
37 refugees dead, hundreds injured in Spanish-Moroccan police massacre at Melilla border
Morocco, Spain

37 refugees dead, hundreds injured in Spanish-Moroccan police massacre at Melilla border

Alejandro López (Excerpts from an article taken from the WSWS website, with thanks) 26 June 2022 Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE)-Podemos government, working with Moroccan police acting as the European Union’s border guards, have carried out a barbaric massacre at the borders of the Spanish enclave of Melilla in Africa. At least 37 migrants were killed and 150 more were injured when thousands tried to cross the Moroccan border into Melilla on Friday. According to the UNHCR, many came from Chad, Niger, Sudan and South Sudan, and would be considered potential asylum seekers according to international law. The precise cause of the deaths remains unclear. Some migrants may have died from suffocation or crushing because of a stampede provoked by Moroccan police charges. Other ...
Messi, Barcelona boycott the Nazi occupied Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestine
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Spain, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Messi, Barcelona boycott the Nazi occupied Jerusalem in solidarity with Palestine

IFAMERICANSKNEW Barcelona’s forward Lionel Messi waves before the friendly football match between Argentina and Uruguay in Tel Aviv, 18 November 2019 The Spanish club refuses to play in Jerusalem, following calls by Palestinian leaders to boycott the match against Beitar – a team known for its openly racist fan base. by Mustafa Abu Sneineh, reposted from Middle East Eye, July 15, 2021 An Israeli football club, whose fanbase is known for racism and anti-Palestinian chants, has cancelled a friendly match with FC Barcelona, following the Spanish club’s request not to hold the event in Jerusalem. Beitar Jerusalem’s owner Moshe Hogeg said on Thursday that he had received “an unequivocal demand” from FC Barcelona that the pre-season friendly must ...
Spanish Basque Socialist Party slams HR situation in occupied parts of Western Sahara
Human Rights, Morocco, Spain

Spanish Basque Socialist Party slams HR situation in occupied parts of Western Sahara

Donostia , Feb 17, 2021 (SPS) - The Spanish Basque Socialist Party (ESB) has condemned the campaign of repression by the Moroccan occupation forces against Saharawi militants in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. The party denounced the barbaric repression against the activist Sultana Khaya and her sister El Ouara within their own house and the international silence towards the Sahrawi population in the occupied cities. الناشطة الحقوقية الصحراوية سلطانة سيد إبراهيم خيا تطالب المنتظم الدولي بتحمل مسؤولياته تجاه الانتهاكات المغربية الخطيرة ضد الصحراويين العزل The Spanish Basque Socialist Party is closely following the latest developments concerning human rights violations in occupied Western Sahara, noting...
Spanish Government Moves Forward on Hypervigilance Project. Towards a Surveillance Police State
Politics, Spain

Spanish Government Moves Forward on Hypervigilance Project. Towards a Surveillance Police State

By: Lucas Leiroz de Almeida Several experts suggest that the post-pandemic world will be very different from the world we know. It is speculated that a new order, based on the prevention of the spread of diseases, will be put in place and that, for this purpose, governments and intelligence organizations in all countries will use advanced control and surveillance systems, in order to track infected people and keep them in quarantine, preventing the circulation of infections. Despite possible benefits, such as preventing a new pandemic, this model of organization also has some problems, as it sacrifices several civil liberties in the name of disease prevention, annihilating the right to privacy and the right to come and go. In several countries, the tests for a post-coronavirus orde...
Europe, France, Greece, Health, Italy, Spain

Coronavirus Pandemic Has Shown that Mediterranean Europe Does Not Need THE EU

By Paul Antonopoulos Global Research, Germany’s long history of wanting to rule the entirety of Europe extends back to both World Wars in the 20th Century, and perhaps even earlier. The German political structures believed that through war and conquest it could dominate the continent – this of course lacked any realism. Even with Germany’s defeat in World War II, it still did not abandon this ambition, albeit, it was not possible for many decades because of U.S. dominance on the continent and the Soviet counterweight. However, Germany played the long game and with the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union, Berlin signed the “4 + 2 Treaty” on October 3, 1990 to unify capitalist West Germany with communist East Germany. With unification achieved, then-German Chancellor He...
Environment, Health, Spain, World

The World’s Waste-Pickers Under Threat

New waste management policies undermine the informal recycling sector in the Global South.   by: Barcelona Research Group on Informal Recyclers Waste pickers oppose policies that exclude them from their source of livelihood: recyclable waste. (Photo: Global Alliance of Waste Pickers)On the occasion of the Global Waste Picker Day (March 1st), the Barcelona Research Group on Informal Recyclers—in collaboration with EnvJustice, the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and WIEGO—releases a thematic map of socio-environmental conflicts in the Global South related to informal recyclers, whose livelihoods are put at greater risk due to a global policy shift towards waste management privatization that limits their access to recyclables. This map (below) do...

The Catalan Crisis Threatens to Reopen a Debate That the EU’s Power Brokers Thought They Had Long Ago Quashed

by THOMAS S. HARRINGTON Photograph Source: Elaine Larkin – CC BY 2.0 Though it is largely forgotten today, there was during the late 80s and early 90s a vigorous debate in numerous sectors of European life about whether the EU would be best structured as a Union of Regions or as a Union of States. Adherents of the first posture hoped and believed that the goal the then still-emerging Union should be to greatly lessen the importance of existing national boundaries and governments and to promote, or at least not stand in the way of, the emergence of new economic and social regions. For example, since the Galician region of Spain shares much in the way of language culture and geography with neighboring northern Portugal, it should, according to this outlook, be free to loos...

What is Happening in Spain?

by VICENTE NAVARRO The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Spain (1978) was carried out under conditions very favorable to the profoundly conservative forces that controlled the Spanish state and the majority of the media. The democratic forces (lead by the clandestine left wing parties) were institutionally weak. It is true that popular resistance against the dictatorship had been strong primarily among the working class, the base of these parties. Spain had the largest number of political strikes in Europe during the transition period (1975-1979), which played an important role in forcing the end of the extremely repressive regime (for every political assassination undertaken by the Mussolini dictatorship, Franco’s regime killed 10,000 people). Institutionally, however, th...
Spain, USA

Spain rejects US request to participate in Gulf police force

Spanish Flag [Flickr: fdecomite Madrid has rejected an official request from Washington to participate in the joint forces it plans to form to secure the navigation traffic of the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf region, Spanish newspaper El Confidencial said on Thursday. The newspaper quoted diplomatic sources confirming that Madrid had received an official request from the United States to participate in these forces. However, the same sources said that “the Spanish government has currently no intention to participate in joint US-led forces.” The sources explained that Spain rejected the US request, as did Germany, and France is still studying this request. Read: US formally asked Germany to join Hormuz mission German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said, during a ...
Spain, USA

Spanish Politics Is US Geopolitics

NOVANEWS By Aidan O’Brien Global Research The sun is hot in Spain this time of year. The Catholics too. Semana Santa (Holy Week) reminded us that Spain was once the world’s preeminent source of religious fundamentalism. Today, in contrast, it simply copies the nihilistic fundamentalism which flows out of Wall Street. It now is the source of nothing and believes in nothing. For better or worse, Spain has been emasculated, neutralized and mediocritized. The proof are its politicians. And for the powers that be, that’s just fine. On April 28 Spain is holding a general election. It will be the fourth since Spain’s version of US capitalism began to implode at the end of 2008. Finance capital, and that hot sun, had created a property bubble the size of California. All of which turn...