
Will Italy change its position on the Nazi entity?
Africa, Algeria, Italy, ZIO-NAZI

Will Italy change its position on the Nazi entity?

Algeria's gas vs. rightwing ideology: Will Italy change its position on Jerusalem? Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (R) welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) with a ceremony at Chigi Palace in Rome, Italy on March 10, 2023. [Israeli Gov't Press Office (GPO) - Anadolu Agency] Romana Rubeo Dr Ramzy Baroud When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on 9 March, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu's visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. A sit-in was organised by pro-Palestine activists in downtown Rome under the slogan, 'Non sei il benvenuto' – 'You Are Not Welcome'. An Italian translator, Olga ...
The Scar of Zelensky & NWO on Peace. He Refuses the Pope’s Mediation with Russia thanks to the Arms promised by the Italian President
Italy, Ukraine

The Scar of Zelensky & NWO on Peace. He Refuses the Pope’s Mediation with Russia thanks to the Arms promised by the Italian President

Fabio G.C. Carisio FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailLinkedInTelegramCondividi Contenuti sponsorizzati On the cover image the Ukrainian president Zelensky during the meeting with Italian president Mattarella by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO What a pity to see the Bishop of Rome, sovereign of the Vatican State, shaking hands and smiling at a neo-Nazi servant of NATO and Satan like the Zionist Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky who has expressed his intention to refuse any peace dialogue since first attitude. At the meeting held yesterday, May 13, 2023, at the Holy See during his small march on Rome, the leader of Kiev presented himself making a sensational and eloquent disregard of all protocol: in fact he was wearing a black mili...
Algeria’s Gas vs. Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?
Algeria, Italy, ZIO-NAZI

Algeria’s Gas vs. Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?

BY RAMZY BAROUD - ROMANA RUBEO Photograph Source: Blitz1980 – CC BY-SA 4.0 When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on March 9, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu’s visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. A sit-in was organized by pro-Palestine activists in downtown Rome under the slogan, ‘Non sei il benvenuto’ – ‘You Are Not Welcome’. An Italian translator, Olga Dalia Padoa, also refused to translate his speech at a Rome synagogue, which was scheduled for March 9. Even Noemi Di Segni, President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, though unsurprisingly reiterating her love and support for Is...
Genoa Wehrmacht’s Secret War Loot
Germany, Italy

Genoa Wehrmacht’s Secret War Loot

and other secrets of the rightful Pope in exile Gregory XVII born Monsignor Giuseppe Siri  By: Claudio Resta However extravagant it may appear it is true what the commentator ”Darrell” writes in his comments to Jonas E. Alexis’s article ”Was There a Judeo-Masonic Takeover of the Papacy at the 1958 Papal Conclave?” and that is a fact of extreme importance for the understanding and to get a proper vision that we can have of the Catholic Church of the last six decades. Archbishop Giuseppe Siri I was born and raised in Genoa in the diocese of Archbi...
Remembering the history and achievements of Italy’s communists

Remembering the history and achievements of Italy’s communists

The militant and heroic legacy of our movement is much needed as an inspiration for the struggle that faces us today. Party statement Subscribe to our  channel Communist partisans parade in Milan on 6 May 1945, celebrating victory in the antifascist war. The following letter was sent to comrades in Italy’s Partito Comunista to mark the anniversary of the founding of the original Communist Party of Italy on 21 January 1921. ***** The central committee of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) sends warm and fraternal greetings to the leaders and militants of the Partito Comunista on the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the original Communist Party of Italy. We salute all those who celebrate the best traditions of your cou...
Older Italy Distances from ‘Cancellation’ of Russia

Older Italy Distances from ‘Cancellation’ of Russia

By: Melkulangara Bhadrakumar Noam Chomsky once wrote that the astronomical cost of the Bush-Obama wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, estimated into trillions of dollars, is a major victory for Osama bin Laden, whose announced goal was to bankrupt America by drawing it into a trap.  The Ukraine war too was planned as a trap for Russia. No one other than the the Bill Clinton administration’s point person for Russia, Strobe Talbot tweeted early this year when Russia’s special military operations began congratulating President Biden’s foreign policy team — Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken and JakeSullivan — for having successfully cornered Russia.  Talbot didn’t call it a trap. For, a trap is only a trap if you don’t know about it; on the other hand, if you know about it, it’...
Italian Elections: There is a Connection Between their Roots in Fascism and their Embrace of these Ideas

Italian Elections: There is a Connection Between their Roots in Fascism and their Embrace of these Ideas

Neo-Nazi Italian Fascism The far-right is on the rise in Europe. In Sweden, once seen as a bastion of social democracy, the Sweden Democrats, a virulently racist and anti-immigrant party with neo-Nazi roots won second place in national elections in September, backed by one in five voters, and its parliamentary support is crucial for the new centre-right coalition government. Similar authoritarian parties marked by ultra-nationalist and racist ideologies, anti-migrant policies, crusades against women’s and LGBT+ rights, and attacks on the left (often framed by rhetoric about ‘elite’ conspiracies) have been in power or close to power in recent years in Poland, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain and Serbia and of course in Hungary, where far-right pro-Putin prime minister, Viktor Orbán, ...
Granddaughter of Benito Mussolini Back in European Parliament

Granddaughter of Benito Mussolini Back in European Parliament

Alessandra Mussolini, the granddaughter of Italian Nazi dictator and father of fascism Benito Mussolini, is once again a member of the European Parliament (MEP). She was one of the eight replacements for Italian MEPs who have taken up seats in the national parliament, the Chamber of Deputies. Mussolini previously served as MEP for central Italy from 2014 to 2019, when she lost her re-election bid. Prior to that, she was a member of the Chamber of Deputies on two occasions, in 1992-2004 and 2008-2013 … Born in Rome in 1962, Alessandra is the daughter of Nazi Mussolini’s fourth son, Romano. Prior to entering politics, she had a career in modeling and acting, helped along by her maternal aunt, actress Sophia Loren. Mussolini also has three children.
Mussolini supporters mark ‘March on Rome’ centenary

Mussolini supporters mark ‘March on Rome’ centenary

Predappio (Italy) (AFP) – Thousands of supporters of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini paraded in his birthplace Sunday to mark the centenary of the historic "March on Rome" that ushered in Fascism. ADVERTISING Local police estimated the crowd at about 2,000 people who gathered to march in the small hilly town of Predappio in Emilia-Romagna, Mussolini's birthplace and site of his family crypt where he is buried. Mussolini's tomb is a pilgrimage site that regularly attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. But Sunday's gathering differed from previous ones, with Fascist sympathisers expressing support for Italy's new government led by Giorgia Meloni, the most right-wing to take office since World War II. "I'd have voted for Lucifer if he had defeated the lef...
Ukrainian NeoNazi linked to Azov Battalion was Plotting Terrorist Attacks in Italy with Weapons sent to Kiev by NATO
Italy, NATO, Russia, Ukraine

Ukrainian NeoNazi linked to Azov Battalion was Plotting Terrorist Attacks in Italy with Weapons sent to Kiev by NATO

 By: Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Europe VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Had it not been for the widespread investigative activity of the Italian State Police through the divisions proposed for anti-terrorism activity (the Digos of the Police Headquarters and the Ucigos at a national level) the worst of the nightmares connected to the war in Ukraine could have become reality. In fact, last June the director of Interpol raised an alarm on the risk that the weapons donated by NATO countries to the Kiev regime could end up in the hands of criminal organizations. This was also hypothesized as a consequence of the fact that the Ukrainian National Guard had enlisted among its paramilitary troops, since 2014 with t...