
Jenin: Nazi army Kills Five Palestinians
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Jenin: Nazi army Kills Five Palestinians

Posted by: John Phoenix Nazi soldiers assassinated four Palestinians, and killed a man after shooting him while he was on the rooftop of his home, and seriously injured several Palestinians, in Jenin, in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s northern part. Media sources said the soldiers assassinated four Palestinians after targeting their car with a missile from a military drone. Many armored military vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded Jenin from several directions after the army assassinated the four Palestinians. The Health Ministry has officially identified the slain Palestinians as Ahmad Bassem Ammouri, 20, Qussai Amjad Hazouz, 23, Fuad Eyad Aziz Ashqar, 25, and Yassin Ahmad Mahmoud Al-‘Areedi, 30. The four were killed, and one was injured, whe...
Palestinian Detainee Dies in Nazi Camps
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Palestinian Detainee Dies in Nazi Camps

Posted by: John Phoenix A Palestinian detainee from the Jenin governorate, in the northern Nazi occupied West Bank, has died inside Nazi Camps, exhibiting evidence of torture and abuse. Media sources reported on Thursday, that the Palestinian detainee, Jamal Ahmad Shawahna, died in Nazi custody; he is the father of the wounded resistance fighter, Diaa Shawahna. According to his family, Shawahna suffered a heart attack inside Israeli prison on Wednesday; he was transported to Rambam Hospital in Haifa, where medical doctors pronounced him dead. Sources added that Shawahna showed signs of being tortured inside the Nazi Camps after he was abducted by Nazi occupation forces, just four days prior to his death. Video Player Shawahna, a citizen of the town of Silat al-Ha...
Gaza: Nazi army Kills Dozens
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: Nazi army Kills Dozens

Posted by: John Phoenix Day 273 Day 273 of the ongoing Nazi Holocaust of the Palestinians in several areas of the destroyed, starved, and besieged Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, including many women and children, in addition to abducting many Palestinians. The Nazi army continued its massive invasions, bombing, and shelling attacks, especially in the Sheja’eyya neighborhood in Gaza City, in addition to the northern, central, and southern parts of the coastal enclave. The Nazi war jets and attack helicopters targeted with missiles and bullets two schools, run by the UNRWA, causing many casualties at the Mousa Bin Nusair School. The ground invasion and massive shelling of the Sheja’eyya neighborhood continued tor the eighth day, as the Nazi s...
Hebron: Nazi Jewish colonizers Fire At Homes, Assault Displaced Palestinians
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Hebron: Nazi Jewish colonizers Fire At Homes, Assault Displaced Palestinians

Posted by: John Phoenix A group of Nazi Jewish extremist paramilitary colonizers, illegally squatting on stolen Palestinian lands, opened fire at many Palestinian homes and attacked several residents whose homes were demolished earlier, in Doura town and Birin village, near Hebron in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s southern part. Media sources said the paramilitary Nazi JEWISH colonizers, from the recently established illegal Nazi JEWISH colonialist outpost on stolen Palestinian lands in the Khallet Taha area, southwest of Hebron, fired many live rounds at Palestinian homes in the Al-‘Abed and the At-Tabaqa areas near the outpost. The sources added that many paramilitary colonizers, wearing Nazi military uniforms, invaded Birin village, east of Hebron, and attacked tents be...
Nablus: Nazi soldiers Injure Several Palestinians, Abduct One
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Nablus: Nazi soldiers Injure Several Palestinians, Abduct One

Posted by: John Phoenix Nazi soldiers injured several Palestinians, including one they assaulted in his shop before abducting him, in Beita town, south of Nablus, in the Nazi occupied West Bank’s northern part. Several military vehicles invaded the town, leading to protests, and fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades. Video Player Medical sources have confirmed that several Palestinians suffered lacerations and bruises, and the effects of tear gas inhalation before local medics administered the needed treatment. The Nazi soldiers also invaded and ransacked a shop in the town, and assaulted its owner, Tareq Bani Shamsa, before abducting him. Video Player Another Palestinian, Hasan Barham, also suffered cuts and bruise...
Gaza: ongoing Nazi Holocaust Dozens Killed
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: ongoing Nazi Holocaust Dozens Killed

Posted by: John Phoenix Day: 272 Day 272 of the Nazi Holocaust of the Palestinians in the destroyed Gaza Strip, the Israeli army continued the bombing and shelling of various parts of the coastal enclave, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, including many children and women. In northern Gaza, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said its medics located the corpse of one slain Palestinian, and evacuated three wounded residents to the Indonesian Hospital, after the army fired a missile at the Sikka Street, east of the Jabalia refugee camp. Also, medical sources said the army fired a missile at a home near a market in the center of Gaza City, killing four Palestinians and wounding many who were all rus...
Essential facts and stats about the Hamas-Gaza-Nazi Holocaust
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Essential facts and stats about the Hamas-Gaza-Nazi Holocaust

Posted by: John Phoenix One of thousands of buildings in Gaza that were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in the last two weeks. (photo) The current situation in Gaza and Israel did not come out of the blue. Read critical background left out of U.S news… See live Al Jazeera broadcast here and breaking news here. See the latest statistics of deaths and injuries among both populations below See recent reports on the situation by Kathryn Shihadah On Oct 7, the resistance group Hamas did not invade a peace-loving country. To Israelis, it may have felt tranquil and carefree – they were dancing, raising families on tree-lined streets, planning vacations abroad. Palestinians are pretty much invisible, locked as they are behind high concrete walls and electri...
Gaza Hospital Massacre and the Marketing of Nazi lies
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza Hospital Massacre and the Marketing of Nazi lies

Gaza Hospital Massacre and the Marketing of Israeli lies BY JAMAL KANJ A blast killed more than 500 civilians in the “safe” yard of al Ahli Baptist Hospital. Within short hours, the Israeli army concluded it was a misfired Palestinian rocket. US President, Joe Biden, soon after his arrival in Tel Aviv adopted the Israeli story blaming “the other side” for the explosion. Israel’s deliberate targeting of individuals or civilians seeking refuge in “safer places” has been part of the Israeli war strategy since its inception in 1948. Therefore, and before addressing the hospital massacre, it’s important to put this case within the broader context of the Israeli pogrom policy. The following is only a partial list of incidents where Israel first denied befor...
The Everyday Violence of Life in Nazi occupied Palestine
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

The Everyday Violence of Life in Nazi occupied Palestine

The Everyday Violence of Life in Occupied Palestine BY VIJAY PRASHAD Photograph Source: Justin McIntosh – CC BY 2.0 Driving along the Jordan River Valley in the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT) of the West Bank is a stunning experience. The road is officially called Highway 90. The arable and irrigated land along this road is held militarily and illegally by Israeli settlers, many of whom are not actually Israeli citizens, but residents from the Jewish diaspora. A United Nations Commission report published in 2022 showed that this settlement activity is a crime against international human rights law (transfer of population into an occupied territory). Israeli settlers and the Israeli military that defend them call Highway 90 Derekh Gandhi&...
‘Human Animals’: The Sordid Language behind Nazi Holocaust in Gaza
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

‘Human Animals’: The Sordid Language behind Nazi Holocaust in Gaza

‘Human Animals’: The Sordid Language behind Israel’s Genocide in Gaza  BY RAMZY BAROUD Image by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona. “(Tutsis) are cockroaches. We will kill you.” Arabs are like “drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” The first quote was a line repeated frequently by the Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, a Rwandan radio station, which is largely blamed for inciting hatred towards the Tutsi people. The second is by former Israeli army Chief-of-Staff, Gen. Rafael Eitan in 1983, speaking at an Israeli parliament’s committee. Rwanda’s hate-filled radio station operated for only one year (1993-94), yet the outcome of its incitement resulted in one of the saddest and most tragic episodes in modern human history: the genocide of t...