
Poland wants to end political censorship online

Poland wants to end political censorship online

Poland is one of the few countries pushing to support free speech on monopoly platforms By Dan Frieth | Reclaim the Net  According to Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Big Tech corporations have amassed so much power that they control politics, and the solution is for governments around the world to introduce laws limiting that power. Polish legislators are working on a bill that would make it illegal for online platforms to censor content that does not break Poland’s laws. “Today, who sets these rules is really the master of destiny for society and for nation-states,” Morawiecki said in a recent interview with Newsweek. “So today, platforms and communication networks and intellectual property are even more important than the land and the buildings and the t...
Reelection of President Duda: Poland’s Future Remains Bright, But The Glow Is Dimming

Reelection of President Duda: Poland’s Future Remains Bright, But The Glow Is Dimming

By Andrew Korybko The narrow re-election of Polish President Duda saved the country from returning under Brussels’ Euro-Liberal yoke, yet the electorate’s clear-cut age and locality divides bode ominously for the country’s future since they suggest that the opposition might inevitably return to power if voting trends remain constant. A Close Call Poland narrowly avoided returning under Brussels’ Euro-Liberal yoke with President Duda’s re-election, which for all intents and purposes ensures that the country will de-facto remain a one-party state at least until the next parliamentary elections in three years’ time. Sputnik explained why this is the case by pointing out how the ruling Euro-Realist conservatives control the lower house of parliament and the presid...
Polish hack writes laughable fantasy on ‘feeding dictators’

Polish hack writes laughable fantasy on ‘feeding dictators’

As the crisis of capitalism continues to destroy lives, anticommunist hirelings are churning out increasingly blatant and ridiculous lies. Proletarian writers Witold Szablowski and his latest invention. No matter how many fabrications Szablowski and such hirelings churn out, no path other than socialism is open to the working class. A flower of Poland’s literary scene, Witold Szablowski, who was just nine when communist rule crumbled, can write about little else but communism, and how awful it was. A writer of very few scruples, Szablowski soon discovered that easy money could be made peddling fabrications and lies in the service of imperialism. His latest invention is the book How to Feed a Dictator, published in Britain by Penguin books and translated by Antonia Lloyd-...
Germany Wants to Replace Poland’s “Patriotic Government” with “Europhile Puppets”?
Germany, Poland

Germany Wants to Replace Poland’s “Patriotic Government” with “Europhile Puppets”?

By Andrew Korybko The former Polish Minister of Defense accused Germany of conspiring with a few other foreign actors to replace the patriotic Polish government with Europhile puppets, arguing that the country’s latest political controversy over the date of its presidential elections is proof of an attempt being made to carry out regime change in this geostrategically positioned country. Foreign Coup Or Fake Conspiracy? Poles are often criticized for being “paranoid”, but given their history, it’s understandable why they’re perpetually concerned about foreign conspiracies to undermine their hard-fought independence. Such is the case with former Minister of Defense Jan Parys, who recently accused Germany of covertly working with a few other actors to replace the patr...
Deforestation and Monoculture Farming Spread COVID-19 and Other Diseases
Health, Poland, Politics

Deforestation and Monoculture Farming Spread COVID-19 and Other Diseases

Rangers extinguish a fire in Seulawah, Indonesia, after the fire scorched hectares of pine trees on October 10, 2016. Pine forests are deliberately burned annually to clear land for palm oil and pulpwood plantations. BY: Gus Fisher,  Truthout Over a year before COVID-19 was first detected, biologists at the University of Warsaw published “Bats, Coronaviruses, and Deforestation,” a paper that links the rapid destruction of the natural habitats of bats to the spread of coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Published in April 2018, the article describes how the homes of bats in the rainforests of Southeast Asia have been reduced by 50 percent over the last 70 years, putting the disease-carrying animals in closer contact with humans than ever before. It then details th...
Poland, ZIO-NAZI


One Zionist was taken to hospital and treated for a broken nose and eye socket Polish police, illustrative. (photo credit: REUTERS) Several Zionist students in Warsaw on a semester abroad were violently assaulted in the Polish capital in the early hours of Saturday morning, allegedly by a group of young men, including two who were hospitalized.
Europe, Poland

Poland May Become Next Nation to Shoot Down Russian Military Plane?

NOVANEWS Poland May Become Next Nation to Shoot Down Russian Military Plane? US Planning to Establish a Permanent Military Base in Poland An Interview with Sputnik By Rick Rozoff and Sputnik Global Research The US is looking to establish a permanent US military base in Poland. This is what President Donald Trump said on Tuesday following a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda at the White House. Sputnik discussed the potential establishment of a military base in Poland with Rick Rozoff – manager of the Stop NATO website. *** Sputnik: Why is the Polish government willing to have a US military base? Will it obtain the security guarantees it is looking for? Rick Rozoff: Poland has no choice in the matter. I’m not trying to exculpate President Duda and others who are fanaticall...

Rebranding Hate: What Poland’s Independence Day Protests Tell Us About Europe’s Rightward Shift

NOVANEWS By Basia Polkowska, Last month, Poland once again made international headlines when its Independence Day demonstrations -- normally a moment dedicated to celebrating the return of the country's sovereignty --  were overwhelmed by 60,000 far-right protestors. Holding up placards with signs like "Europe will be white or uninhabited" and screaming "Pure Poland, white Poland!" as they proudly waved White Power flags, the Polish far-right were also joined by foreign representatives of other extremist groups. According to Adrian Bartos, spokesman for the All Poland Youth, more than 500 representatives of other nationalist parties from Spain, Germany and Hungary attended the demonstration. In his interview with Business Insider, Bartos said of the foreign far-right cont...
Germany, Poland

Germany Clumsily Admits to Supporting Regime Change in Poland

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko Oriental Review A diplomat spat has developed between Berlin and Warsaw after the Germany Defense Minister said that her country should support the “democratic resistance of the young generation” in Poland. This scandalous remark from Germany’s top military official immediately led to a strong rebuke from all levels of the Polish government, which rightly interpreted her statement as an implied threat to aid the Soros-linked Color Revolutionaries in their quest to carry out a regime change in the Central European country. As an overly simplified backgrounder, the ruling Law & Justice conservative party has been working to cleanse Poland’s permanent bureaucracy, or “deep state”, of the holdovers that their Civil Platform liberal predecessors had h...