
BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 3

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 3

Posted by: John Phoenix Stalin is an obvious candidate for the most vitriolic abuse for under his leadership private property and the market suffered unprecedented hammer blows.  Under his stewardship, socialism spread to eastern and central Europe, China, the DPRK and Vietnam, taking this vast mass, along with the USSR, out of the world market. Under his leadership, the USSR emerged victorious in the Great Patriotic War, frustrating imperialist plans for its defeat by the vile Nazi regime.  No one has delivered such devastating blows to imperialism as did the USSR during the three decades of Stalin’s leadership.  This being the case, how would one expect imperialism’s representatives, its ideologues, to show any objectivity towards this undisputed and towerin...
The Corporate University in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Literature, USA

The Corporate University in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

BY DAVID SCHULTZ Photo by Maximalfocus ChatGPT/AI was supposed to be the next big thing to revolutionize higher education.  But based on my students’ comments, it is less than underwhelming.  But that does not matter.  AI will be the latest tool the corporate university uses to save itself from the neo-liberal education policies it has pursued for the last  fifty years. At the beginning of 2023 ChatGPT/AI took higher education by storm.  It was heralded by the likes of The Chronicle of Higher Education, the voice of neo-liberal higher ed,  as the next big thing to change teaching and learning. Much like massive open online courses or MOOCs,  clickers,  interactive whiteboards, Channel One, and a collection of oth...
BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2

The Gulag Propaganda in the imperialist organs of mass communication portrays the Soviet Union as a gigantic prison camp – the gulag – where the inmates are tortured, subjected to humiliating and dehumanising treatment. Losurdo demolishes these lying assertions, first, by reference to the treatment of prisoners in Soviet prisons; second, by referencing the complete omission by imperialism and its ideologues, of the vast network of gulags abd concentration camps in the imperialist world and the mass extermination of millions of people by imperialist and colonialist countries over the past several centuries as well as recently. Australia, he writes, was Britain’s Siberia, to which Irish dissidents as well as people who had committed minor crimes such as theft of a shilling or ...
Book: Britain’s Perfidious Labour party by Harpal Brar
Literature, United Kingdom

Book: Britain’s Perfidious Labour party by Harpal Brar

An essential history for every sincere worker who wishes to make sense of the political landscape in Britain and find an effective way forward. Ranjeet Brar Subscribe to our  channel Download a digital copy of this pamphlet. Buy a copy from our shop. ***** Introduction by Ranjeet Brar to Harpal Brar’s text It remains an article of faith to many British workers, and much of the British left, that the Labour party is the mass party of the working class. The Labour party was founded by the British trade union movement, and it is widely believed that the Labour party brought us the National Health Service and the welfare state. These two statements – one a half truth, the other a fabrication – are generally considered enough to carry the ...
BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend

by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2 The Gulag Propaganda in the imperialist organs of mass communication portrays the Soviet Union as a gigantic prison camp – the gulag – where the inmates are tortured, subjected to humiliating and dehumanising treatment. Losurdo demolishes these lying assertions, first, by reference to the treatment of prisoners in Soviet prisons; second, by referencing the complete omission by imperialism and its ideologues, of the vast network of gulags abd concentration camps in the imperialist world and the mass extermination of millions of people by imperialist and colonialist countries over the past several centuries as well as recently. Australia, he writes, was Britain’s Siberia, to which Irish dissidents as well as people who had committed minor crimes...
The Non-Jew in Jewish Law
Literature, ZIO-NAZI

The Non-Jew in Jewish Law

Rabbinic authorities have used different arguments to redress inequities in the way halakhah treats non-Jews. BY JEFFREY SPITZE Judaism and the Other JEWS & NON-JEWS The Way of the Gentiles JEWS & NON-JEWS My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your helpDONATE The Talmud reports the following story: The Roman government sent two officers to the sages of Israel to learn the Torah . They read it, they read it again, and then a third time. As they left they said, ‘We have studied all of your Torah carefully, and found it to be the truth, with this exception: if a Jew’s ox gores a gentile’s ox, there is no liability, but if a gentile’s ox gores a Jew’s ox, whether the ox has a history of goring or not, full compensatio...
Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create ‘Israel’
Literature, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create ‘Israel’

By: Richard C. Cook $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contractsSource: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Review by Richard Cook: Against Our Better Judgment, by Alison Weir As the crisis involving the Israelis and Palestinians deepens after the October 7 Hamas attack, we might pause to examine how the state of Israel was created in the first place. At the current juncture, as World War III looms on the horizon, as massacres are currently being perpetrated by Israel against the civilian population of Gaza, with a death toll exceeding 9,000, of which over 4,000 are children, and as a Western armada is gathering in the eastern Med...
Book review: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 1

Book review: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 1

Originally published in Italian in 2008, Iskra press has just released the first authorised translation into English edition, translated by Henry Hakamäkr and Salavatore Engel-Di Manso. The present review is based on a version that was re-translated from the Portuguese version. This book is a refreshing change from the countless books on the subject of Stalin written by despicable paid mercenaries pretending to be objective academics, who attempt to pass off their lies as historical truth. Following the Second World War, in which she almost single-handedly defeated the Hitlerite war machine, the Soviet Union and its undisputed leader, JV Stalin, were held in the highest regard not only by ordinary people all over the world, but also in large numbers by statesmen, intellectuals,...
من التلطي إلى التخطي
Arabic, Literature, Palestine Affairs

من التلطي إلى التخطي

Adel Samara & ‎أحمد النجار‎ . nordsSpeot32aha0g2 5blga3r77a5 7u75ec229gocu2lt15O541i0lc21t  ·  ■ إكتمل الاستهداف وانتهت المساكنة ... من التلطي إلى التخطي (حلقة 3)، عادل سمارة • كيف عرفنا من العدو أن القيادة تفاوض! إكتمل الاستهداف ، وانتهت المساكنة... من التلطي إلى التخطي كيف عرفنا من العدو أن القيادة تفاوض! حلقة (3) عادل سمارة عقدة الصراع جميعه مكثفة في الدور العربي وعلاقة الفلسطينيين به. وليس من قبيل التذاكي الزعم بأن العدو كان يعرف حقيقتين قاتلتين ولا يزال يعرف: الأولى: أن القضية هي شعبية عربية وليست رسمية، وبأن هزيمة 1967 أخرجت القوى القومية الرسمية من معادلة الصراع لتحرير كامل الوطن لتقف عند تحريم ما تم احتلاله 1967. أما الأنظمة النفطية فهي جوهريا في خدمة المحتل ، دعك من ارسال اموال م...
Book review: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 1

Book review: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 1

Originally published in Italian in 2008, Iskra press has just released the first authorised translation into English edition, translated by Henry Hakamäkr and Salavatore Engel-Di Manso. The present review is based on a version that was re-translated from the Portuguese version. This book is a refreshing change from the countless books on the subject of Stalin written by despicable paid mercenaries pretending to be objective academics, who attempt to pass off their lies as historical truth. Following the Second World War, in which she almost single-handedly defeated the Hitlerite war machine, the Soviet Union and its undisputed leader, JV Stalin, were held in the highest regard not only by ordinary people all over the world, but also in large numbers by statesmen, intellectuals,...