
US cluster munitions will bring more pain and death to Donbass civilians, and Washington doesn’t care
Russia, Ukraine, USA

US cluster munitions will bring more pain and death to Donbass civilians, and Washington doesn’t care

Posted by: John Phoenix Kiev will use its newly received weapons to target residential areas, just as it has for the past nine years -by Eva K Bartlett August 1, 2023, RT.com The recent US decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine is immoral, unethical, and criminal. We’ve already seen the horrific results of the use of such weapons – civilians mutilated and murdered (often decades later) in Iraq and Southeast Asia, for example, and in Lebanon. In addition to the ethical reasons not to send these weapons to Ukraine, there are pragmatic reasons why, from a military perspective. They are pointless for Ukraine, in spite of Western promises that they will “do more damage across a larger area than standard unitary artillery shells by releasing bom...
US in talks to send the Nazi entity air-defence systems to Ukraine
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Ukraine, USA, ZIO-NAZI

US in talks to send the Nazi entity air-defence systems to Ukraine

Posted by: John Phoenix If agreed, the deal “would mark a shift” in 'Israeli'-Russian relations, the paper has claimed FILE PHOTO: US and to Nazi army officers stand in front a US Patriot missile defence system. © AFP / Jack Guez The US, Israel and Ukraine are in discussions to deliver up to eight old Israeli Patriot air-defense systems to Kiev, the Financial Times has reported, citing people familiar with the negotiations. The deal, which has yet to be finalized, would likely see the Patriots first sent from Israel to the US, before being supplied to Ukraine, which is experiencing a shortage of air defenses in the conflict with Russia, the paper wrote on Thursday. Recent talks on the possible delivery of the US-made systems involved ministers and senior officials from ...
Why the Russia-US conflict will outlast the Ukraine crisis
Russia, Ukraine, USA

Why the Russia-US conflict will outlast the Ukraine crisis

Posted by: John Puonix Moscow must look at Washington as a long-term threat By Andrey Sushentsov, program director at the Valdai Club. ©  Andrea Nicolini / Getty Images The desire of the US to dominate and its refusal to see other countries as equals, willing and able to assume equal responsibility for peace and stability, is the short answer to the question of why Moscow-Washington relations cannot get out of the current state of crisis. This attitude also leads the US to the same difficulties in its relations with China, India and even some of its own allies, such as Turkey.  The Russian and Chinese position is buttressed by the principle that peace is the result of compromise between the major centers of power, and that without their mutual agreem...
Nazi entity and Ukraine – Nazi’s
Ukraine, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi entity and Ukraine – Nazi’s

Israel and Ukraine - Zionists and Nazis collide The extraordinary history of Zionist and Nazi collaboration VANESSA BEELEY Demonstrators gather at Habima Square in Tel Aviv on 20 March to attend a televised video address by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky to the Israeli Knesset (AFP) Zionism has deep roots in Ukraine. Jews were a significant element in the settler colony of Odessa. Along with a range of non Jewish colonizers they settled on land from which Muslims and others had been expelled in the settlement around Khadjibey in 1794. Ukraine, especially Odessa, was a key locus of the rise of the Zionist movement in the twentieth century. The Revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky hailed from Odessa. Zionist ambivalence about Ukrainian nationalism continu...
Trump advisers present plan to push Ukraine into peace talks with Russia
Russia, Ukraine, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Trump advisers present plan to push Ukraine into peace talks with Russia

Posted by: John Phoenix By:  Ahmed Adel VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. The advisors of former US President Donald Trump have prepared a plan to cut support for Ukraine if Kiev continues to refuse negotiations with Russia and if the billionaire wins this year’s presidential election. According to one of the advisors, they were “pleased” with Trump’s response to their plan. “We tell the Ukrainians, ‘You’ve got to come to the table, and if you don’t come to the table, support from the...
Pentagon has ‘nothing to say’ about strike on Crimean beach with US-supplied weapons
Russia, Ukraine, USA

Pentagon has ‘nothing to say’ about strike on Crimean beach with US-supplied weapons

Posted by: John Phoenix RT The Pentagon has refused to comment on the deadly Ukrainian cluster munition attack on a crowded beach in Sevastopol, Russia on Sunday, RIA Novosti has reported. The Ukrainian attack carried out with US-supplied ATACMS missiles killed at least four people, among them two children, and injured 151, according to local officials. Four missiles were intercepted by air defenses, while a fifth deviated from its trajectory and detonated its cluster warhead over the busy Black Sea beach, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Sunday. When RIA asked the Pentagon about the use of US supplied weapons in the strike on Sunday, an official replied, “we have seen the reports and have nothing to say.” Moscow has pla...
The puppet is pulling the strings: How Zelensky’s regime manipulates its Western backers
C.I.A, Europe, Ukraine, USA

The puppet is pulling the strings: How Zelensky’s regime manipulates its Western backers

Posted by: John Phoenix The removal of officials favored in Washington and Brussels but inconvenient for Kiev is starting to resemble a purge By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory @tarikcyrilamartarikcyrilamar.substack.comtarikcyrilamar.com Vladimir Zelensky (screen) delivers a speech at the Summit on peace in Ukraine near Lucerne, Switzerland, on June 15, 2024 ©  MICHAEL BUHOLZER / POOL / AFP As a state, Ukraine is vitally – or fatally – dependent on the West: As the Ukrainian anti-corruption activist Martina Bohuslavets notes in the staunchly patriotic Ukrainska Pravda, Kiev’s ...
Press freedom ‘shrinking’ in Ukraine

Press freedom ‘shrinking’ in Ukraine

Reporters Without Borders Posted by: John Phoenix The non-profit group has cited surveillance and threats of forceful enlistment into the military faced by independent journalists FILE PHOTO. ©  Marcus Yam/Getty Images Independent media outlets are being subjected to growing pressure in Ukraine, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has warned. The non-profit group urged the government in Kiev to combat impunity for violent crimes against reporters and to end arbitrary restrictions regarding coverage of the conflict with Russia. Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky signed a law in 2022 that significantly expanded the government’s media regulation powers, allowing for outlets to be temporarily banned. The legislation came under fire both domestically and in the We...
Scott Ritter’s take on the most important events of 2023
Russia, Ukraine

Scott Ritter’s take on the most important events of 2023

Posted by: John Phoenix The failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Israel-Hamas war, and other events have marked a turn away from US hegemony Scott Ritter @RealScottRitter@ScottRitter Compound image by RT ©  Andrey Bortko / Sputnik;  Djibo Issifou/picture alliance via Getty Images, Per-Anders Pettersson via Getty Images;  US Navy via AP, Jack Guez / AFP The year 2023 was a banner year for change, underscoring the reality of a world transforming away from American hegemony toward the uncertainty of a yet-to-be-defined multilateral reality. This transformation was marked by many events – here are the five most important ones. The failed Ukrainian counteroffensive Perhaps the most-hyped event of the year, Ukraine’s much-anticipated spring/su...
How the Chechen miracle kick-started the Russian ‘Path of Redemption’
Russia, Ukraine

How the Chechen miracle kick-started the Russian ‘Path of Redemption’

Posted by: John Phoenix In my recent visit, I met with people who once fought a bitter war against Moscow, but are now the country’s fiercest defenders Scott Ritter @RealScottRitter@ScottRitter ©  Scott Ritter Over the course of 24 days – from December 28 to  January 20 – I was able to take in the sights and sounds of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, as these two cities celebrated both the New Year and Russian Orthodox Christmas (I also got to experience the freezing cold of the Russian winter, which was very much part of the experience!) I viewed my winter sojourn in Russia as an extension of the journey I began in May 2023, when I embarked on a mission of trying to discover the country's essence in a manner that could be made discernible to my fello...