
Obituary: Benjamin Zephaniah – lifelong champion of the oppressed
Literature, United Kingdom

Obituary: Benjamin Zephaniah – lifelong champion of the oppressed

One of Britain’s most important and impactful cultural workers breathed his last breath on 7 December 2023, having been diagnosed with a brain tumour eight weeks previously. Benjamin Zephaniah was widely known as a poet, author and actor, but also as a tireless and courageous campaigner for justice. He never hesitated to speak his mind; he never put his career before his principles. He was unique in his ability to cut through ruling class cultural hegemony – a function of his prodigious talent and his strong roots in the British working class, in particular among oppressed communities. As a black man from a working class Jamaican background, Zephaniah faced racism all his life, and anti-racism was one of his main areas of focus as an activist. For decades, he stood shoulder ...
Book: Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy

Book: Engaging the World: The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy

Author(s): Dr Daud Abdullah Publisher Afro-Middle East Centre (AMEC) Published January 28, 2021 Paperback 272 Pages Language English ISBN 978-0-9947048-2-5 The Making of Hamas’s Foreign Policy is the first comprehensive account of how the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, conducts its international relations, its attempts to develop a coherent and dynamic foreign policy, and its leveraging of this foreign policy to strengthen its global legitimacy and credibility. Having grown out of the refugee camps in Gaza, and relying mostly on its support within Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora, the movement was thrust onto the global stage by a series of events imposed on it. Its victory in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elect...
Anti-Zionism is not racism!
Literature, Politics, United Kingdom, ZIO-NAZI

Anti-Zionism is not racism!

Anti-Zionism is not racism! Join our protest today! Communists arrested for telling the truth about Zionism and imperialism. Free speech is dying in Britain today. Party statement Sunday 26 November 2023 Four members of the CPGB-ML were arrested in London yesterday (see video above). They were manning a party stall at a demonstration in support of Palestine and against the genocide in Gaza. They have been held in a south London police station since their arrest. While we are still not sure of the exact charge, video footage of their arrest makes it clear that the excuse used was ‘incitement to racial hatred’, based on the cover design of our party’s pamphlet on Zionism. The police have long been aware o...
Book Review: Against Our Better Judgment, by Alison Weir
Literature, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Book Review: Against Our Better Judgment, by Alison Weir

Dr. Israel Shahak of Hebrew University reports that the Israelis burned hundreds of New Testament Bibles in occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 21). The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel By: RICHARD COOK  As the crisis involving the Israelis and Palestinians deepens after the October 7 Hamas attack, we might pause to examine how the state of Israel was created in the first place. At the current juncture, as World War III looms on the horizon, as massacres are currently being perpetrated by Israel against the civilian population of Gaza, with a death toll exceeding 9,000, of which over 4,000 are children, and as a Western armada is gathering in the eastern Mediterranean, it is befitting to review journalist A...
Human-Like A.I. Is Deceptive and Dangerous

Human-Like A.I. Is Deceptive and Dangerous

By Public Citizen Global Research, All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** Tech companies are developing and deploying artificial intelligence (A.I.) systems that deceptively mimic human behavior to aggressively sell their products and services, dispense dubious medical and mental health advice, and trap people in psycholog...
“I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been”:  Musings on Communism and Anti-Communism

“I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been”:  Musings on Communism and Anti-Communism

BY JONAH RASKIN Jonah Raskin reading under the images of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh, circa 1970. If you grew up in the 1950s, as I did in a lefty American family, the name Joseph McCarthy elicited as much loathing as that of John Wilkes Booth and Benito Mussolini. The zeitgeist of the late 1940s and early 1950s—fueled by the Cold War—were, as troubadour Peter Seeger sang, while he strummed the banjo, “a terrible time,” though it was also, he added, “a wonderful time.” A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens’s novel of the French Revolution, begins on a similar note:  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I remember the best and the worst: the resilience and the fear. The era left its mark on me and many of my contemporaries who also grew up in lef...
Film review: Oppenheimer

Film review: Oppenheimer

While the USA continues to trumpet itself as the home of free speech, this is only allowed so long as what is said poses no threat to imperialist domination at home and abroad. Lalkar writers Subscribe to our  channel Despite a focus on individuals and a lack of awareness of classes and class struggle, this film does an unintended service to the truth in vividly portraying one incident in the history of the working-class movement in the USA; a moment that saw the birth of the ‘cold war’ that the USA waged with unremitting fervour against the USSR until the latter’s fall in December 1991. Oppenheimer, directed and written by Christopher Nolan, currently on release and the subject of much publicity and hype, is well worth seeing on many levels. A fascinating story, fil...
Gates of Hell?

Gates of Hell?

BOOKS, INTERVIEWS BY JAMIE FOSTER In this powerful and hard-hitting analysis, Daniel Jupp examines the enormous personal power and political influence of one of the world’s richest men. The Gates of Hell covers everything from the childhood influences that shaped Bill Gates to the Microsoft years and his current incarnation as the most powerful philanthropist on the planet. Jupp traces just how vast and unaccountable the influence of Gates has become, including his leading role in current global health policies and the drive toward a net zero “Green Revolution,” which threatens the economic and social fabric of the entire western world. Firmly asking the questions that mainstream commentators often avoid, Jupp supplies a damaging criticism not just of Gates himself but of the pol...
Disturbing Questions Over Death Of CBI Judge Justice Loya
India, Literature

Disturbing Questions Over Death Of CBI Judge Justice Loya

Posted by: John Phoenix Special CBI Judge Justice Brijgopal Harkishan Loya, who was hearing the Sohrabuddin murder case in which Narendra Modi’s lieutenant Amit Shah and several top Gujarat police officers were implicated, died suddenly at a Government guest house in Nagpur on 30 November 2014 – two weeks before the next hearing in the case. Within a month of the death of the 48-year-old Justice Loya, his successor had discharged Amit Shah in the Sohrabuddin murder case. Justice Loya’s predecessor, who had been tough on Shah, had been transferred just a day before a hearing date he had fixed in which he had required Shah to be present. Justice Loya too had shown every sign of diligence in the case rather than leniency towards Shah.Now, three years on, the late Justice Loya’s family...
Meet Niranjan Takle, the journalist who broke the Judge Loya story
India, Literature

Meet Niranjan Takle, the journalist who broke the Judge Loya story

Posted by: John Phoenix Eight months after breaking one of the biggest stories of 2017, Takle remains unemployed. By: Cherry Agarwal In Class 4, Niranjan Takle, the journalist who broke the Judge Loya story, wanted to become a lawyer.This was because in 1971, the state government had acquired 16 acres of his family’s agricultural land, for development of low-cost housing projects, without due compensation. As the family waited for their due, Niranjan’s dream of owning a bicycle was also put on hold. Back then, a municipal school student in Nashik, Maharashtra, Takle would spend part of his morning delivering newspapers. Recalling those days, Takle says, “My father owned a small newspaper and magazine stall. While I did not understand the depth or the social and politic...