format Around 35 years ago, I was sitting in my college dorm-room closely reading the New York Times as I did each and every morning when I noticed an astonishing article about the controversial new Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. Back in those long-gone days, the Gray Lady was strictly a black-and-white print publication, lacking the large color photographs of rap stars and long stories about dieting techniques that fill so much of today’s news coverage, and it also seemed to have a far harder edge in its Middle East reporting. A year or so earlier, Shamir’s predecessor Menacham Begin had allowed his Defense Minister Ariel Sharon to talk him into invading ...
‘Israel’ and the Holocaust Hoax
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

‘Israel’ and the Holocaust Hoax

RON UNZ  EPub Format Last month I explored the historical origins of the State of Israel and the intertwined expulsion of the Palestinian refugees from their ancient homeland. During this discussion, I emphasized the crucial role that the Jewish Holocaust had played in justifying and facilitating those momentous events of three generations ago. American Pravda: The Nakba and the HolocaustRon Unz • The Unz Review • December 11, 2023 • 14,600 Words I read or reread more than a dozen books for my long review article, and also glancingly mentioned an additional one, which I’ve now digested as well. My main focus had been on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and The Seventh Million by Tom Segev only slightly touched on that ...
Jews and Nazis
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Jews and Nazis

The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s RON UNZ  Israeli Leaders and Nazi Germany EPub Format Around 35 years ago, I was sitting in my college dorm-room closely reading the New York Times as I did each and every morning when I noticed an astonishing article about the controversial new Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. Back in those long-gone days, the Gray Lady was strictly a black-and-white print publication, lacking the large color photographs of rap stars and long stories about dieting techniques that fill so much of today’s news coverage, and it also seemed to have a far harder edge in its Middle East reporting. A year or so earlier, Shamir’s predecessor Menacham Begin had allowed his Defense Minister Ariel Sharon to talk him into invading Lebanon ...
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry ARTHUR R. BUTZ  TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES Preface to the 2015 Edition Acknowledgments Preface to the 1976 Edition A Short Introduction to the Study of Holocaust Revisionism Chapter 1 • Trials, Jews and Nazis Chapter 2 • The Camps Chapter 3 • Washington and New York Chapter 4 • Auschwitz Chapter 5 • The Hungarian Jews Chapter 6 • Et Cetera Chapter 7 • The Final Solution Chapter 8 • Remarks Appendices Supplements Illustrations References Related Pieces by Author The World Conquerors Germany's War Twilight Over England The Iron Curtain Over America The Forced War Of Related Interest Why Everything You Know About World War II Is W...
Prerequisite to naturalization in Germany? Pledge support for ‘Israel’s’ right to exist
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

Prerequisite to naturalization in Germany? Pledge support for ‘Israel’s’ right to exist

Tomorrow the German Bundestag will vote on a draft law that could make the naturalization of residents dependent on supporting Israel’s right to exist. Here is what you should know and why you should be concerned. BY HEBH JAMAL  THE GERMAN BUNDESTAG (PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA) Update (November 17, 2023) The draft laws that have been presented in the Bundestag this morning have been discussed, but there was no vote. Representatives presented their opinions, and now it moves on to various plenary readings and committees to further work on the law. While an opposition draft law usually does not get passed (in this case the, the opposition is the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), the legislators who presented the bill), what can still happen is the government could take and amend sectio...
Popularity: The statement of the five-year aggression aims to demonize the Palestinian act of resistance
Germany, Italy, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Popularity: The statement of the five-year aggression aims to demonize the Palestinian act of resistance

Posted by: John Phoenix The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that the aggressive position carried in the statement of the five countries - the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy - will not affect our people and the resistance forces in it, and the threat contained in this statement is to the resistance forces that support the Palestinian people in the face of aggression. Pure empty colonial arrogance. The time when we used to kill individually has passed. The Front confirmed that this statement represents an extension of the policies of supporting the Nazi occupation in its siege, aggression and crimes against our people, and demonizing every action carried out by the Palestinian in self-defense, and that such positions are what led and are leadi...
The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s
Germany, ZIO-NAZI

The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s

American Pravda: Jews and Nazis • 50m  RON UNZ  TABLE OF CONTENTS Israeli Leaders and Nazi Germany EPub Format Around 35 years ago, I was sitting in my college dorm-room closely reading the New York Times as I did each and every morning when I noticed an astonishing article about the controversial new Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. Back in those long-gone days, the Gray Lady was strictly a black-and-white print publication, lacking the large color photographs of rap stars and long stories about dieting techniques that fill so much of today’s news coverage, and it also seemed to have a far harder edge in its Middle East reporting. A year or so earlier, Shamir’s predecessor Menacham Begin had allowed his Defense Minister Ariel Sha...
After Banning Pro-Palestinian Protests, ‘Israeli’ Flags Burned All Over Germany
Gaza, Germany, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

After Banning Pro-Palestinian Protests, ‘Israeli’ Flags Burned All Over Germany

Germany, along with the UK, France and other EU countries was one of the first to condemn Palestinians and declare unconditional support for 'Israel'. (Image: The Palestine Chronicle) 'Israeli' flags have been torn down and set on fire in multiple cities across Germany, local media reported, citing police and officials.'Israeli' flags have been torn down and set on fire in multiple cities across Germany, local media reported, citing police and officials. The flags were hung outside city halls and other public buildings in solidarity with the Nazi entity following a daring Palestinian Resistance operation against Nazi military bases and settlements on October 7. Global anger however began when Nazi began carrying out massive bombing campaigns targeting Gaza civilians, killin...