

Bolivia: Before and after Evo Morales

NOVANEWS Poverty has been reduced, rights expanded, and the economy continues to growBy Ana Laura Palomino García | Granma Many years ago, the man who has taken the Plurinational State of Bolivia to first-rate statistics in the economic and social arenas, was jailed on a military base in Copacabana, a town in the department of La Paz, close to the border with Peru. This was in 1995, and Evo Morales endured insults and interrogations, for defending his rights and those of coca growers. But the most hateful way his captors referred to him was “indio” – a word that served as an offense for them, but is one of his most valued attributes. Now that “Indian,” Evo Morales, is loved by his people and continues to dignify his indigenous roots, struggling tirelessly to eradicate the social ills that...
Bolivia, Venezuela

Bolivia’s Morales Rejects Trump’s Travel Ban on Venezuela

NOVANEWS Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro and Bolivia President Evo Morales. | Photo: EFE The head of state rejected Trump's actions, saying that this decision violates the OAS Charter. President Evo Morales of Bolivia has slammed the interventionist policies of U.S. President Donald Trump against Venezuela, attacking the administration's mixed messages. RELATED: 'The Tougher, the Better': Trump's New Anti-Venezuela 'Travel Ban' Explained "A few days ago Trump supported dialogue in Venezuela. Now he acts like the boss and announces a political wall that prohibits the entry of Venezuelans to the U.S," Morales tweeted. He also expressed his support for the Bolivarian government, asserting that Venezuela "has a policy of internationalism, with soli...
Bolivia, Russia, Venezuela

Russia, Bolivia Reject US Military Threat Against Venezuela

NOVANEWS Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro attend a rally against U.S. President Donald Trump in Caracas. | Photo: Reuters The foreign ministers of Russia and Bolivia met to discuss U.S. aggression against Venezuela and strengthening bilateral relations. Russian and Bolivian foreign ministers Sergei Lavrov and Fernando Huanacuni have participated in a joint press conference, reaffirming support for Venezuela’s sovereignty. RELATED: Bolivia, Russia Defend Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Lavrov and Huanacuni denounced U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat of military intervention against Venezuela as “unacceptable,” reaffirming the South American country’s right to self-determination. Both leaders also stressed that the only solution to the countr...
Bolivia, USA

Soft Coups Made in USA to Control Latin America

NOVANEWS Attendees of the book release of "Geopolitics and Regional Integration — Latin America in the World System." | Photo: Bolivian vice presidency While the U.S. employs brute military force in the Muslim world to obtain foreign policy objectives, soft coups are reserved for Latin America. Cesar Navarro, Bolivia's minister of Mining and Metallurgy, emphasized Wednesday that the main objective of the United States is to implement soft coups in order to reestablish hegemony over Latin America during a speech launching a new book, according to Prensa Latina. RELATED: Evo Morales Offers to ‘Free’ OAS’ Luis Almagro From ‘Empire’ The official was commenting on "Geopolitics and Regional Integration — Latin America in the World System," a compilation which includes ...