
Popularity: The statement of the five-year aggression aims to demonize the Palestinian act of resistance
Germany, Italy, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Popularity: The statement of the five-year aggression aims to demonize the Palestinian act of resistance

Posted by: John Phoenix The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that the aggressive position carried in the statement of the five countries - the United States, Britain, France, Germany and Italy - will not affect our people and the resistance forces in it, and the threat contained in this statement is to the resistance forces that support the Palestinian people in the face of aggression. Pure empty colonial arrogance. The time when we used to kill individually has passed. The Front confirmed that this statement represents an extension of the policies of supporting the Nazi occupation in its siege, aggression and crimes against our people, and demonizing every action carried out by the Palestinian in self-defense, and that such positions are what led and are leadi...
“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa
Africa, Italy, USA

“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, A year prior to Italy’s 2022 elections, Giorgia Meloni was invited to join the Aspen Institute, a Washington based strategic think tank with close relations to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Atlantic Council and the military industrial complex:  “The Aspen institute is also involved in the arms industry, with links to arms manufacturing giants such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. It has typically supported the US’s “democracy-defending” or “democracy-propagating, humane and civilized” wars” Prominent US politicians including Madeleine Albright, Condolezza Rice as well as Victoria Nuland have actively collaborated with the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Institute&n...
Italy, Libya

The Italy-Libya Treaty at 15: A Precedent for Colonized Nations

MUSTAFA FETOURI  At the Quirinale Palace, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi hailed a “new era” in relations with Italy during his first visit to his country’s former colonial ruler on June 10, 2009. (ERIC VANDEVILLE/GAMMA-RAPHO VIA GETTY IMAGES). Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August/September 2023, pp. 44-45 Special Report By Mustafa Fetouri IN 2008 ITALY signed a treaty with Libya whereby it agreed to pay reparations to that country for its decades of ruthless colonial misdeeds during the first half of the 20th century. The treaty—the first of its kind between a colonial power and a former colony—offers a model for other countries to follow.  THE MOVIE THAT EXPOSED ITALY’S DARK HISTORY In 1980 the Libyan government spent more than $30 milli...
Neoliberalism, geopolitics and ideology: The taming of Giorgia Meloni

Neoliberalism, geopolitics and ideology: The taming of Giorgia Meloni

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaks during a press conference in Tunis, Tunisia on June 06, 2023 [Tunisian Presidency/Anadolu Agency] By: Dr Ramzy Baroud  Europe keeps reminding us that geopolitical interests often trump ideology. European politics is the prime example of how states and political parties are willing to ditch their ideological foundations to hold on to power, even if briefly. The unmistakable political shift of attitude by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her Fratelli d’Italia party is the latest evidence that European politicians use ideology merely as a tool to get to the top. Once in power, though, they are governed by the same neoliberal policies that control the rest of Europe. This assertion applies equally to the Right and the Lef...
Monument to ‘Italian fascist invaders’ stolen in Russia
Italy, Russia

Monument to ‘Italian fascist invaders’ stolen in Russia

A stone commemorating Italian volunteers killed during WW2 has vanished in southwestern Russia FILE PHOTO. Italian tourists hold a ceremony at the now-destroyed monument. ©  https://bloknot-voronezh.ru/ A monument commemorating Italian fascists killed during World War II has been stolen in Russia’s Belgorod Region, according to local media reports. The commemorative stone, which was located near the village of Garbuzovo, was erected by relatives of slain Italian soldiers back in the 1990s.  The stone was popularly known as the ‘Monument to Italian fascist invaders’ among the locals, with activists urging its removal for years. Images from the scene show only an overgrown pedestal remaining, with a hole in the ground marking the place where the...
Italian Elections: There is a Connection Between their Roots in Fascism and their Embrace of these Ideas

Italian Elections: There is a Connection Between their Roots in Fascism and their Embrace of these Ideas

Posted by: John Phoenix The far-right is on the rise in Europe. In Sweden, once seen as a bastion of social democracy, the Sweden Democrats, a virulently racist and anti-immigrant party with neo-Nazi roots won second place in national elections in September, backed by one in five voters, and its parliamentary support is crucial for the new centre-right coalition government. Similar authoritarian parties marked by ultra-nationalist and racist ideologies, anti-migrant policies, crusades against women’s and LGBT+ rights, and attacks on the left (often framed by rhetoric about ‘elite’ conspiracies) have been in power or close to power in recent years in Poland, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain and Serbia and of course in Hungary, where far-right pro-Putin prime minister, Viktor Orbán, a...
Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers
Health, Italy

Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers

Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers: 37 yo Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais was driven to suicide by his Moderna COVID-19 booster Injuries, plus 9 other swimmers collapsing & dying By Dr. William Makis Global Research, When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, Big Pharma isn’t very concerned about the vaccine injured. They are collateral damage in a multi $100 billion profit scheme and their plight can always be blamed on Long COVID or Climate Change. But they fear suicides. A COVID-19 vaccine injured person driven to suicide can do tremendous damage to the fraudulent COVID-19 vaccine narrative about “safe and effective”. Especially if they document their nightmare. Such is the case of Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais. And he is not the onl...
Ustica Plane Massacre 43 years later… Investigative Leads on Zionist Missile Theory
Human Rights, Italy, ZIO-NAZI

Ustica Plane Massacre 43 years later… Investigative Leads on Zionist Missile Theory

Ustica Plane Massacre 43 years later… Investigative Leads on Israeli Missile Theory Former Gladio (Stay Behind) Officer and a Mossad agent told by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio The Ustica massacre is “etched in the conscience of the Italians as a harrowing tragedy, which snatched eighty-one defenseless people from their lives, which threw their families into unspeakable pain, who left the Republic without a single truth capable of fully reconstructing the framework of the circumstances and those responsible “declared the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella on the occasion of the anniversary of the tragedy, which took place on the evening of 27 June 1980 when the DC-9 Itavia H870 plane, flying between Bologna and Palermo, disappeared from radar and sank into the Tyr...
The Mystery of Lake Maggiore: What We Know about the Death of Mossad Agent in Italy

The Mystery of Lake Maggiore: What We Know about the Death of Mossad Agent in Italy

Rescue operation on Lake Maggiore. (Photo: via Vigili del fuoco website) By Palestine Chronicle Staff Two Italian intelligence agents, a former member of the Israeli Mossad, and a Russian woman were killed as a result of a boat accident on Saturday on Lake Maggiore, in northern Italy. What is Reported This is the version of the events as relayed by Italian media. The incident, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported, was attributed to unpredictable weather and the fact that the boat was designed to hold 15 passengers only.  According to media reports, 23 people were on the boat at the time of the incident, the exact nature of which is yet to be explained.  Who was Killed Those killed were identified as Tiziana Barnobi, 53, and Claudio Alonzi, ...
Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers
Health, Italy

Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers

Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers: 37 yo Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais was driven to suicide by his Moderna COVID-19 booster Injuries, plus 9 other swimmers collapsing & dying By Dr. William Makis Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, Big...