Far East

Colombia, Far East

US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Cambodia?

NOVANEWS Opposition Leader Bragged About US-backed Sedition By Tony Cartalucci Global Research Featured image: Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha (Source: Wikimedia Commons) Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha was recently arrested on charges of treason. While the Western media has attempted to portray the charges as politically motivated, Sokha’s treason is not only quite real, he openly, eagerly bragged about it on the Australian-based “Cambodia Broadcasting Network” (CBN).   The Phnom Penh Post in its article, “Kem Sokha video producer closes Phnom Penh office in fear,” would quote Sokha who claimed (emphasis added): And, the USA that has assisted me, they asked me to take the model from Yugoslavia, Serbia, where they can change the dictator Slobodan Milosevic,” he conti...
Far East

The Rohingya Crisis: Reality, Rumors and Ramifications

NOVANEWS   Andrew Korybko The world, and especially the Ummah, is incensed at what is being portrayed as genocide against Muslims in Myanmar, but the reality of what's happening there is a lot more complex than the simplistic rumors lead one to believe, and the geopolitical ramifications of this crisis could become very far-reaching. Right off the bat, killing innocent people is wrong, and everyone is justified for feeling outraged when they believe this is happening, as it plainly is in some cases in Myanmar's coastal Rakhine State. The question, though, comes down to identifying who's doing the killing and why, and whether the victims were intentionally targeted or "collateral damage," be it from a military "anti-terrorist" operation or a "rebel" one against th...
Far East

The Rohingya Crisis: Conflict Scenarios and Reconciliation Proposals

NOVANEWS By Andrew Korybko Oriental Review The Rohingya Crisis will probably get a lot worse before it gets any better, and it might even escalate to the point of prompting a multilateral international intervention, but the only real and globally acceptable solution that Myanmar might have left to avoid this eventual worst-case scenario is to involve the Rohingyas in some capacity in the ongoing Panglong 2.0 federalization peace talks. The Rohingya Crisis has taken the world by storm over the past two weeks, but none of what’s happened should come as a surprise for those who’ve been astutely following the Myanmar Civil War. The background into this conflict is very complex, and for that reason the author is going to simply refer the reader to some of his earlier published pieces...
Far East

Cambodia’s US-Backed Opposition Leader Charged With Treason

NOVANEWS By Joseph Thomas – New Eastern Outlook  US and European media decried in unison the arrest of Kem Sokha, leader of the Cambodian opposition party, Cambodia National Rescue. Sokha is charged with treason amid an alleged plot to overthrow the current Cambodian government with foreign assistance. The Guardian in its article, “Cambodia’s strongman PM digs in with arrest of opposition leader,” would report: The Cambodian opposition leader, Kem Sokha, has been arrested accused of treason, according to the government, in the latest of a flurry of legal cases lodged against critics and rivals of the strongman prime minister, Hun Sen. The surprise arrest raises the stakes as Hun Sen’s political opponents, NGOs and the critical press are smothered by court cases and threats ahead of a ...
Far East, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime arming Myanmar amid ongoing Rohingya crackdown

NOVANEWS Israel arming Myanmar amid ongoing Rohingya crackdown Thousands of Rohingya refugees continue to flee Myanmar as the army intensifies its crackdown against the minority group Satellite images showed Rohingya villages in the Rakhine state burned to the ground (AFP) Areeb Ullah Israel has continued to sell weapons to Myanmar as thousands of Rohingya refugees flee the military's violent crackdown in the Rakhine state. The weapons sold to Myanmar include over 100 tanks, weapons and boats used to police the country's border, according to human rights groups and Burmese officials. Israeli arms companies such as TAR Ideal Concepts have also been involved in training Burmese special forces who are currently in the Rakhine state where most of the violence ...
Far East

The Rohingya of Myanmar

NOVANEWS The Rohingya of Myanmar – Pawns in an Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought by Saudi Jihadists By Moon of Alabama Media attention is directed to some minor ethnic violence in Myanmar, the former Burma. The story in the “western” press is of Muslim Rohingya unfairly vilified, chased out and killed by  Buddhist mobs and the army in the state of Rakhine near the border to Bangladesh. The “liberal human interventionists” like Human Rights Watch are united with Islamists like Turkey’s President Erdogan in loudly lamenting the plight of the Rohingya. That curious alliance also occurred during the wars on Libya and Syria. It is by now a warning sign. Could there be more behind this than some local conflict in Myanmar? Is someone stocking a fire? Indeed. While the ethnic conflict in ...
Far East

Take Aung San Suu Kyi to international court of justice

NOVANEWS Take Aung San Suu Kyi to international court of justice over ethnic cleansing of Rohingya We have had a storm of footages and reports being validateded through the media, governments, and the united nation inspectors such as the ex UN president Kofi Annan, Theresa May Jeremy Corbin, BBC, and the alike that the Mayanmar regime are persecuting and ethic cleansing the minority rohingya (Rakhine State) community and its people. This torture is done only due to the minoritie's faith and the particularly religion practised (Islam) which the army and the government deems it foreign to the state's religion which is Buddhism. Young children, women and men, the old and the disabled are all being tortured, set on fire, raped, murdered and their houses burned. We as the ...
Far East, USA

Cambodia Exposes, Expels US Network

NOVANEWS By Joseph Thomas – New Eastern Outlook  The government of Cambodia has exposed and expelled a US network attempting to interfere in the nation’s political processes. The US National Democratic Institute (NDI) was reportedly ordered to end its activities in the country and remove all of its foreign staff. In a statement, the foreign ministry accused the National Democratic Institute (NDI) of operating in Cambodia without registering, and said its foreign staff had seven days to leave. Reuters in an article titled, “Cambodia orders U.S.-funded group to halt operations, remove staff,” would claim: Authorities were “geared up to take the same measures” against other foreign NGOs which fail to comply with the law, the ministry added. The article also noted that: Prime Minister Hun Se...
Far East

Cambodian Human Rights Groups Face Threats, Surveillance Ahead of Election

NOVANEWS © AP Photo/ Heng Sinith Members of Cambodian human rights groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are facing surveillance on daily basis, with the government tapping their phones or using security agents to follow the activists, according to media reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Members of Cambodian human rights groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are facing a wave of threats, abuse and surveillance, as the general election in the country approaches, local media reported Wednesday. © REUTERS/ STRINGER Laos to Withdraw Troops From Disputed Border Area With Cambodia - PM According to the Cambodia Daily, the organizations' leaders and key members are facing surveillance on daily basis, with the government tapping their phones or using sec...
Far East

Nepal: Women’s Art and Politics

NOVANEWS Part III By Barbara Nimri Aziz   Featured image: Nepal Limbu worker Aama disappears into the darkened house to light the fire. Flames ignite from hot coals stirred out of the ash and Aama eases a pot of kodo onto the rock grill. Neither an announcement nor a spoken invitation is needed. We rise from our workplaces and move inside, seating ourselves around the hearth. Danamaya takes a ladle, stirs the brew, and pours a spoon of the steaming liquor in each brass bowl set on the ground in front of us. Mylie follows laying small leaf plates on the ground near our bowls, then places on each plate a back, spicy sauce. I recognize this, a sharp lemony pickle– a typical popular Limbu achar that accompanies every Nepali’s meal whether we’re eating rice or vegetables or drink...