South America

The United States has to take Cuba, once and for all, out of the list of states allegedly sponsoring terrorism
Cuba, USA

The United States has to take Cuba, once and for all, out of the list of states allegedly sponsoring terrorism

Posted by: John Phoenix Statement by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs According to U.S. official media reports, on 15 May 2024, the country’s State Secretary submitted to the Congress one more of the arbitrary reports that normally describe countries without any international mandate or recorgnition. This time, he listed four countries who allegedly “do not fully cooperate with the United States antiterrorist efforts for the 2023 calendar year.” As opposed to what has happened in recent years, the list does not slanderously include Cuba among such countries. Nonetheless, the State Department keeps Cuba as one of the States in a list of those allegedly “sponsoring” terrorism. It is nothing but a totally unilateral and unfounded list, whose sole purpose is to smear sov...
Cuba claims it thwarted US-financed terror plot
Cuba, USA

Cuba claims it thwarted US-financed terror plot

Posted by: John Phoenix Nearly three dozen people have been detained over ties to a supposed criminal group operating out of neighboring Florida © Getty Images / Westend61 Cuban authorities have foiled a suspected terror plot involving weapons smuggled from the US, Victor Alvarez Valle, lead criminal investigator with Cuba’s Interior Ministry, said on Monday. The plot first came to light in December last year, when authorities said they detained a man who had illegally arrived on the island from the neighboring US state of Florida carrying guns, ammunition, and military gear. He was suspected of intending to “execute violent actions” in the Caribbean nation. Alvarez identified the man as 40-year-old Ardenys Garcia, a Cuban residing in Florida, who ha...
New Foreign Intervention Would be Disastrous for Haiti’s People

New Foreign Intervention Would be Disastrous for Haiti’s People

BY W. T. WHITNEY U.S. Marines in Bel Air, Haiti, 2004. Photograph Source: LCPL KEVIN MCCALL, USMC – Public Domain The United Nations Security Council on October 2 voted to approve a resolution prepared by the United States and Ecuador that authorized a multi-national force to be deployed to Haiti for a year “to combat armed bands and reestablish security.” The vote was 13 nations approving, Russia and China abstaining, and none opposing. In mid-September at the United Nations General Assembly, U.S. President Joe Biden and Ariel Henry, Haiti’s acting president, called for a multi-national militarized occupation of Haiti. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres had done so earlier. U.S. spokespersons say that $100 million is being soug...
I Watched a Democracy Die. I Don’t Want to Do It Again

I Watched a Democracy Die. I Don’t Want to Do It Again

BY ARIEL DORFMAN Chilean workers marching in support of Allende in 1964. Photograph Source: James N. Wallace – Public Domain For 50 years, I have been mourning the death of President Salvador Allende of Chile, who was overthrown in a coup the morning of Sept. 11, 1973. For 50 years, I have mourned his death and the many deaths that followed: the execution and disappearance of my friends and so many more unknown women and men whom I marched with through the streets of Santiago in defense of Mr. Allende and his unprecedented attempt to build a socialist society without bloodshed. I can pinpoint the moment I realized that our peaceful revolution had failed. It was early on the morning of the coup in the nation’s capital, when I heard the announcement that a junta ...
Brazilian experts warn of the risk of western intervention in the Amazon region

Brazilian experts warn of the risk of western intervention in the Amazon region

By Raphael Machado | Strategic Culture Foundation | June 17, 2024 On June 11, an important debate took place in the Brazilian Congress which could have some interesting repercussions. The event, called the “Debate on National Sovereignty in the 21st Century,” was held within the scope of the Foreign Relations and National Defense Committee of Congress, organized at the request of Representative Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança. The debate, held within one of the most important committees of the Brazilian Congress (as it deals precisely with fundamental state issues), included the participation of important specialists in military and intelligence matters, such as Commander Robinson Farinazzo, officer of the Brazilian Navy, the defense analyst Albert Caballé, and Profes...
Palestinian prisoners plan hunger strike to protest Nazi restrictions
Gaza, Holocaust, Honduras, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, USA, ZIO-NAZI

Palestinian prisoners plan hunger strike to protest Nazi restrictions

Posted by: John Phoenix This file photo shows Nazi Camp guards outside Palestinian inmates’ cells at one of the regime’s jails. (Via Palestinian Information Center) Hundreds of Palestinians being held inside jails across the occupied territories plan an open-ended hunger strike on Sept. 14 to protest Nazi restrictions. In a statement released on Sunday, the Palestinian Prisoner Society said the strike aims to pile pressure on the Nazi Camps authorities to reverse restrictions against the detainees. “The prisoners want all restrictions imposed against them reversed,” the PPS said. The Supreme Emergency Committee of the Prisoner National Movement also announced that Palestinian prisoners will demand the suspension of a decision made by hawkish Nazi cabinet minister Jewis...
The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

Posted by: John Phoenix The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded at the Bretton Woods conference in July 1944.  This financial agency presents an image of itself as a democratic organisation that works “to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries… by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation”. Nothing could be further from reality; not only is the IMF not a democratic organisation but, as this article will show, the policies that it supports favour only those countries that manage the institution.  The decisions of the IMF are related to the ownership of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which, by reflecting the relative position of the country in the world economy, determines th...
The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

The role of the IMF impoverishing countries – the case of Argentina

Posted by: John Phoenix The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded at the Bretton Woods conference in July 1944.  This financial agency presents an image of itself as a democratic organisation that works “to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries… by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation”. Nothing could be further from reality; not only is the IMF not a democratic organisation but, as this article will show, the policies that it supports favour only those countries that manage the institution.  The decisions of the IMF are related to the ownership of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) which, by reflecting the relative position of the country in the world economy, determines th...
Genocide Unfolding in Palestine
Gaza, Honduras, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Genocide Unfolding in Palestine

By Craig Murray Global Research, Tonight has been the most violent bombardment of Gaza so far, notably concentrated on precisely the areas into which Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is under way with the active support of almost all western governments. I want to look at two questions – what will happen internationally, and what is happening in western societies. Israel plainly is on the course of further escalation and intends to kill many thousands more Palestinians. More than 2,000 Palestinian children alone have now been killed by Israeli aerial attack in the last fortnight. Gaza has no defence from bombs and missiles, and there is no military reason why Israel cannot keep this up for months ...
Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

In a recent webinar addressed by Ambassador Valdrack Jaentschke, who led the Nicaragua government delegation to the 2023 United Nations climate change conference in Dubai, more commonly known as Cop28, the ambassador explained how Nicaragua is combating climate change, both at home through its renewable energy and other programmes, and in the international arena through cooperation and by the power of its example in implementing policies that demonstrate a real concern for the earth (in contrast to imperialist greenwashing). He began by recalling the Paris climate conference of 2015. While Nicaragua upheld the position that the capitalist economic system is at the root of our environmental problems at that meeting, the majority of participants and all the meeting’s outcomes sim...