Human Rights, Media, MULTIMEDIA, USA

‘All Journalists at Risk’ if Assange Handed to US Jailers

By Ben Chacko Global Research, All journalists will be at risk if Julian Assange is extradited to the US and jailed for publishing classified information, a packed debate at London’s Frontline Club heard today. Mr Assange faces up to 175 years behind bars if convicted of charges relating to the publication of documents, video and diplomatic cables exposing US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Intervening from the floor, National Union of Journalists president Tim Dawson said that we needed to urgently wake up to the “monstrous” case against Mr Assange. “If successful this will place every journalist under fear of it being used against them,” he said, citing advice from the Law Commission to the Theresa May government which recommended legal c...
Media, MULTIMEDIA, United Kingdom


Brian Cathcart Why has the government binned the key recommendation of its own report on the future of journalism? Because it was only ever meant as a distraction Two years ago, when the government was desperately struggling for a majority in the Commons to support scrapping part two of the Leveson Inquiry, the then Culture Secretary Matt Hancock came up with an idea. An inquiry such as Leveson 2 into the criminal activities of the upper reaches of the national press, he decided, was ‘backward-looking’. (He might try saying that today to the Dowler family, who have just read allegations that a second newspaper was illegally trolling them and their murdered daughter.)  Instead of looking back, Hancock told us, we needed a ‘forward-looking’ inquiry into the f...

Making Rebellion Attractive: Why the Establishment Still Hates John Reed

by P. SAINATH Photograph Source: John Reed, the American Communist – Public Domain ‘If Mark Twain or John Reed were alive today and looking for work, would they find it at your newspaper or channel? Could Twain have a column? Would you carry Reed’s despatches?’ That was a question I put to several American editors and journalists in 2000. I was touring the USA as an Eisenhower Fellow and meeting, often interviewing, many media personalities there. My focus was on mavericks, anti-establishment, progressive and radical journalists, including Studs Terkel, Gore Vidal, Alexander Cockburn and Adam Hochschild. However, I did meet some very mainstream ones, including Walter Cronkite, well past 80, but quite alive and articulate. Also, Joe Lelyveld of The New York Times. I usual...

The Media and the Military Mindset

by MELVIN GOODMAN Photograph Source: Beverly & Pack CC BY 2.0 U.S. national media have been lazy in their treatment of our military—pandering to the military itself and using retired general officers with ties to the military-industrial complex as spokesmen.  The United States is largely in an arms race with itself, but the media typically ignore bloated defense spending.  It is past time to reinforce Martin Luther King’s address to the Riverside Church in 1967 that linked chronic domestic poverty and military adventurism. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Department of Defense has been playing an outsize role in the implementation of U.S. foreign policy and has too much clout in the production of intelligence analysis.  The admini...

Roaming Charges: All the Pretty Missiles Are Going to Hell

by JEFFREY ST. CLAIR LA River beneath Highway 101. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair. + We have reached that critical moment in world affairs where when the White House hotline rings at 3:30 in the morning, two-thirds of the planet’s population hopes that Barron picks up…. + I feel fortunate to live in a country that takes freedom of speech so seriously that even the criminally insane have their own TV network: “This president will unleash holy hell on that regime…There will be retaliation and it will be disproportionate,” thundered Sebastian Gorka. “We are not a superpower anymore. We are a hyperpower.” + To this point at least, Iran appears to have acted with restraint. It didn’t target Pompeo Maximus or Mike Pence, which might have been considered a “proportionate” response...
Campaigns, Media, MULTIMEDIA

British press runs fake news on General Soleimani assassination

The British press has a long history of making up stories about Iran The UK appears to have developed a three-pronged strategy in relation to the fallout from the terrorist-style assassination of General Qassem Soleimani by the US government. At an official level, the UK has endorsed the assassination, as foremost demonstrated by the statements of Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and foreign secretary, Dominic Raab. At a more practical level, the UK is maneuvering to support the US in any potential military action against Iran. The Sun newspaper ran a well-sourced article yesterday claiming that a nuclear-powered British submarine is in “striking position” of Iran. The third prong of the strategy consists of propaganda and the planting of fake stories in the press. The best ...
Media, MULTIMEDIA, Syria, United Kingdom

British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria

Posted by:Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Exclusive interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations. Interview conducted by Hanin Elias ***Follow Syriana Analysis*** YouTube:… Facebook: Twitter: Related Europe was the main player in destroying Syria and creating the refugee crisis In "Illegal Occupation" Bashar Jaafari Challenges Nikki Haley On WMD In "Deception" Founder of 'White Helmets' James Le Mesurier Found Dead in Istanbul In "Deception"
Human Rights, Media, MULTIMEDIA, United Kingdom

Assange and Manning: The Slow Execution of the Voices of Freedom

By Massoud Nayeri Global Research, Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning have exposed corrupt officials and criminal politicians Assange and Manning are prisoners of conscience How to free Assange and Manning? Be the Voice of Assange and Manning in your community by any needs necessary. *** Australia’s Naval Base in Papua New Guinea: Power Play in the South Pacific against China
Media, MULTIMEDIA, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

An Intentional Attempt to Keep Palestinian Journalists Away

Yousef Munnayer, executive direction of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, described Nazi violence as "an intentional attempt to keep Palestinian journalists away from capturing these images and bringing them to the world to see."   Seven Palestinian journalists, all wearing clothing clearly identifying themselves as members of the press, were shot by Nazi forces during last Friday's "March of Return" in Gaza, according to the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. One reporter, photojournalist Yaser Murtaja, succumbed to his wounds. Despite Nazi indiscriminate targeting of Gazans over the past two Fridays, resulting in 29 deaths and over a thousand injuries, the U.S. media and government has paid very little attention to the situation.This despite...

Fake News: A “Weapon of Choice” for a Handful of Countries

NOVANEWS By Grete Mautner It goes without saying that recently ‘fake news’ has become one of the most trending search phrases on the net. Moreover, representatives of Collins English Dictionary have gone as far as to name it official Word of the Year for 2017, and there’s a very good reasons for this term to enjoy such popularity. For instance, it was used by American President Donald Trump, who accused leading Western media sources of spreading deceitful reports by describing them as ‘fake news’. The uncontested prevalence of such news could be observed during all the major political campaigns of recent years: presidential election in the US and France, parliamentary elections in Germany, Brexit and Catalan referendums… Perhaps there is no country in this world that escaped fa...