

The Rise of the New McCarthyism

NOVANEWS By Robert Parry | Consortium News  Make no mistake about it: the United States has entered an era of a New McCarthyism that blames nearly every political problem on Russia and has begun targeting American citizens who don’t go along with this New Cold War propaganda. A difference, however, from the McCarthyism of the 1950s is that this New McCarthyism has enlisted Democrats, liberals and even progressives in the cause because of their disgust with President Trump; the 1950s version was driven by Republicans and the Right with much of the Left on the receiving end, maligned by the likes of Sen. Joe McCarthy as “un-American” and as Communism’s “fellow travelers.” The real winners in this New McCarthyism appear to be the neoconservatives who have leveraged the Democratic/liberal h...

Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup. The Imposition of a Neoliberal Agenda

NOVANEWS By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research   Forward Forty-four years ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende. The objective was to replace a progressive, democratically elected government by a brutal military dictatorship. The military coup was supported by the CIA. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a direct role in the military plot. (Nixon and Kissinger, image right) For details see:  and references below. In the weeks leading up the coup, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis and members of the CIA held meetings with Chile’s top military brass together with the leaders of the National Party an...

Chilean-Palestinians Slam Pro-Nazi Lobby in Chile

  NOVANEWS People rally in Santiago, Chile, on Aug. 2, 2014, to protest against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. | Photo: AFP The incident comes in the wake of a recent pushback against Palestine solidarity activists in Chile. The Chilean-Palestinian community is decrying pro-Israel adverts in the country’s national press, Hispan TV reported. RELATED: Chilean Organizations Support Palestine Hunger Strike The ad in the Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, came in response to another one published by Palestinian activists in the country, in both El Mercurio and El Observado newspaper, that denounced “50 years of occupation and apartheid in Palestine.” The incident comes in the wake of a pushback against Palestine solidarity activists in Chile and their involvement in the ...