
Intervention of Emilio Lozada Garcia, Head of the International Relations Department of the CCPCC at the XXIII EIPCO, 20 October 2023

Intervention of Emilio Lozada Garcia, Head of the International Relations Department of the CCPCC at the XXIII EIPCO, 20 October 2023

Posted by: John Phoenix On behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba, Emilio Lozada Garcia, Head of its International Relations Department addressed the 23rd edition of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, Türkiye, 20 October 2023. Dear Kemal Okuyan, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Türkiye, Dear comrades, brothers and sisters: I convey to you the warmest greetings on behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba and the most sincere wishes that this 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties will be a success in terms of articulation, coordination and effective work of our parties. A year has passed since the last meeting in Havana and the situation faced by the great majorities that we represent and defend has not improved,...
Celac-EU summit and the rise of Latin-American sovereignty
Cuba, Europe

Celac-EU summit and the rise of Latin-American sovereignty

While European diplomacy failed on every front, the confident advance of the anti-imperialist bloc was unmistakable. Proletarian writers Subscribe to our  channel Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canal told EU leaders in no uncertain terms: ‘Latin America and the Caribbean is no longer the backyard of the United States. Nor are we former colonies that require advice. Nor will we accept being treated as simple suppliers of raw materials.’ Eight years after the last meeting between the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the European Union (EU) in June 2015, European and Latin-American leaders met for a third summit on 17 and 18 July 2023. In the intervening years, political and economic conditions have markedly changed. The growing inf...
Cuba’s Worsening Food Crisis Means US Blockade Must End Now, Not Later
Cuba, USA

Cuba’s Worsening Food Crisis Means US Blockade Must End Now, Not Later

BY W. T. WHITNEY Photograph Source: Susan Ruggles – CC BY 2.0 At a meeting in Havana on August 11 attended by government ministers and the press, Cuban National Assembly President Esteban Lazo communicated a message to Cuba’s Minister of Agriculture from the Assembly, whose recent session ended on July 22. The ministry would be “transforming and strengthening the country’s agricultural production,” to initiate “a political and participatory movement that would unleash a productive revolution in the agricultural sector.” The National Assembly dealt primarily with Cuba’s present food disaster. The lives of many Cubans are precarious due to food shortages, high prices, and low income. Information emerging from the Assembly’s deliberations attests to the reality of crisis...
European Parliament Approves Vicious Anti-Cuba Resolution
Cuba, Europe

European Parliament Approves Vicious Anti-Cuba Resolution

BY W. T. WHITNEY Photograph Source: Diliff – CC BY-SA 3.0 Signs were evident. Touring Spain in May, the Cuban musical duo Buena Fe (Good Faith) had their concerts disrupted by thugs; some were canceled.  A month later in Paris, protests orchestrated by a Cuban émigré university professor forced a prestigious poetry festival to withdraw the honorary presidency it was going to award Cuban poet Nancy Morejón. On July 12, Cuba’s unstable relations with European governments went downhill fast. The European Parliament approved a “Resolution on the state of the EU-Cuba PDCA in the light of the recent visit of the High Representative to the island.” There were 359 votes in favor, 226 against, and 50 abstentions. The PDCA is the Politica...
May Day in Cuba: Solidarity Against the Embargo

May Day in Cuba: Solidarity Against the Embargo

BY WALTER SMOLAREK Photograph Source: Susan Ruggles – CC BY 2.0 This year’s May Day celebration in Cuba was interrupted by severe storms that knocked out electricity in much of the country. Authorities had no choice but to postpone the traditional mass marches. But for over 150 young grassroots organizers from the United States who had traveled to the country to mark the holiday, this turn of events was just more reason to deepen their efforts to end the U.S.-imposed blockade of the country. Miya Tada, a brigade participant from New York, explained how this showed that “the biggest obstacle the Cuban people are facing is the repression and economic warfare of our own government, and that just inspires me to further the struggle against the blockade back in the United Sta...
A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments

A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments

BY EVE OTTENBERG Photograph Source: Keith Ruffles – CC BY 3.0 Defending itself from the extremely hostile bully to the north is old hat and a constant activity for Cuba. This was especially so, after the collapse of the USSR and European socialism roughly 35 years ago nearly crushed Cuba, which immediately lost its chief trading partners, while the U.S. blockade strangled it. Forced to turn inward, Cuba strove to improve its productivity and workforce, without damaging the twin foundations of the revolution, education and health care. That it did so, that this small, besieged nation turned a dangerous even deadly situation around, happened thanks to the efforts of committed revolutionaries like Pedro Ross, who helped found the workers’ parliaments – specifically to save the...
Marxism and Colonialism
Cuba, Politics, Venezuela

Marxism and Colonialism

Marxism and Colonialism: An Interview with Vijay Prashad BY JOSÉ ERNESTO NOVAEZ Photograph Source: Soman – CC BY-SA 2.5 Vijay Prashad  is above all a militant. His intellectual work is an attempt to understand and respond to some of the great challenges of our time. Of Indian origin, this Marxist historian has displayed an intense vital activity that has taken him to numerous countries, always in defense of the cause of humanity.He currently works as executive director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, a task that alternates with his work as a teacher and researcher at various universities, as well as with a prolific work in which we can highlight texts such as The Darker Nations, The Poorer Nations and the most recent Th...
The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked

The Havana Syndrome Case Cracked

BY ROGER HARRIS The U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba. Photograph Source: U.S. Department of State – Public Domain The Havana Syndrome was first reported in Cuba in 2016. The mysterious malady initially afflicted US embassy staff in Havana, especially those attached to intelligence missions. It then spread to Canadian embassy officials. The sudden headaches, debilitating dizziness, and hearing excruciatingly painful sounds struck both at work and at home. Oddly, the Cubans themselves appeared immune to the pathology. Soon other cases of what the US Defense Department called “anomalous health incidents” (AHIs) were reported in Russia, China, Colombia, Uzbekistan, and then even in the US. This mass psychogenic illness was experienced mostly by US government spies, diplomat...
A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments

A Socialist Survival Tactic: Cuba’s Worker Parliaments

BY EVE OTTENBERG Photograph Source: Keith Ruffles – CC BY 3.0 Defending itself from the extremely hostile bully to the north is old hat and a constant activity for Cuba. This was especially so, after the collapse of the USSR and European socialism roughly 35 years ago nearly crushed Cuba, which immediately lost its chief trading partners, while the U.S. blockade strangled it. Forced to turn inward, Cuba strove to improve its productivity and workforce, without damaging the twin foundations of the revolution, education and health care. That it did so, that this small, besieged nation turned a dangerous even deadly situation around, happened thanks to the efforts of committed revolutionaries like Pedro Ross, who helped found the workers’ parliaments – specifically to save the...
Cuba is Not a State-Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba is Not a State-Sponsor of Terrorism

BY NOAM CHOMSKY – VIJAY PRASHAD Photo by Ricardo IV Tamayo Cuba, a country of 11 million people, has been under an illegal embargo by the United States government for over six decades. Despite this embargo, Cuba’s people have been able to transcend the indignities of hunger, ill health, and illiteracy, all three being social plagues that continue to trouble much of the world. Due to its innovations in health care delivery, for instance, Cuba has been able to send its medical workers to other countries, including during the pandemic, to provide vital assistance. Cuba exports its medical workers, not terrorism. In the last days of the Trump administration, the U.S. government returned Cuba to its state sponsors of terrorism list. This was a vindictive act. Trump s...